Svetlana Loboda: news, personal life, biography. Biography of the spectacular Svetlana Loboda: how did she become famous, who is the singer’s husband? Loboda autobiography personal life

And a former member of the VIA Gra group. All this is her - a shocking blonde with a languid look and amazing lips named Svetlana Loboda. The biography of this girl, who conquered the domestic stage, is of interest to many today. What is the secret of the singer’s popularity, challenging everything and everyone?

Choice of profession

A long journey, full of trial and error, is how the successful and now famous singer Svetlana Loboda was created. The star's date of birth is October 18, 1982.

Little Sveta was drawn to creativity from childhood - she took the first step towards music at an early age. After graduating from the Kyiv music school, the future celebrity did not betray her passion and chose the variety and circus academy as a higher educational institution, enrolling in the vocal department.


Success was not long in coming - while still a freshman, the future singer Svetlana Loboda, known to everyone, became a permanent member of the Cappuccino group, in which she took the first step towards her brilliant career. By the way, it was in this girl band that the career of the members of the Alibi group began.

Finding yourself

Soon, participation in a vocal group seemed insufficient to Svetlana, and she moved on to searching for more suitable options. In 2003, a recruitment of performers was carried out for “Equator” - the first Ukrainian musical. Having taken part in the casting, Loboda easily gets one of the main roles and soon appears on stage in the image of a beautiful savage named Mirana.

First professional activity

It was in 2003 that a new star appeared among the talented pop stars - Svetlana Loboda. Her biography during this period takes a new, very successful turn. Being a creative and ambitious person, on December 28 she creates the “Ketch” group, thinking through not only stage costumes, but also the repertoire of the newly formed group.

The girl coped so successfully with the duties of the group’s producer that the entire New Year’s season of “Ketch,” headed by Loboda, did not leave the stages in one of which Dmitry Kostyuk, the then producer of the increasingly popular group “VIA Gra,” drew the attention of Svetlana.

Be the best

Svetlana Loboda, whose biography as a member of the VIA Gra group began during this period, underwent lengthy castings, qualifying rounds for choreography and vocals, numerous tests and auditions. Until the very last rounds, the girl had no idea what kind of team she could get into. Having beaten more than five hundred rivals, Loboda passes the casting and becomes one of the soloists of the group, which then included Vera Brezhneva and the irresistible brunette Nadezhda Granovskaya. At that time, VIA Gra not only topped the domestic charts, but also performed in Germany, Latvia, Israel, Japan, starred in the anniversary issue of Playboy magazine, and was generally at the peak of its popularity.


Constant concerts, interviews, filming, classes in gyms and choreography classes - all this became a full-fledged part of Svetlana’s life when she began working in the group, each song of which became a real hit.

The team's truly resounding success came from a video shot for the song “Biology,” in which the VIA Gra members danced in very revealing outfits, which instantly attracted the attention of a huge audience.

Nevertheless, Svetlana Sergeevna Loboda soon left the team, explaining this with an exhausting schedule, heavy workload and the desire to develop independently.

Freestyle swimming

Many fans of the group “VIA Gra” and representatives of the press considered Svetlana’s departure from the group a big mistake and prophesied the girl’s quick decline, but by the end of November 2004, Loboda’s first video as a solo performer, “Black and White Winter,” was released, and a year later her debut was released album "You Won't Forget"

Since the release of the “Black Angel” video, in which Nadezhda Meikher, a good friend of the performer and one of the former soloists of the group “VIA Gra”, starred, there was only one name on everyone’s lips - Svetlana Loboda. From then on, the girl’s biography became especially rich in creative activity - the singer’s life turned into constant concerts and filming, continuous tours and an endless desire for improvement.

Since 2005, the performer’s career has literally taken off. Every year new albums were released, and the singer’s arsenal became more and more absolute hits.

Outside of musical creativity

In addition to concert activities and work on new compositions, since 2006 the performer has become the host of the Showmania program on the New Channel, and then hosts the Miss CIS competition, held on the TET TV channel.

In 2007, Loboda Svetlana Sergeevna became the owner of her own travel agency “Happy Vacation”, organized a photo exhibition dedicated to India, and on April 23, 2008 released her own clothing line, directly related to her latest creation - the album “Not Macho”.

Be my Valentine

A new milestone in Svetlana Loboda’s career was her victory in the qualifying tournaments of the Eurovision Song Contest and reaching the final in 2009. With a breathtaking show, the performer took to the stage of the Moscow Olympic Sports Complex, where she performed her hit “Be my Valentine”, complementing it with an incendiary drum solo, which allowed her to take 12th place in the final of the song competition.

