Exercise "Three-minute test". A fun test of attentiveness and conformity, the ability to follow the rules Three-minute test for attentiveness form

Can you accurately follow the instructions below? three minutes?

1. Read all points before doing anything.

2. Write your name in the upper right corner of the paper.

3. Circle the word NAME in the second paragraph.

4. Draw FIVE SMALL SQUARES in the top corner of the paper.

5. Place a CROSS in each of the squares described in step 4.

6. Circle each square.

7. Write your LAST NAME under the heading of this sheet.

8. To the right of the title, write the word YES.

9. Circle items 7 and 8.

10. Place a CROSS in the lower left corner of the sheet.

11. Draw a TRIANGLE above this cross.

12. Fold 738 and 564 into a column on the back of the sheet.

13. Circle the word LEAF in the fourth paragraph,

14. If you have already reached this point, say your NAME loudly.

15. If you are sure that you have accurately followed all the previous instructions, then say out loud: “I have accurately followed all the instructions.”

16. Multiply 28 by 34 on the back of the sheet.

17. Circle the result of this calculation.

18. Count out loud to TEN at normal speed.

19. Make THREE HOLES with a pen at these points

20. If you completed the exercise before the others, say out loud “I’m first!”

21. Now, after reading all the instructions, do only what is written in points 1 and set the end time for the task.

"Tunnel of Desires"

Target: awareness and correct understanding of the problem of human trafficking, awareness and understanding of the needs of victims.

Duration: execution time - 15 - 20 minutes, discussion time - 15 minutes.

Necessary materials: signs with inscriptions.


3 volunteers are selected from the group (“victim”, “recruiter” and “buyer”).

All other members of the group receive signs with the inscription:

1) unemployment,

2) lack of livelihood,

3) small child/elderly parents,

4) a job with high earnings,

5) passport, visa,

6) customs,

7) destination, etc.

On the back of plates 4) - 7) you can indicate, for example, factors that prevent the “victim” from returning (an expired visa, lack of money, ignorance of the language, ignorance of the laws of a given country, etc.).

The first three members of the group surround the “victim” from all sides, holding hands. The “recruiter’s” task is to show the “victim” a tunnel consisting of the rest of the group members, and then lead the “victim” through this tunnel to the “buyer” standing at the end of the tunnel.

Moreover, when the “victim” tries to go back, he finds the passage completely closed (with the help of the joined hands of the group members).

Analysis of the exercise.

1) the “victim” freely passes through the tunnel in only one direction to the “buyer”, there is no return; awareness of the feelings of the “victim” while moving both in one direction and in the other;

2) group members act in the “roles” of socio-economic factors involved in the human trafficking system, which allows one to immediately clearly see the mechanism of trafficking;

3) you can try to explore the sensations and feelings of the “recruiter” and the “buyer,” which can also provide additional material for analysis.

Exercise "Three Minute Test"
Oh, what an exercise this is! This is a great incentive for Sabbath school teachers. After you spend it with the staff, teachers will be more serious about preparing for Sabbath school lessons. The exercise helps you rethink...

Yes, what am I telling you! Try it yourself. And then be sure to return to this page.

Exercise text

In this file you will find the text layout for printing the "Three-Minute Test" exercise.


Explanation of the test If you tried to complete the test, but did not understand anything, please read the last paragraph of the task. It sounds like this:“Now that you, according to paragraph 1, have carefully read the entire text, do only what is written in paragraphs 2 and 7”

  • (...pause).
  • How do you feel about this?

How many paragraphs did you read before starting the task?

When I did a similar exercise, I read almost to the end.

There was only one paragraph left for me to read, only one. And this one influenced the entire course of the task.

  • When you do the Three Minute Test in a group, be sure to let participants speak after the task.
  • How about preparing for your Sabbath school lesson? Anything in common?

Let's look at what lessons can be learned from the 3-Minute Test exercise.

