Coach Tarasova has children. Coach Tatyana Tarasova: biography and personal life. Tatyana Tarasova - biography of personal life

Name: Tarasova Tatyana

Age: 72 years old

Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia

Height: 1.62 m

Activity: Soviet and Russian figure skating coach

Family status: widow

Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova is an international master of sports and an honored coach of the USSR and Russia in figure skating. Many people are interested in learning more about the biography and family of this famous personality, known not only for his professionalism, but also for his extremely difficult character.


Tatyana Tarasova was born on February 13, 1947. in Moscow. The girl’s father was Anatoly Vladimirovich, a hockey player and then the national team coach. Under his leadership, the team, starting in 1963, became the winner of international tournaments for nine seasons. Nina Grigorievna, Tanya’s mother, taught physical education.

Tatyana Tarasova with her parents

Tatyana became the second child in the family - she had an older sister, Galina. The baby's upbringing was similar to Spartan. The girl learned to swim at the age of four, after her father threw her into the sea. This method seemed to him the most effective. Tanya went to the skating rink at the age of five.

During her school years, the girl was forced to play additional sports - such was the will of her father. Before school, she did exercises and did laps in the yard near her house. Moreover, Anatoly Vladimirovich did not care at all what the weather was like outside the window.

Tatyana Tarasova in childhood

According to her older sister Tatyana, her father always watched the little athlete from the balcony during her training. It was important to him that the girl do her “work” efficiently and conscientiously.

Interesting! Probably, this style of raising Tatyana can be explained by the fact that the family already had a daughter, and the parents dreamed of a son.

From the age of six, Tanya went to training on her own, received a rating in diving and often played hockey with the boys.

Figure skating

Figure skating immediately brought Tatyana Tarasova popularity. In 1966 She, together with G. Proskurin, performed at the World Universiade, which ended in triumph for the pair of skaters. The young talented girl was admired by millions.

Tatyana Tarasova and Georgy Proskurin

However, soon after her first significant victory in her career, Tatyana Anatolyevna was faced with great disappointment - she received a serious injury. The girl risked ending a career that had barely begun. Unfortunately, this is what happened.

But Tatyana’s love for figure skating was so great that she was not ready to say goodbye to this sport forever. Tarasova recovered from her injury and decided that she would become a coach.

Tatyana Tarasova in her youth

Coaching career

Tatyana's decision to become a figure skating coach was received ambiguously not only by the girl's parents, but also by society. Anatoly Vladimirovich did not believe that his daughter would be able to achieve serious success in her chosen field, because she did not have the necessary knowledge and experience.

Tarasova's decision remained unshakable. The purposeful girl took her studies seriously and successfully expanded her theoretical base every day. The group with which Tatyana worked successfully performed in various competitions and took prizes. After some time, Tarasova received the honorary title of Honored Trainer of the USSR.

Interesting! Tatyana Tarasova became the youngest coach who was awarded the honor of being called honored.

The father watched his daughter’s achievements as a coach for a long time and still admitted that Tatyana fully lives up to her surname, which has already become a real symbol of victories on the ice. Anatoly Vladimirovich called his daughter a colleague - there simply could not have been better praise for Tarasova.

Tatyana Tarasova and her charges

Tatyana Anatolyevna is the director of such ice performances as “The Snow Queen”, “The Nutcracker”, as well as some others. In the future, this experience will come in very handy for the woman - she will become the chairman of the jury at ice shows that were broadcast on Channel One. Participation in such projects will become Tarasova’s main occupation for a long time.

Tatyana Tarasova in the show “Ice Age”

Tatyana Anatolyevna considers the most successful moment in her creative biography to be the moment when A. Zaitsev and I. Rodnina, who in the future would become real figure skating stars, joined her section. The young athletes were confident that this particular specialist was capable of developing their talent, as well as fully unleashing their full potential. And they were not mistaken in choosing Tarasova as a coach - a couple of skaters simply soared above the ice. Tatiana's other students also showed significant progress.

However, despite being demanding and strict, Tatyana Tarasova always treated her charges with great respect and love. She never left her students halfway. Even if the athlete was not considered promising.

Tarasova is an excellent psychologist. One of her strongest qualities as a coach is her ability to subtly sense the personality and character traits of the person she works with. An individual approach to each ward allowed Tatyana Anatolyevna to reveal the athlete’s potential with maximum efficiency.