Special Achievements

In 2011, Svetlana Loboda, whose relationship was largely kept secret, gave birth to a daughter, Evangelina, to whom she dedicated the song “Thank You” from her upcoming album.

In addition to the resounding success of her albums, videos and brand, in 2013 Svetlana Loboda was awarded one of the most important awards in the life of every performer. It was then that she was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Ukraine.”

Loneliness is freedom

A new stage in the performer’s life begins on October 1, 2014, when Svetlana Loboda and her husband Andrei Tsar officially break up. Loneliness for the singer becomes real freedom; she successfully continues her career, performing on the main stages and taking part in leading projects.

In 2015, the performer released a new album called “It’s Time to Go Home” and once again challenges the public with her shocking behavior, revealing outfits and lyrics.

A simple girl from a simple family

The great Henry Ford said that success is just one percent of genius and ninety-nine percent of exhausting, hard work. Svetlana Loboda, whose family was no different from ordinary residents of Kyiv, proved this by her own example. A creative approach to business, irrepressible energy, talent and desire for the best have made a simple girl who graduated from the circus academy into a real celebrity, a beautiful, successful and bright woman, whose star in the firmament of show business becomes brighter with each new album.

From early childhood, Sveta was sent to a music school, where she studied piano, while simultaneously mastering the art of conducting and vocals. After music school, she graduated from the Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy (pop vocal department).

Career. As a freshman, Loboda became a member of the Cappuccino group. However, she soon set off on a free voyage. In 2003, she came to the casting of the first Ukrainian musical "Equator", where she received the main role - the savage Mirana.

In December 2003, Svetlana organized the Ketch group. She comes up with the repertoire and stage costumes. During the New Year holidays, "Ketch" performs in Kyiv clubs, where the group is noticed by the producer of the already very popular project "VIA Gra" at that time.

In 2004, Loboda came to the casting for the VIA Gra group. Thanks to her vocals, choreography and appearance, she beat out several hundred competitors and became a new soloist. Interestingly, until the last rounds of casting, Sveta did not know which group she was being selected for.

Svetlana's first appearance as a member of VIA Gra was a performance in the show competition "Star Factory", and the first video with her participation was the sexy blockbuster "Biology". However, after working in the group for only five months, as stated in the biography on the singer’s website, Loboda realized that she did not want to remain in this group any longer. She lacked freedom, and participation in this group was associated with many prohibitions. The group regime was exhausting Svetlana, and she decided to leave.

After this, the solo stage of his career began. In November 2004, Svetlana Loboda shot the video “Black and White Winter”, and exactly a year later the presentation of the debut album “You Won’t Forget” took place.

A notable event was the release of Svetlana’s fourth video - “Black Angel”. Nadezhda Meikher, a friend of the singer and also a former soloist of VIA Gra, starred in it.

In 2006, Svetlana hosted the “Showmania” program on, and in 2007 she became the host of the “Miss CIS” project on the TET channel. At the same time, the singer acquired her own travel agency, Happy Vacations.

In October 2007, Svetlana organized an exhibition of her own photographs dedicated to India.

In 2008 she released the album "Not Macho". And then came the release of his own clothing line under the “F*ck”n”macho brand.”

In May 2009, with the song "Be My Valentine" ("Anticrisis Girl") she took 12th place in the international Eurovision competition.

In 2010, Svetlana Loboda officially renamed her musical project and registered the brand and trademark "LOBODA". In the summer of 2010 the single "Revolution" was released.

In 2012, LOBODA became a coach in a talent show" Voice. Children" on the channel.

At the end of June 2013, the singer was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Ukraine.”

On November 19, 2016 she received the statuette ""Golden Gramophone"VMoscowfor the song "Fuck Love".

Albums.“You won’t forget” (2005), “Not Ma4o” (2008), “H2LO” (2017).

Civil position. During Russian armed aggression against Ukrainecontinues active concert activity in Russia, performs on Russian television, in particular on Channel One . In addition, he performs at private parties for Russians. oligarchs like in Russia, and beyond.

Ukrainian activists protest against Loboda's speeches in Ukraine.Due to her constant performances in Russia, the singer’s concerts in May 2016 were marked by scandals inIvano-Frankivsk, where activists were able to disrupt the concert, as well as in Ternopil (Shopping and entertainment center Podolyany).