Parallels between the test and preparation for a secondary school lesson

For example:


We must be careful enough to study the Bible and school lessons so as not to miss the important things that the Lord has prepared for us.


We miss some important ideas and thoughts only because they are located lower than the rest - in the final part of the text. Sabbath school lessons (and commentaries on them!) must be read to the end.


Before you rush to complete any task, before you get down to business, you need to comprehend it, sometimes even feel it. When you turn to God in prayer, asking Him for wisdom and blessings from above in preparing for the Sabbath school talk, pray to Him that so that you have a complete picture of the whole topic in your head. Ask Him that you can easily.

comprehend the entire lesson and highlight its logical parts, find relationships between them


Rushing is when I am unable to set aside dedicated time to study the Bible and prepare for class. When we hurriedly completed the Three Minute Test, it was as if we were racing against time, and in this rush we could not even afford a few seconds to familiarize ourselves with it.

Complete “immersion” in the Word. Teachers, do not allow yourself to have a superficial attitude towards learning. Get into the meaning of what you read,

get to the bottom of it

to the gems of truth.

  • This is just the beginning. There are other useful lessons to be learned from the Three Minute Test exercise. Let's see what E. White advises us about how to study the Scriptures in order to correctly present the truth in our classrooms. You can use these quotes as part of your teacher group discussion about The Three Minute Test. We must study the Holy Scriptures not simply by skimming the lines, repeating chapter after chapter, without trying to understand the meaning of what we read, but
  • unearth the gems of truth
  • which will enrich our minds and strengthen our souls against the wiles and temptations of the chief deceiver (The Review and Herald, November 28, 1878). The Sabbath school student [and I would add especially the teacher - my note] needs to take his studies seriously, dig deep and with great care seek out the precious pearls of truth hidden in the weekly lessons (ibid.). with us and direct bright rays of light onto its sacred pages (Review and Herald, March 4, 1884).
  • He wants you to develop hard work, learning habit making the most of the talents He has entrusted to you (Counsels for Sabbath School Work).
  • Finding Truth in Scripture requires great humility of mind and heartfelt repentance, as well as a serious desire for God. With a humble spirit, the angels of God will assist in their search.—Counsels for Sabbath School Work, p. 22.
  • But to fully benefit from Sabbath school classes, both parents and children must devote your time to working on Bible lessons, being careful to thoroughly grasp the facts, as well as the spiritual truths which the facts are intended to teach.—Councils for Sabbath School Work, pp. 10, 11.
  • It is impossible to appreciate the good fruits that just one hour or half an hour a day, dedicated to studying the Bible in an atmosphere of joyful, relaxed communication (Ibid.).

If you would like to administer the Three Minute Test Exercise to your church Sabbath School teachers or other group that requires careful Bible study, follow these guidelines. Here they are:

  • Do not distribute or show the text of the exercise until you have explained all the conditions.
  • Strictly warn the group that during the task it is forbidden to consult, disturb other participants, talk or shout. Those who are already familiar with the three-minute test should sit silently.
  • Distribute the task sheet to all participants and time it immediately. Keep order while doing the exercise.
  • The exercise is called the “Three Minute Test,” but this does not mean that it should last exactly 3 minutes. If you see that the group is "ripe", stop the task immediately. Say that time is up.
  • As soon as the time runs out, start the discussion from the last point of the test.
  • As you debrief, you can use the materials suggested above: discussion questions and quotes from Ellen White's books.

Students' computational skills are developed by solving a large number of monotonous examples. To diversify this process, it is important to interest students in obtaining the final result. Nothing is more intriguing than a mystery!

The purpose of entertaining tasks is to instill interest in mathematics, develop intuition, erudition, horizons, ingenuity, logical thinking, awaken mathematical curiosity and initiative, cultivate a culture of mathematical thinking, and deepen students’ knowledge.