Interesting! Most of his birthdays T.A. Tarasova celebrated with her large sports “family.”

Tatyana Tarasova celebrated her 70th birthday on a grand scale

Fans of Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova are probably interested in learning more not only about her biography, family and children, but also seeing photos of the woman in her youth.

Personal life

Tatyana Tarasova was married three times. True, the woman’s personal life was happy only with her third husband.

Her first husband was Alexei Samoilov, an actor at the Sovremennik Theater. Their life together lasted only two years. The marriage was dissolved by mutual consent and without any claims against each other.

Tarasova’s second husband’s name was Vasily Khomenko. Unfortunately, the man died tragically in 1976. Tatyana Anatolyevna does not like to remember the events of those years, and journalists who conduct interviews try not to ask the woman questions on this topic.

Tarasova’s third chosen one was the famous pianist Vladimir Krainev. The talented musician lived and worked in Hannover. Tatyana could talk for hours about the achievements of her beloved husband. The woman built a strong family with her chosen one - their marriage lasted more than thirty years.

Tatyana Tarasova and her husband Vladimir Krainev

Vladimir’s serious illness prevented the couple’s further happiness together. In 2011 Tarasova's husband passed away. This was a very strong blow for Tatyana Anatolyevna, who doted on her loved one. Her students and work helped her cope with the tragedy. Children never appeared in the Tarasova family.

Now you have learned a little more about the biography and personal life of Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova, and also saw several of her family photos.


Tatyana Anatolyevna has a very difficult character. This is confirmed by the scandals that the woman periodically caused at ice shows. So, she “made” several barbs at Dmitry Shepelev, who was invited to the “Ice Age” show - she did not like the ratings that the man gave to one of the couples after the performance. Tarasova was also outraged by the “blatant lack of professionalism” of Yuri Nikolaev.

Surely, people also remember Tatyana Anatolyevna’s quarrel with Marat Basharov. This happened on a program hosted by Andrei Malakhov. Tarasova persistently asked Marat to apologize to his wife, whom he beat, as well as to all women who were subjected to physical violence by men who were intoxicated.

We have already told you about the biography and personal life of Tatyana Tarasova, and now there are some interesting facts about the celebrity:

  • Tatyana Anatolyevna has experience working not only in her homeland, but also abroad - she periodically trains athletes in the USA.
  • In the mid-eighties, Tarasova, together with E. Tchaikovskaya, became the founder of the ice theater, which lasted 14 years.
  • Tatyana still communicates with her first husband and is on friendly terms.
  • Tarasova's second husband committed suicide.
  • Before her third marriage, Tatyana and her friends visited a fortune teller, who told her that soon the woman would be married for the third time, and her chosen one would be a short man.
  • Tarasova is a professional writer. She wrote two books that tell readers about Tatiana’s life.

Tatyana Tarasova now

Spring 2017 The World Figure Skating Championships took place in Helsinki. Tarasova became the official commentator for this large-scale event on television.

In the same year, the honored coach celebrated her seventieth birthday at Luzhniki. The number of those who wanted to congratulate the woman on this date turned out to be so large that the organizers of the event were forced to create as many as three shows.

Tarasova continues to pass on her own knowledge to her students. Moreover, she does this not only in the Russian Federation, but also in the United States of America.

Now Tatyana Anatolyevna, who has trained a record number of champions, continues to work actively - she is a consultant in the Federation.

Tarasova’s fans also note that she has lost a lot of weight. We can say with confidence that the woman’s struggle with excess weight was successful, because she lost about 40 kilograms.

Tatyana Tarasova before and after losing weight

Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova to this day is the standard of professionalism and dedication to her work. We hope that from our article you learned a lot about the biography and family of the celebrity.

Do you consider Tarasova an outstanding coach?

Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova was born on February 13, 1947 in Moscow in the family of the famous hockey coach Anatoly Tarasov, who put the girl on skates at the age of four. The father was demanding of the girl, personally supervising the training, not allowing any weakness or laziness to show. He instilled in her a love of ice, seeing great potential in little Tanya. Tatyana Anatolyevna’s mother, Nina Grigorievna, a physical education teacher, also supported the children’s passion for sports. After all, Tanya was the youngest of two daughters in the Tarasov family. Little is known about Tatyana Anatolyevna’s older sister. She did not connect her life with professional sports, devoting herself to teaching.