May 28, 2017 in Odessa near the "Ibiza" club, where Svetlana Loboda's performance was supposed to take place, people gathered with posters who demanded the cancellation of the concert, as well as a ban on further performances and deprivation of Svetlana Loboda's citizenship of Ukraine. As a result, the concert was cancelled.

Personal life. Former common-law husband - Andrey Petrovich Tsar (surname at birth Onishchak) (1987, Lvov)- dancer, choreographer , worked with Svetlana Loboda’s ballet and Freedom ballet, DJ and singer. On October 1, 2014, the singer officially announced that she had separated from her common-law husband. Daughter - Evangelina Andreevna Tsar (born April 9, 2011). Daughter - Tilda (born May 24, 2018). The singer does not disclose the name of the child's father.

Songwriter and famous singer Svetlana Loboda was born in the capital of Ukraine on October 18, 1982. During this time, the girl managed to achieve a lot in life and make a dizzying career. It is clear that the celebrity’s biography has long become public knowledge. It is known that Svetlana Loboda’s husband is no less famous than herself. Fans are closely watching how the singer’s personal life develops and what changes occur in her.

Svetlana Loboda has never experienced a lack of attention from the opposite sex. And from the time she appeared on the big stage, there was simply no end to fans. For a long time, Loboda did not dare to burden herself with a serious relationship, but on her life’s path she met her future husband, a choreographer named Andrei Tsar, who collaborated with the singer’s ballet. The couple's relationship developed rapidly and already in 2011 they became parents. Svetlana Loboda and her common-law husband had a daughter, who was named by the rare name Evangelina.

In the photo: Svetlana Loboda, Andrei Tsar and their newborn daughter

Loboda and her first husband never decided to formalize their relationship even after the birth of the child. In 2014, their relationship came to an end. The divorce was quiet and without scandals. They also managed without legal procedures. For a long time, the singer was alone. As Loboda herself stated, she devoted this time to her favorite job, her family and raising her daughter. Svetlana's former common-law husband disappeared from her life forever.

Loboda's husband now

In 2018, for the first time, information appeared in the media headlines that a new man had appeared in the life of Svetlana Loboda. The artist herself carefully hid this fact. However, the latest news also began to note that the public’s favorite is expecting a new addition for the second time. Restless fans learned that the singer had an affair with the lead singer of the famous German group Ramstein. He is 19 years older than his beloved. He has children and a grandson from previous marriages. In total, the singer was married twice. As representatives of the public now claim, Till Lindemann and Svetlana Loboda are seriously thinking about starting their own family, becoming husband and wife. However, the couple does not give official comments on this matter.

In the photo: Svetlana Loboda and Till Lindemann

Svetlana met Til during the Heat festival in 2017, which took place in Baku. The acquaintance happened purely by chance in the VIP zone, but after that a whirlwind romance followed. The artists refuse to comment on this period of their lives.

In May 2018, Loboda gave birth to her second child. She never officially named her father. The baby's name has also not been disclosed. It is known that the girl was born in Los Angeles, in one of the best clinics. The day after giving birth, the happy mother shared a photo on social networks of herself and her newborn daughter. Now Svetlana’s family consists of two wonderful daughters, whom she plans to raise.

In the photo: Svetlana Loboda with her eldest daughter

Svetlana Loboda is a talented performer, television and radio presenter, designer and songwriter.


Biography of Svetlana Loboda

2. Her height is 172 centimeters.

3. Grandfather Vasily was a police and KGB worker, and in his youth he lived for about six months in Cuba, helping to create plans to overthrow the local dictator. He passed away when she was still a child. Grandmother performed opera.

4. Since childhood, she showed musical abilities, loved to play music and sing, so the choice of her future occupation was easy for her. After graduating from school with a musical bias, she decided to enter the capital’s academy for pop vocals.

Career of Svetlana Loboda

5. While studying at the academy, he joins the Cappuccino group. The team had no work for a long time, and she began to perform independently, taking the pseudonym Alicia Horn. Soon she left the team.

6. Then the aspiring star took part in the musical “Equator”, in which she played one of the key roles – Mirana.

7. At the end of 2003, Svetlana decided to start assembling the Ketch team. Soon she passed the selection and became one of the vocalists of VIA Gra. Less than ten months had passed since the talented singer decided to leave the group and began creating her own singles, the first being a track called “Black and White Winter.” The show took place in Russia and Ukraine and enjoyed considerable success.