It is useful for students to tell some of the creative biographies of famous scientists: how they came to pose the questions of their research, how they found a research method, and how they formulated the final result. This is what creates a creative atmosphere and helps us understand that there is nothing unusual or supernatural in the creative process. The communication of information from the history of science is also useful in cognitive terms, because it contributes to the formation of students’ worldview.

I offer several types of encrypted tasks using historical facts.

attentiveness test


Can you follow all these instructions?

1. Read this text to the end.

2. Write your name in the right corner of this page.

3. Circle the word “Name” in the second sentence.

4. Draw 5 small squares in the top left corner.

5. Write a cross in each square.

6. Draw a circle around each square.

7. Write your name under the heading.

8. Write the word “yes” 3 times under the title.

9. Underline sentence 7.

10. Draw an X in the lower left corner.

11. Draw a triangle around this cross.

12. On the reverse side, multiply 703 by 66.

13. Draw a rectangle after the word heading in sentence 7.

14. Now say your name out loud.

15. If you think you did everything right, say: “I did everything right.”

16. On the reverse side, add 895 to 9726.

17. Circle your result.

18. Count out loud from 10 to 1.

19. Using a pencil, make 3 holes at the top of this page.

20. If you got to this point first, say out loud: “I completed all the previous instructions first, and I am the best at it.”

21. Underline all the odd numbers on this page.

22. Say out loud: “I’m almost done.”

23. Now after you have read carefully, follow only the first and second instructions.

Workshop for teachers on the topic:

"Psychological support for students in preparation for the Unified State Exam"

Target: integration of the efforts of teachers to provide psychological support to students during preparation for exams in final grades.

Tasks : assessment of the significance and effectiveness of teacher support for students in preparing for the Unified State Exam;

familiarizing teachers with the main ways to reduce anxiety in students in a stressful situation, developing their self-control skills based on internal reserves;

playing exercises with teachers aimed atprevention of disorders of the psycho-emotional state of studentsin preparation for exams.

Seminar progress

Slide No. 1

Exercise "Associations" Dear colleagues, please name the association that arises for you in connection with the word “Unified State Exam”. (I analyze the statements, there are positive and negative). To summarize:

Exams have always been, are and will be. If we look at the Unified State Exam situation without perceiving it as a catastrophe, a tragedy, but treat it adequately and consider it as an important stage in a person’s life, opening up opportunities for further development paths, then such a perception of the exam will allow us to effectively overcome all the difficulties that arise on the way to goals, while preserving both our health and the health of our children.

I want to tell you about how it is necessary to provide psychological support to children when preparing for the Unified State Exam,how to help students during such a critical period of time for them.

Your correct actions will largely determine the success of the graduate’s psychological attitude. At the same time, it is important to remember that you can support it only if you yourself emit positive messages, are calm and confident. Those. First you need to pay attention to your mood and only then help the children.

Slide No. 2 Factors that determine exam success

1.Intellectual factor – knowledge of the academic subject, determined by the characteristics of the mental development of students, the level of development of memory, and logical thinking. This is one of the powerful factors influencing the result of passing the exam.

2.Motivational – focus on completing educational tasks and overcoming possible difficulties. This is an individual, personal factor, determined by strong-willed maturity, diligence and hard work. Psychologists have proven that both excessively low motivation and excessively high motivation are harmful. In this regard, the “Golden Mean” rule applies here.

3. Familiarity with the examination procedure. This problem is solved by trial exams and classes based on Unified State Examination texts.

4.Exam preparation strategy . Importantintroduce graduates to techniques and exam preparation techniques so that they can develop their own individual preparation style.

5.Emotional factor – this is the level of anxiety, the ability not to lose composure in stressful situations. Depends on the individual characteristics of the nervous system.

- At what points in the preparation for exams do we- Teachers should first of all pay attention to students? We will find the answer to this question in the process of performing exercises that you can use to support graduates in preparing for the Unified State Exam.

1. Exercise “Three-minute test”

Target: to lead teachers to understand the important role of student attention during the exam.

Performed strictly with a stopwatch. Forms are distributed with the white side up. Turn over only on command.