Meanwhile, Tatyana Tarasova was making serious progress in figure skating. In the period from 1964 to 1966, together with Georgy Proskurin, they became bronze and then silver medalists at the USSR Figure Skating Championship. And in 1966, at the Winter Universiade they managed to win gold. However, the injury she received at the age of 19 was incompatible with continuing her professional activities as a figure skater, and Tatyana Anatolyevna decides to try herself as a coach.

Being a tough, demanding, but dedicated and talented coach, she managed to train athletes capable of winning the most prestigious awards in the world of figure skating. Tatyana Anatolyevna’s students have 41 gold medals of the World and European Championships and gold medals of the Olympic Games won in different years by I. Rodnina and A. Zaitsev (1976, 1980), N. Bestemyanova and A. Bukin (1988). ), M. Klimova and S. Ponomarenko (1992), I. Kulik (1998), O. Grischuk and E. Platov (1998), A. Yagudin (2002).

Tatyana Anatolyevna’s creative potential was reflected in the All Stars ice theater created together with Elena Chaika in the mid-80s. The theater existed for 14 years and traveled around the world with a cast that included famous figure skaters.

In the 90s, when a difficult situation was developing in the country and sports began to be forgotten, Tarasova decided to continue coaching abroad. During these years, the coach worked with such athletes as Sasha Cohen, Denis Ten, Johnny Weir, Shizuka Arakawa. Only in 2005 did she return to Russia, agreeing to take part in the projects “Stars on Ice” and “Ice Age”, heading the jury of these shows.

Being a brilliant trainer, Tatyana Anatolyevna is the owner of a number of awards and titles, including Honored Trainer of the RSFSR, Honored Trainer of the USSR, Order of the Red Banner of Labor and “For Services to the Fatherland” of the fourth degree.

Personal life

Tatyana Tarasova’s personal life was not easy. The first marriage with actor Alexei Samoilov lasted two years. The unwillingness to sacrifice one's work for the sake of one's personal life led to the breakup of the family. Tanya Tarasova’s second marriage to track and field athlete Vasily Khomenkov was out of great love. But Vasily’s death at the age of 29 did not allow family happiness to happen. She took the loss seriously, finding salvation in constant work. One day, while visiting a friend, Tatyana Anatolyevna met Vladimir Krainev, already a famous pianist by that time. The 35-year-old musician was as passionate about his work as she was. They easily found a common language, were understanding of the need for constant travel, and they always had something to talk about. And on March 2, 1979, during a short meeting, Tatyana and Vladimir registered their marriage.

Tatyana Anatolyevna lived in a happy marriage with Vladimir Vsevolodovich for 33 years. They also had jointly created musical compositions, which she used in staging numbers. But it all ended in May 2011, when news of his sudden death came from Hannover, where Vladimir Krainev taught at the conservatory. And again, Tatyana Anatolyevna looked for strength to survive this loss in work.

None of her marriages resulted in the birth of children. She put it off until later, and then it was too late. Therefore, Tatyana Anatolyevna considers her students to be children who did not happen to her, she supports and cares for them like a mother. And he also loves his nephew and his three children very much and considers them his own.


  • Tatyana Tarasova, biography, news, photos!
  • Tatyana Tarasova: biography, personal life, photo
  • "How will I live without him?" 33 years of happiness by Tatyana Tarasova
  • Tatyana Tarasova: biography, personal life, weight loss (photo)

Tip 2: Viktor Tarasov: biography, creativity, career, personal life

Viktor Tarasov is a Soviet and Belarusian film and theater actor. He was awarded the title of People's Artist of the USSR. He played in the following films: “The Ring of the Passing Summer”, “State Border”, “Atlantes and the Caryatids”, “Sails of My Childhood”, “I Loved You More than My Life”, “Last Inspection”, “You Can’t Choose Friends”, “Impatience of the Soul” ”, “Wise Man”, “Ay love yu, Petrovich”, “Come and See”, “Tuteishia”.

The future artist did not dream of a film career. A director approached a schoolboy and his friends on the street and offered to act as an extra.

Theater formation

The future artist was born in 1934 in Barnaul, on December 29. The family moved to Minsk in 1948. There, Viktor Pavlovich completed his school course and became a student at the Theater and Art Institute of Belarus.

Education was completed in 1957. From that time on, the biography of the actor of the Yanka Kupala Drama Theater began. Cinema came into his life again in 1960. His notable debut was his role in the film “First Tests.” In the film, the artist played Aksen Kal.