8. Just two years later, the video for “I will forget you” was able to earn gold at a European music festival. At the same time, she released her debut independent album, which was called “You Won’t Forget.”

9. In 2009, Loboda presented to the public a new single “Be My Valentine”, created specifically for participation in Eurovision. With him, she passed the first stage with flying colors and went to represent the country in the finals. According to the results of the competition, the Ukrainian representative took only twelfth place, earning 76 points, but this did not become an obstacle to leading at the competition concerts and receiving the status of the most popular participant.

10. At the beginning of 2010, I decided to change the name of my project and create a trademark and brand “LOBODA”. Soon she released the single “Revolution”, and then “Thank You”. The latter was dedicated to her daughter. It is also interesting that it was decided to shoot the video for this song in two stages: first, the shooting took place at the late stage of gestation, and the second immediately after the birth of the daughter.

11. In 2013, she was recognized as “Honored Artist of Ukraine,” which was a real success for the girl.

12. Her next song “City Under Ban” received the “Song of the Year 2014” award. Then she premiered her new video for the single “Not Needed,” the filming of which took place in Portugal; this video reflected the girl’s experiences caused by a painful breakup with her husband.

13. In the summer of 2016, the Organizing Committee of the Miss Ukraine contest named her the most unusual and beautiful musical figure in the country.

14. In the fall of 2016, the track “To hell with love” brought her the Golden Gramophone award in the Russian capital.

15. In the spring of 2017, she held a show in the capital, where she presented her latest album to date, “H2Lo,” which she had been working on for several years. Immediately after the album appeared on iTunes, it took first place on the charts in seven countries.

Personal life of Svetlana Loboda

16. For a long period of time, her common-law husband was Andrei Tsar, a choreographer working with her ballet. The couple has a daughter, whom they named Evangelina. However, their happy life together ended three years after the birth of the child. The couple broke up quietly and without scandals. It is likely that this was due to the lack of registration of the couple’s marriage, so they did not need to go through exhausting legal procedures.

17. Representatives of the press strongly associated the couple’s separation with Svetlana’s affair with dancer Nazar Grabar, but the singer and dancer herself deny this. Nazar has been in an open love relationship for a long time, but he only has a working relationship with Loboda.

Interesting things on the site:

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18. The girl has repeatedly stated that she plans to devote herself entirely to work and raising children, and therefore love relationships are not in her first place. The star’s personal page on Instagram only confirms this: many work photos of the star are diluted with warm and family photos with her daughter.

19. In May 2018, she gave birth to her second daughter. The birth took place at the famous Cedars Sinai clinic in Los Angeles, where celebrities such as Madonna, Christina, Kim Kardashian and many others gave birth.

The birth took place without complications, the girl’s weight was 3 kilograms and her height was 48 centimeters. But everyone is much more interested in who the baby’s father is. According to some media reports, the father was the leader of the Rammstein group Till Lindemann, with whom the singer had an affair last summer.

Other interesting facts

20. The video for her single “You Won’t Forget” was stopped airing a month after the premiere due to the fact that it was considered too frank.

21. During the grand opening of Eurovision 2009, the performer came with abrasions and bandages, which quite surprised those present. As it turned out, it was makeup that was used to attract attention to the “Stop Family Violence” campaign. Patricia Kaas also supported her action.

22. Not long ago there was a fairly loud scandal involving the star’s security guards and journalists from the 1+1 TV channel, who illegally invaded her private property to obtain incriminating materials. The story was covered in the talk show “Let Them Talk.”

23. An ambiguous event occurred on September 25, 2018. The girl posted it in “story” with a demonstration of her legs and the comment “For you...” (“For you”). Most likely, the message was addressed to the singer’s secret lover and the father of her newborn daughter.

24. The singer had several concerts planned for October 2018, but all of them had to be canceled due to an unexpected illness. On October 24, Svetlana Loboda was urgently hospitalized and operated on in a Moscow clinic. The kidney operation was successful, Svetlana was recommended to rest in bed, so the concerts will take place on January 17, 18 and 20, and tickets already purchased by the audience will be valid for the new dates.

Svetlana Loboda was born on October 18, 1982 in Kyiv, in the family of Sergei Vasilyevich and Natalya Vasilyevna Loboda. Sister - Ksenia (01/23/1992).

The future star graduated from a music school with classes in piano, conducting and academic vocals. From a young age, Svetlana began to tour actively.