Instructions: Now I will announce the conditions for completing the test, and after that, all of you, on command, will turn over the forms and begin to perform. The test lasts exactly three minutes and must be stopped after the time has elapsed. You carefully read the task and complete it. All tasks are performed in silence. Please do not disturb other group members. Each of us has a different speed of work. Those who finish earlier than others SILENTLY wait for the entire group to finish the test. So, the time has come! (The test is presented in Appendix 1.)

Test execution analysis.

Raise your hand who managed to complete 15 tasks? From 10 to 15? Who completed 2 tasks? Was it necessary to complete the remaining tasks?

(No, you only need to do the first two).

Conclusion after the exercise: and in the exam:It is important to adhere to certain rules, be attentive, think and only then act!

2. Exercise: “Make your hands into a “lock” .

Target: to train teachers in kinesiological exercises that have a positive effect on the development of mental processes.

- Make a “lock” with your hands. Now look closely at your thumbs. Which hand is on top of your finger? You did it automatically - in the way that is convenient and familiar to you. Now fold your hands in reverse: if the finger of the right hand was on top, now let it be the finger of the left hand.

If you have a feeling of inconvenience and discomfort, this indicates that one of the hemispheres is slightly more developed than the other. Each hand is connected to its own hemisphere of the brain and is an indicator of its activity.You can develop the functions of the “lagging” hemisphereusing simplekinesiological exercises that helpstimulation of cognitive abilities.

For example, with the thumb and forefinger of one hand, we forcefully squeeze the phalanx of each finger of the other hand, starting with the nail phalanx, first in the dorsal palmar, then in the interdigital plane. Then we change hands.

And the following exercises for coordination of movements,strengthening the interaction of the two hemispheres, which also has a beneficial effect on mental activity.
1. Place your hands on your knees crosswise, on command you need to clap your hands 2 times and change hands.

2. Rotate your arm from right to left and at the same time your leg in the opposite direction. Then the other arm and leg.
3. Salute with your right hand, and at the same time extend your left hand forward with your thumb extended, saying: “VO.” Then clap your hands and do the same, but quickly changing hands.

4.Grip the tip of your nose with one hand, and the opposite ear with the other. Change hands quickly.

5. Using two hands at the same time draw a square, a flower, letters, as if the hands were “mirroring” each other.

6.Draw a “cross” diagonally on paper and trace with your eyes the trajectory of writing this sign (you can also use it in the exam).

3. Exercise “Experiment”

Target: to enable students to understand the meaning and necessity of self-control.

Each participant is given cards on which a text is written with a seemingly chaotic set of letters, and is given the task of reading it.

Instructions: You need to read three consecutive passages in 30 seconds:





Did you complete the task right away?

What did you need to complete it quickly? (Abstract, i.e. distract from external stimuli in the form of a non-standard font for writing text)

What quality helped you complete the task? (Composure, not at a loss, looking for a way to solve the task assigned to you)

Self-control - stability in any situation, the ability to make decisions in extreme situations, the ability to control oneself, one’s actions, experiences and feelings.

Using this exercise as an example, we enable students to understand the meaning and necessity of self-control and talk about techniques for developing self-control.

Slide No. 3

Of course, an exam is stressful even for the most prepared student. But stress levels vary. If stress isoptimal stimulus , i.e. the golden mean, to which it is necessary to strive, because the necessary and sufficient amount of anxiety during tests still contributes to the mobilization of forces, the ability to organize oneself, set oneself in a businesslike mood, then this is a normal working state. If the psycho-emotional state during preparation and during the exam reaches extreme points: such as complete indifference or excessive stress, then such a state can interfere with passing the exam.

What thoughts might a child have?excessive stress ? I don’t remember anything, I won’t have time to prepare, I’ll disappoint my parents, I’ll let the school down, that is. a lot of fears and concerns. The following behavioral reactions are present: manifestation of anger, or loss of strength and mood, lack of appetite, or vice versa, its aggravation, trembling, numbness of certain parts of the body. In this state you have to prepare, and thisOut of Service.