Since 1984, Tarasov joined the Union of Cinematographers of the Belarusian SSR. He was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Republic. For his work in the television production “People in the Swamp,” Tarasov was awarded People’s Artist of the Belarusian SSR, and then the USSR.

Tatyana Alekseeva, also an actress, became Viktor Pavlovich’s chosen one. After the couple broke up, Nina Piskareva became Tarasov’s wife. A child appeared in the family, daughter Ekaterina.

The basis of Viktor Pavlovich’s work was theater. He participated in many productions. In Gogol's "The Inspector General" the artist was the Governor. He took part in Chekhov's The Seagull. In the play based on Gorky’s work “At the Lower Depths,” the actor played the Baron.

The famous performer played Mikhail in the play “Levonikha in Orbit.”

Significant performances

According to the plot of Makaenka's play, collective farmer Lyavon Chmykh recognizes public property as personal property. He even prefers to steal hay for his beloved cow rather than prepare it himself. The father refuses to give his daughter consent to marry the livestock specialist. He motivates his decision by the fact that in a comfortable house there is no garden plot. And the main reason for the refusal is that there will be no free worker on Chmykh’s vast farm. And he had such hopes for his son-in-law!

Having heard that the plots were planned to be cut down, Lyavon hastened to complain upstairs about the invaders. At the signal, a check arrives. But its results lead to a completely unexpected outcome for Chmykh.

In the production of Nettle’s work “People and Devils” the artist became Kuzmin. The actor played in “Challenge the Gods”, “The Third Pathetic”, “A Million for a Smile”, “The Last Crane”, “Amnesty”, “Eccentric”, “Duck Hunt”.

Tarasov was also involved in dubbing. He took part in the work on the cartoon “Fidget” in 1983.

In the film-play “Last Chance” the performer reincarnated as Teslenko.

In the story, graduate student Anna Ivankeich comes to her native village. She hasn't been here for two decades. In the silence of her aunt’s house, she intends to write her dissertation.

TV work and cinema

Tarasov played in the television production “The Blinded Apostle.” The action takes place in an ordinary-looking family. It has both parents and two children, a boy and a girl. The son is a strange child. He enjoys spending time reading, watching TV, and listening to political commentary.

His political savvy and erudition make adults smile condescendingly. Mom and Dad are going through a divorce. They also decided to share the children. The boy will be taken by his father, the girl will remain with her mother. Everyone begins to experience discomfort very quickly. They have to live together, the parents are unable to establish a personal life, and the children have to watch the growing conflict.

The son decides to reconcile the adults. He tells them the whole truth. Nobody needs the truth. As a result, the baby is found guilty. He suffers for his vision of the world. The ending of the play is tragic, but open. The audience cannot see in the dark what happened to the main character. They can't figure out if he's alive. Everyone gets to this point on their own.

In 1957, the artist starred in the role of a policeman in the film “Our Neighbors.” Tarasov was not listed in the credits. From 1960, he worked for a year on the film “First Tests” in the image of Aksen Kal.

The performer starred in “Breakthrough” in the film anthology “Tales of Youth.” He played Fedor. In 1965 Tarasov became Pavel Petrovich Chizhov in “Accident”.

Driver Panachuk hurries to Gorsk. He takes on additional passengers along the way. The driver tells the policeman who stopped him that he saw a crashed car with an injured person. A little later, a letter arrives at the department accusing Panachuk of causing the accident.

The version is effectively promoted by the young prosecutor Chizhov. He presents evidence against the driver, but the investigator is in no hurry to announce the verdict.

Filming in recent years

In 1967, Viktor Pavlovich was Andrei Zhelyabov in the film about Sofya Perovskaya. He became Rechkov in the film “Next to You” and Buryak in “Triple Check”. Then he reincarnated as Nikolai Ivanovich for the film “Vulcan and I.”

The film was based on the work of Yuri Yakovlev. It tells about a boy who saved a puppy from bullies. The boy raised the dog to be a border dog.

From 1970 to 1972, the performer participated in the work on the film “The Ruins Are Shooting.” He played Semyon. Then the image of Nicholas II was embodied in “The Collapse of the Empire.” Vladimir Nikolaevich Tarasov was in “Day of My Sons”. “Next was the whole royal army.”