Having received her first musical education, Loboda entered the Kyiv Variety and Circus Academy in the pop vocal department. During this period, the young artist became a member of the musical group “Cappuccino”, whose producer was Viktor Doroshenko.

Svetlana Loboda: “At the music school I was immediately appointed soloist of the choir, which traveled all over Ukraine. At the age of 15 she entered the Kiev Variety and Circus College. And already in my second year I got a job as a jazz singer in a restaurant. The 45-year-old musicians of our ensemble respected me, little one!

After leaving “Cappuccino”, Svetlana played the savage Mirana in the first Ukrainian musical “Equator” directed by Viktor Shulakov.

On December 28, 2003, Loboda assembled her own creative team called “Ketch”. Thanks to this project, she was noticed by one of the producers of the VIA Gra group, Dmitry Kostyuk.

In the spring of 2004, having successfully passed the casting, Svetlana Loboda became the new soloist of the trio VIA Gra, popular in the CIS countries. As part of the group, the singer took part in a tour of Asian cities, starred in the video “Biology” (2004) and the New Year’s musical of the Inter TV channel “Sorochinskaya Fair” (2004).

In November of the same year, Svetlana left the group. Despite the fact that the collaboration with the VIA Gra group did not last long, the artist still maintains a warm relationship with the group’s producer Konstantin Meladze.

Svetlana Loboda: “I worked for another three months, and then we finally broke up. By the way, Kostya Meladze and I remain friends, sometimes he helps me in selecting musical material. They also maintained a warm relationship with Nadya. We also communicate with Vera. I don’t remember my last concert at VIA Gre - it was so uninteresting to me.”
Quote taken from the magazine “7 Days”, No. 13 (03/31/2011)

In December of the same year, Loboda released her first single, “Black and White Winter,” which she recorded together with Taras Demchuk.

In November 2005, Svetlana Loboda released her debut solo album “You Will Not Forget,” which included 8 compositions.

In the same year, Svetlana, who had already become a famous performer, hosted the popular “Showmania” program on the New Channel, and in 2007 she became the host of the “Miss CIS” project on the TET television channel. At the same time, Loboda opened her own travel agency, Happy Vacations.

Svetlana Loboda is actively involved in charitable activities. On October 18, 2007, the singer organized an exhibition of her own photographs dedicated to India. The funds raised at the exhibition were donated to a fund to help children, cancer patients and orphans.

In 2008, the artist created a collection of youth clothing “F*ck the macho”.

In March 2009, Svetlana Loboda represented Ukraine at the Eurovision music competition, which was held in Moscow, with the song “Be My Valentine”.

In 2010, Loboda, in a duet with manufacturer Max Barskikh, recorded the song “Heart Beats”, and then released a video for it, which became the most expensive in the history of Ukrainian show business.

During her career, Svetlana Loboda has created more than 25 video clips, including: “I’ll forget you” (2005), “Bear, ugly boy” (2007), “For what” (2008), “Boy, you’re nothing” (2009), “Revolution” (2010), “In the Light” (2011), “Clouds” (2012), “Under the Ice” (2013), “Kohana” (2013), “Banned City” (2014), “Not Needed” (2015) and others.

Released albums: “Black Angel” (2007), “Wait, Man” (2007), “F*ck The Macho” (2008), “Not Macho” (2008), “Anti-crisis girl (2009), “TBA "(in production, expected in 2015).

On April 9, 2011, Svetlana Loboda gave birth to a daughter, Evangelina, from choreographer and DJ Andrei Tsar. The couple lived in a civil marriage from 2009 to 2014.

On March 26, 2015, the “YUNA” awards ceremony took place at the Palace of Ukraine, where Loboda and Emin won in the “Best Duet” nomination for the composition “Looking at the Sky.”

On May 24, 2018, the singer gave birth to a girl weighing 3 kg and 48 cm tall. The birth took place in Los Angeles at the Cedars-Sinai clinic. The singer does not disclose the name of the child's father.


▪ Honored Artist of Ukraine (2013)


▪ National Olympus Award in the category “Original Performance Style” (2008)
▪ “Song of the Year” Award for the song “City Under Ban” (2014)
▪ YUNA Award in the category “Best Duet” for the song “Looking at the Sky” (together with Emin, 2015)


Spouse - Andrey Tsar, dancer, choreographer, DJ, singer (lived in a civil marriage from 2009 to October 2014)
Daughter - Evangelina (April 9, 2011), from Andrei Tsar
Daughter - (05/24/2018), the singer does not disclose her father’s name