What needs to be done to prevent disturbances in the psycho-emotional state of students?

1. It is necessary to develop skills of confident behavior, as well as to identify the resources of students that each of them can rely on in a stressful situation.

(Teachers perform exercises that they can later play out with students.)

Exercise “My Resources”

Target: help students find in themselves those qualities that will help them feel confident in the exam.

Instructions: “Divide a piece of paper into two parts. In one part, write: “What qualities of my personality can I be proud of?” Here you should write down those qualities and characteristics of yours that you can be proud of, that you consider to be your strengths.

Do it!

Now title the second part of the sheet: “How can this help me in the exam.” Next to each of your strengths, you should write how it can help you during preparation or during the exam. (The results of the exercise are announced).

Exercise “Image of Confidence”

Target: Show students other ways they can increase their sense of confidence.

Instructions: “Close your eyes and imagine what image could symbolize a state of confidence for you. Introduced? Now draw this image or symbol.”

After finishing the work, you need to ask the participants to show the drawings and briefly talk about them.


- What was easy?

- Where did you experience difficulties?

- How can this symbol help? (Imagining this symbol in a difficult situation can increase your sense of confidence.)

Slide No. 4

2. It is important for a modern person to have stress resistance; psychologists recommend mastering self-regulation methods behavior in a stressful situation. It's important to teachgraduates to relieve stress using simple psychological methods.

One oftechniques for relieving psychological stress is relaxation, which will reduce internal anxiety.

The most popular of them: breathing, the method of self-hypnosis, i.e. persuasion with words, methods of self-regulation using images. Techniques need to be tested in advance, because they are individual for everyone, one suits some, another suits others, and practice is important.

1) Breathing . By changing the frequency and depth of breathing, we influence muscle tone and brain activity. Slow and deep breathing promotes relaxation and calm.

Exercise “Melt patterns on glass”

Take a deep breath without raising your shoulders. Direct the air into your stomach. When exhaling, lips are slightly parted. Your breath flows as if you are about to melt the frosty patterns on the glass. You feel your warm breath flowing through your lips. Repeat the exercise several times.

Exercise “Blow out the candle”

1. Blow out one large candle. Take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once.

2. Imagine that there are three candles on your hand. Take a deep breath and exhale in three breaths. Blow out each candle.

If we feel that we are calming down, then this exercise is suitable for us.

2) Self-hypnosis. A verbal formula is selected (a simple statement without the prefixes “not”), which is pronounced silently or out loud. It is worth paying attention to the text. Whether you like the formula or not. If you feel more confident and calm down, then the formula is chosen correctly. For example:

I can handle this situation. I'm full of energy. I'm ready for the exam!

I know that my family supports me!

My parents love me no matter what happens!

I'll be lucky!

Everything is fine!

Luck is following me!

3)Use of images. Imagine that you are holding a lemon in your hands, cut off a slice and start eating. How did you feel? (That salivation has increased).

In the same way, to calm down during an exam, you can close your eyes and remember your favorite place( a room with a cozy chair, or a beach with palm trees and gentle surf, or an autumn park strewn with yellow leaves - everything that will bring you into a state of peace and create comfort) with all the details. When you open your eyes, you will return with resources, rested.

As a result of using these techniques, it is possible to switch attention from severe stress, a negative state when a person is ineffective, to something that will lead to the mobilization of strength and the relief of psycho-emotional stress.

After exam:

Recover. Restoring the nervous system means switching gears: relaxing, getting enough sleep, being in the fresh air, visiting relatives and friends.

In fact, children do not just pass exams in academic subjects, they learn to overcome difficulties, test their character, willpower, ability not to get confused, and cope with anxiety.