The main character, journalist Jack Burden, happened to fall under the charm of politician Willie Stark. He turns into an idol for the press officer. However, over the course of frequent communication, the journalist makes the assumption that Stark is imperfect. He once tried to change the world, but, having gained power and authority, he quickly turned into those whom he so wanted to overthrow.

Yuri Biril Viktor Pavlovich visited “Batka”, and in 1972 he took part in the film “The Seventeenth Transatlantic”. Playing artist in “The Washington Correspondent”, “Flame”, “Just One Night”. Since 1979, he starred in “Starting Point” as a general. The image of a responsive and sensitive bus driver in the film of the same name became unforgettable. The character turned out to be surprisingly realistic. The actor brilliantly performed the most diverse roles, although he acted quite a bit. Tarasov died in early February 2006.


  • Tarasov Victor: biography and creativity

Tatyana Tarasova is known to figure skating fans as a professional and competent coach who has educated and trained a record number of future winners of the World Championships and Olympics. But even now Tatyana is full of strength and plans for the future: she is still working in the world of figure skating and heads the jury in ice shows. While doing what she loved, Tarasova did not have to sacrifice her personal life. Despite the fact that she and her husband did not have children, she was able to realize her parental potential by raising her many students, who became like family to her.

Tatyana Anatolyevna was born in 1947 in Moscow. Her father, Anatoly Tarasov, is a famous hockey player and coach, and her mother was a physical education teacher. Her sister Galina also grew up in the family, who found recognition in pedagogy after working as a school teacher for many years. When the girl was four years old, her parents put her on skates. From that time on, figure skating became firmly established in her life. Performing in tandem with Georgy Proskurin, the young athlete achieved success at the World Universiade, held in 1966. However, a year later Tarasova was injured, which forced her to leave the sport.

She found a use for herself by teaching young skaters and staging numbers. Among her famous students are such athletes as Natalya Bestemyanova, Alexander Zaitsev, Irina Moiseeva, Andrei Minenkov, Johnny Weir, Shizuka Arakawa and many others. During her coaching work, Tatyana Anatolyevna received her education at the Institute of Physical Education.

In the photo Tatyana Tarasova with her father

In the 90s, Tarasova created an ice theater, where she had to be not only a mentor, but also a director and choreographer. Figure skating stars performed all over the world with their favorite performances. Since 2006, her collaboration with television began, where the renowned coach served on the jury of numerous ice shows aired on Channel One.

Tatyana Anatolyevna’s personal life did not develop happily right away: her first two marriages were unsuccessful. The union with her first husband, actor Alexei Samoilov, lasted about two years. However, the former spouses separated without scandals and remained good friends for a long time. Now he lives in France. The athlete's second husband was track and field athlete Vasily Khomenkov, but the man died tragically in 1976. Tarasova loved him very much, but she does not like to remember this period.

In the photo Tatiana Tarasova with her husband Vladimir Krainev

According to the famous coach, a fortune teller predicted what her third husband would be like. She said that the future husband will sing and dance. Soon she met musician Vladimir Krainev. This union, which lasted more than 30 years, was very harmonious and happy. The couple often loved to sing together, and many friends always gathered in their house. Unfortunately, children never appeared in this marriage. The husband died in 2011 after a serious illness. Her parents and sister are also no longer alive. Now in Tatyana Anatolyevna’s personal life there are her nephew Alexey and his sons, Matvey and Fedor. Fedya is passionate about hockey, and he is assigned the number 10, which his illustrious grandfather had.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 12/04/2016

Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova (born 1947) is a person without whom it is impossible to imagine world figure skating. In this sport, she trained the largest number of Olympic champions in history.

Her students won 41 gold medals at European and world championships. An outstanding, demanding and strict, uncompromising Russian coach, Master of Sports of the USSR, International class. Daughter of the famous Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov, “the father of Soviet hockey.”


Tatyana Tarasova's parents, Nina Grigorievna and Anatoly Vladimirovich, met at the Moscow Institute of Physical Education. At this university there was a Higher School of Coaches, where both studied. Mom is a skier, father is a playing coach for the Air Force football team and the bandy team. They married in 1939 and lived together for 57 years.

After the end of the war, my mother worked as a physical education teacher at the capital’s Institute of Food Industry, and later moved to the agitation and propaganda department of the Sports Committee. And my father, after ice hockey appeared in the USSR in 1946, found his life’s work, created a great team and glorified the country throughout the world.

Little Tatyana with her parents and older sister Galina

Tatyana’s maternal grandfather worked in the Tula province as the chief physician of a hospital, he performed unique operations. Now his portrait hangs in the local history museum.

The first-born in the Tarasov family was daughter Galina (Tanya’s older sister). My father really dreamed that his second child would be a boy, and he would raise a great hockey player. But on February 13, 1947, the girl Tatyana was born again. Anatoly Vladimirovich was so upset that he didn’t even go to pick up his wife and daughter from the maternity hospital.


Tatiana's childhood years were spent on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street in a communal apartment; the Tarasovs occupied a room of 17 m2. The great happiness was that the house had central heating; there was no need to light the stove.

From an early age, Anatoly Vladimirovich raised his youngest daughter in a Spartan way. Tanya was only four years old when her father taught her to swim in a simple but effective way. He threw the baby out of the boat into the sea and said: “Row.” She still remembers that there was no feeling of fear, because dad was nearby, he would have come to the rescue at any moment. His presence always gave me a feeling of security.

Tatyana was only five years old when her father took the girl to the skating rink in Maryina Roshcha for the figure skating section. From the age of six, she already went to training on her own, traveling by two modes of transport - by metro and then by trolleybus.

School years

When the Tarasovs were given a two-room apartment near the Sokol metro station, Tanya began studying at the Young Pioneers Stadium, which was closer to home. Their paternal grandmother, Ekaterina Kharitonovna, lived with them; she was an outstanding seamstress; the famous artist Vera Kholodnaya once ordered dresses from her. Grandma was constantly reshaping, sewing, re-facing something. Thanks to her, despite the difficult post-war years, Tanya and her sister always dressed well and fashionably.

Girls were taught to work from childhood. My father himself did not like to sit idle and did not give this to others. Strictly supervised the children: if you cleaned the apartment, move on to washing; Finished washing - go iron. One day Tanya hurried into the yard to visit her boy friends and messed around with the cleaning. When the parents found dust under the bookcase, they did not take it with them to Leningrad, where the whole family gathered over the weekend to walk around the city. Tanya sobbed wildly, looking out the window as her parents and sister got into the car. The grandmother then shouted to them from the balcony: “Beasts!” But the elder Tarasovs did not change their decision.

In addition to being a hardworking girl, Tanya was also raised by her father to be a real athlete. He forced her to do exercises outside and run for half an hour before school in any weather. He himself went out onto the balcony and watched to make sure his daughter didn’t make a fuss. When Tatyana complained that she was late for school because of morning classes, her father said that she should get up earlier. With the onset of winter, nothing changed, only it was cold to exercise in the snow in rag Druzhba slippers. Tanya told her father that her feet were freezing, and he retorted: “You run faster, it will get hot.”

Mom always supported this kind of upbringing, but the sisters were not offended by their parents, they were always sure that they were madly loved. To this day, Tatyana Tarasova is grateful to her father and mother for such science.

Sports and coaching career

In figure skating, Tatyana showed good results. She trained in the “pair skating” category, her partner was figure skater Georgy Proskurin. For some time the couple was coached by the famous Elena Tchaikovskaya.

In 1964 at the USSR Championship they came third, and the following year they came second. And in 1966 they won gold at the World Winter Universiade. But while taking a lap of honor, an absurd fall occurred, which put an end to Tarasova’s future career. She fell on the path that led to the podium and was so injured that she had to say goodbye to the great sport. The diagnosis of “chronic shoulder dislocation” did not leave any hope for recovery for the young athlete.

It was a shame, it hurt, but she was not going to accept the fact that her life ended at nineteen. Tarasova decided to enter GITIS. But my father then sternly said: “There have never been and never will be artists in our family. Better go to the skating rink and recruit a group of students. You will always have work." She listened to her dad and trained her first boys at the Young Pioneers Stadium, where she trained herself for many years.

She was not afraid of work or difficulties; she always set the bar very high and tried to surpass it. Her first famous students were Ira Moiseeva and Andrei Minenkov. When they won silver at the Olympics, Tarasova was in seventh heaven. But her father quickly put her down, saying: “We get kicked out of work for second place.” Only when she brought her fifth coaching gold from the Olympic Games did Anatoly Vladimirovich say to her: “Well, hello, colleague.”

Famous Olympic champions – Tatyana Anatolyevna’s wards:

  • Irina Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev (1976, 1980);
  • Natalya Bestemyanova and Andrey Bukin (1988);
  • Marina Klimova and Sergei Ponomarenko (1992);
  • Ilya Kulik (1998);
  • Oksana Grischuk and Evgeny Platov (1998);
  • Alexey Yagudin (2002).