To relieve teachers’ personal anxiety:

1. Try to be more relaxed about the requirements of the management regarding the preparation and conduct of the Unified State Examination procedure.Your sufficient experience of working in school with various categories of students is the key to your successful work in preparing students for the Unified State Exam..

2. Regularly share positive experiences with colleaguesto prepare your students for the Unified State Exam.

Slide No. 5

Good luck to you and your students!

Annex 1.

Three minute test.

Last name________________________First name___________________________

    Read all points before doing anything.

    Write your name in the upper right corner of the sheet after the word “NAME.”

    Circle the word “NAME” in the second paragraph.

    Draw FIVE SMALL SQUARES in the top left corner of the paper.

    Place a cross in each square described in step 4.

    Outline each square with three concentric circles.

    Write your LAST NAME under the title of this text on the appropriate line.

    To the right of the title, write the word YES in three different languages ​​once each, or in your native language five times.

    Circle items 7 and 8.

    Place a CROSS in the lower left corner of the sheet.

    Draw an ISOSceles TRIANGLE above this cross.

    Circle the word TOP in the fourth paragraph.

    Fold the numbers 896 and 472 into a column on the back of the sheet.

    If you have already reached this point, clearly say your full NAME.

    If you are sure that you have followed all the previous instructions correctly, then say clearly out loud: “I HAVE FOLLOWED ALL INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY.”

    Divide the amount obtained in step 13 by 12 on the back of the sheet.

    Circle the result of the calculation in step 16 and multiply it on the back of the sheet by 17.

    At normal speed, count out loud to TEN.

    Use a pen to make THREE HOLES in the lower right corner of the sheet.

    If you completed the exercise before the others, say out loud “I AM FIRST!” If second, then – “I AM SECOND!” etc.

    Now that you have carefully read the entire text according to point 1, do only what is written in points 1 and 2.

Dmitry Dimitriev October 3, 2017 Executive coach, business trainer, consultant. IP Dimitriev D.V.

A fun test of attentiveness and conformity, the ability to follow the rules

I mainly use this test in trainings to warm up the group.
But sometimes it can be used when working with candidates, for example, in order to reduce their level of anxiety (during a discussion of results) or to actually see what their level of attention is, how much they are able to break out of the routine and look at the situation from the outside.


LAST NAME ________________ NAME _____________________

Can you complete it exactly in just three minutes below listed instructions?

  1. Read all points before doing anything.
  2. Write your name in the upper right corner of the sheet after the word “NAME”.
  3. Circle the word “EXERCISE” and PLACE AN ACCESS SIGN IN IT.
  4. Draw SEVEN SMALL CROSSES in the upper left corner of the paper.
  5. Circle each cross from point 4 with an oval.
  6. Trace each oval three concentric diamonds.
  7. Write your LAST NAME under the title of this test on the appropriate line.
  8. To the right of the title, write the word NO in three different languages ​​once each, or in your native language five times.
  9. Circle items 11 and 4 with a REMOBIC.

10.Place a CHECK in the lower left corner of the sheet.

11.Draw a RECTANGULAR TRIANGLE above this checkmark.

12.Circle the word SURNAME in the seventh paragraph.

13.Fold the numbers 375 and 951 into a column on the back of the sheet.

14.If you have already reached this point, clearly pronounce your NAME AND PATRONIC.

15.If you are sure that you have followed all the previous instructions correctly, then say clearly out loud: “I HAVE FOLLOWED ALL INSTRUCTIONS EXACTLY.”

16.Divide on the back of the sheet the amount obtained in step 13 by 17.

17. Circle the result of the calculation in step 16 and multiply it on the back of the sheet by 12.

18.At normal speed, count out loud to NINE.

19. Use a pen to make THREE HOLES at these points (try not to damage the results of your calculations): o o o

20. If you completed the exercise before the others, say out loud: “I AM FIRST!” If - second, then - “I AM SECOND!” etc.

21.Now that you have carefully read the entire text in accordance with paragraph 1, do only what is written in paragraphs 1 and 2.

Manicure and pedicure