Tarasova with Alexey Yagudin

In 1972, Tatyana Tarasova was awarded the title of Honored Trainer of the RSFSR, and in 1975 - Honored Trainer of the Soviet Union.

For her contribution to the development of physical education and sports in the country, she was awarded the following orders:

  • "Badge of honor";
  • “For services to the Fatherland” IV and III degrees;
  • "Red Banner of Labor" (twice);
  • "Honour";
  • "Friendship between nations".

Since 2005, Tatyana Tarasova has been a consulting coach for the Russian Figure Skating Federation.

Personal life

The great coach devoted her entire life to her favorite sport and raising talented students. Sometimes there was not enough time for herself, Tatyana Anatolyevna has no children, but she was never deprived of the attention of men.

Her first husband was the son of the famous actor Yevgeny Samoilov, Alexey. He then worked at Sovremennik and, thanks to him, Tatyana met the head of the theater Galina Volchek. The acquaintance grew into many years of strong friendship. But the family fell apart quickly, the marriage lasted only two years. Alexey could not stand his wife’s constant absence from home, and she was never able to put family above work. Camps, training and competitions turned out to be more important for Tarasova.

She also failed to become happy in her second marriage with track and field athlete Vasily Khomenkov. They loved each other very much, but it all ended in tragedy. At the age of 29, Vasily passed away; Tatyana still refuses to comment on the cause and circumstances of her husband’s death.

By the age of thirty, Tarasova lived with her parents, sister and nephew, and disappeared all the time at work. One day, actress Marina Neyolova dragged her to a fortune teller, who told Tatyana that today she would meet her most beloved man. After the fortune telling, Tanya went to a friend’s place, where she was introduced to pianist Vladimir Krainev. When she got ready to go home, Volodya volunteered to accompany her. And as soon as they went outside, two rainbows appeared in the sky. Tanya felt that this was a good sign, and later realized: the fortune teller was right.

Tatiana with her third husband, pianist Vladimir Krainev

On the ninth day after they met, Tatyana and Vladimir began to live together, and on March 2, 1979, they officially registered their marriage. They lived 33 happy years. We were often on the road: Tatiana at competitions, Volodya on tour. Krainev always supported his wife in her work, helping with staging numbers and selecting music. Tarasova loved going to his concerts and watching the audience give a standing ovation.

They lived very friendly, cheerfully and hospitably, Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov and Ilya Moiseevna Gershoig (Volodya’s mother) especially sang together. The house was always full of guests, now not only athletes, but also musicians. Tatyana tried to prepare a lot of goodies and feed everyone.

But in May 2011, the happiness ended. Krainev died of a ruptured pulmonary artery in Hanover, where he taught at the conservatory. During the year, Tarasova had to endure two more griefs: her mother and sister passed away. Her strong character, inherited from her father, helped her to withstand all this. They were waiting for her on the ice, Tatyana Anatolyevna gathered all her willpower into a fist and continued to work.

Tarasova was the permanent chairman of the jury in the entertainment show on Channel One “Ice Age”. On the Match TV channel she comments on broadcasts of figure skating competitions.

Tatiana Tarasova - outstanding Russian figure skating coach. Tatiana Tarasova has coached more future Olympic and world champions than any other coach in history. Until 2003, her students won a total of 41 gold medals at the World and European Championships, and until 2004 - 8 gold medals at the Olympic Games in three disciplines out of four possible.

I started working at the age of 19, and this work colored my whole life. From the very first day I always go to training with the same feeling of happiness

Biography of Tatiana Tarasova/Tatiana Tarasova

Tatiana Tarasova is the daughter Anatoly Tarasov, famous hockey coach. At the age of 5, her father introduced her to figure skating: “If she was born a girl, then at least she’ll learn to stand on skates.”

Tarasova dreamed of GITIS and a career as a choreographer, but her father categorically objected, and the girl entered the Institute of Physical Education.

Paired with Georgy Proskurin Tatyana Tarasova won the World Universiade, but due to injury she was forced to end her own figure skating career.

In 1964 she entered State Central Order of Lenin Institute of Physical Culture, from which she graduated in 1969.

Career of Tatiana Tarasova/Tatiana Tarasova

In 1967, she began coaching and setting up programs. Among her students were Irina Rodnina, Alexey Yagudin, Ilya Kulik, Natalya Bestemyanova, Marina Klimova, Sasha Cohen, Alice Dray, Johnny Weir, Shizuka Arakawa, Oksana Grischuk, Barbara Fusar-Poli and others.

“The most difficult thing in figure skating,” admits Tatyana Anatolyevna, “is the selection of music, these four minutes of music that should shock everyone, torment the soul of you and your student. Because the music is primary, and the program that should be skated is secondary.”

In the mid-1990s, she organized a very successful show - the ice theater " All Stars", whose troupe included many famous figure skaters. The theater existed for 14 years. Tarasova performed there in several capacities at once: she was a coach, a choreographer, and a director. Real classical ballet performances were created in the theater: " Night on Bald Mountain", "sleeping Beauty", "Cinderella", "The Scarlet Flower"The repertoire also included series staged by Tarasova." Russians on Broadway"famous Broadway shows" West Side Story", "Phantom at the Opera", "Cabaret", "Corps de ballet", "Cats" and etc.

Tatiana Tarasova has produced more future world and Olympic champions than any other coach in history. Until 2004, her students won a total of 41 gold medals at the World and European Championships, as well as 8 Olympic gold medals in three out of four possible disciplines (Irina Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev (pairs - 1976 and 1980), Natalya Bestemyanova and Andrey Bukin (dance - 1988), Marina Klimova and Sergey Ponomarenko (dance - 1992), Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergey Grinkov (couples - 1994), Ilya Kulik (men - 1998), Oksana Grischuk and Evgeny Platov (dance - 1998), Alexey Yagudin (men - 2002).

“Work has always been everything in my life. And I am a happy person, because while serving my profession, I did not have to sacrifice my family. Unfortunately, God did not give me children, but I realized my parental potential in my students - they all became family to me.”

In 2005 Tatiana Tarasova was appointed coach-consultant of the Russian Figure Skating Federation.

Tatyana Tarasova / Tatiana Tarasova on television in the Ice Age project

In 2006 Tatiana Tarasova became the chairman of the jury " Stars on Ice"on Channel One. The favorites are the winners Tatiana Navka and Marat Basharov.

And in 2007 Tatyana Tarasova became the chairman of the jury "Ice Age" (Stars on Ice-2) on Channel One. Got on the pedestal Roman Kostamarov and Chulpan Khamatova.

“These programs reminded Russians that we have a winter country and that our Ice Age can last almost forever. Thanks to the show, parents took their children to the skating rink. This year, in Moscow alone, instead of the traditional thirty to forty children, about three hundred enrolled in figure skating sports schools! And what’s also important is that such projects show that in sports you have to work hard and hard. Only then can everything be achieved.”

On March 21, 2008, during the World Championships in Gothenburg, T.A. Tarasova was introduced into World Figure Skating Hall of Fame.

"Ice Age 2" aired on September 6, 2008. This season, Ekaterina Gordeeva and Egor Beroev won.

“I come out of filming devastated, they cost me a lot - I waste myself emotionally and physically. It’s hard for me to judge the contestants, I love them all very much. I try to be objective. I like that the guys overcome themselves and learn more and more. And no one wants to leave the project without a fight.”

"Ice Age 3" started in 2009 and was dedicated to the anniversary of Irina Rodnina. The first were Yulia Kovalchuk And Roman Kostamarov. The panel of judges was headed by a permanent Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova.

"Glacial period. Professional Cup" took place in 2012.

In 2013, the next season of the popular project was released: "Ice Age 2013". AND Tatiana Tarasova took the helm.

Personal life of Tatyana Tarasova/Tatiana Tarasova

About your charges Tarasova knows literally everything. She herself remains a sealed secret for students. Tatiana Tarasova She was married three times. Her first husband was the son of the famous people's artist Yevgeny Samoilov. But their union did not last even two years. Second marriage - with track and field athlete Vasily Khomenkov. In 1976 he committed suicide...

About the third spouse, an outstanding pianist Vladimir Krainev, People's Artist of the USSR, Tarasova is ready to talk for hours. They were married for over 30 years. She dedicated her ice performance “Sleeping Beauty” to his memory.

Honored Coach of the USSR(1975), Honored Trainer of the RSFSR(1972).

Awarded two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, Order of Friendship of Peoples(1984) and " Badge of honor" (1976),Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (1998).

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