Modern hair curling methods. Modern chemical hair perm. Modern preparations and products for hair perm

Beautiful wavy locks have always been the pride of a woman. But what to do if nature has not endowed the lady with delightful curls? Nowadays, nothing is impossible, and in order to make your hair curly, you can use perm. The procedure can be done both in the salon and at home. How to make it at home will be discussed further.

About perm

How to do a perm at home? There is nothing complicated about this, just follow the instructions described below.

It is a difficult procedure and allows you to temporarily become the owner of curly hair. This styling helps you always look well-groomed. You can actually get a perm without leaving your home. Before carrying out this procedure, it should be borne in mind that even the most gentle products harm the hair and completely change its structure.

Types of hair curling

There are several types of hair perm, these are:

  • Acidic. Provides long-lasting effect and reliable fixation. Suitable for any type of hair. Severely damages curls. After it is carried out, a number of restorative procedures are required.
  • Alkaline. This is a softer type of curl than an acidic one. Helps create the effect of natural curls. Lasts a long time, but is not suitable for all hair.
  • Neutral. It is the most gentle method. Helps create wavy curls along the entire length, regardless of their condition and type.
  • Amino acid. Suitable for owners of weakened and fragile strands. It not only curls curls, but also nourishes them with proteins and amino acids during the procedure.

Professional stylists come up with new ways to achieve curly hair every day, but despite this, many women wonder how to perm themselves at home.

Preparatory stage

Before you do a perm at home, you need to prepare for it. Twenty days before the event you cannot dye your hair. It would be a good idea to conduct a drug sensitivity test before perming. To do this, apply a little product behind the ear and wait a day. If no allergic reaction occurs, the product can be used; conversely, if there is irritation or rash, it is better to stop using the drug.

Before this event, you should see how the chemical reagent will act on your hair. To do this, a small curl is treated with a curling compound. If after a couple of minutes the strand breaks, then the concentration of the solution is halved. The procedure is repeated on another strand. If your hair still breaks, then you need to give up perm and pay attention to restoring and strengthening your hair.

All products for this event must match your hair type. For long bobbins, choose a larger diameter, for short ones - a smaller one. Be sure to evaluate the condition of your hair before curling. Weak strands should not be subjected to such an event.

Before the procedure, the curls are moisturized, which improves the absorption of the chemical solution, reduces the exposure time of the drug, makes the curl more natural and less damaging to the curls.

Tools for work

Before you do a perm at home with “Lokon”, you need to prepare your tools. For the procedure you will need:

  • a comb with sparse teeth and a pointed end;
  • curlers with a lock or bobbins of the required diameter, about 50-80 pieces;
  • non-metallic containers;
  • foam sponges;
  • plastic clips;
  • beaker;
  • gloves and headband;
  • cellophane cap;
  • two towels.

To create curls, you can use not only “Lokon”, but also ready-made perm kits.

In addition to tools, you will need citric acid or vinegar in a concentration of 6% or 9%, shampoo, restoring balm, which is applied to the hair after “chemistry,” nourishing cream or Vaseline.

Stages of curling "Curl"

To learn how to do a perm at home with Lokon, you need to carefully read the instructions for the product. Perm with this product is divided into three stages: perm, neutralization and fixation.
Each step of this procedure has its own characteristics and is necessary to achieve beautiful curly strands.

Carrying out curling with “Curl”

How to do a perm at home (a photo of the result of the procedure can be seen below) will be discussed further. To carry out the procedure you should:

  • Divide your hair into several parts. Each strand is processed by “Lokon”, combed and wound onto bobbins (curlers). After all the hair is curled, it is covered with a plastic cap and towel. From this moment the curling time is counted.
  • The exposure period is different for all hair. On soft strands, the drug is kept for up to 20 minutes, on normal-type hair - up to 16-18 minutes, on hard curls - no more than 10-12 minutes.
  • After the specified time has passed, you should unfold several curls in different parts of the head and look at the degree of curl. If a curl is not formed, then the strand is wound again on curlers. The next curl control is carried out after five minutes. This is done until the curl takes the desired shape. The maximum exposure time for “Curl” on the hair is 45 minutes.
  • After the curls are formed, the curling agent is washed off without removing the curlers or bobbins, being careful not to mix the strands with each other. A towel is applied to the hair to collect remaining moisture.

After curling the strands, they proceed to the stage of neutralizing the chemical substance.

Carrying out neutralization

To carry out neutralization you need:

  • Dissolve a third of a teaspoon of lemon in a fourth of a glass of water. Grind 4 hydroperite tablets to a powder and add them to the citric acid solution. Add another quarter glass of water and half a teaspoon of shampoo here. That's all - the neutralization composition is ready.
  • Each strand is generously moistened with a neutralizer. The procedure is carried out twice, spending exactly half of the prepared solution on the hair. After treatment, leave the hair for ten minutes.
  • After the specified time, the curls are freed from the curlers and moistened with the remaining solution. Leave the neutralizer for another five minutes.

To fix curls, you can replace hydroperite with perhydrol. Here, half a teaspoon of lemon is diluted in a quarter glass of water and 1.5 teaspoons of perhydrol are added there. Add another ½ cup of water to the resulting mixture. The consumption of the neutralizing agent is affected by the length and thickness of the scalp. The prepared composition must be used immediately and cannot be stored.

Fixation procedure

In order to consolidate the result, a third of a teaspoon of lemon is dissolved in a liter of boiled water and the hair is thoroughly rinsed with this solution. This operation is repeated 3-4 times. After this treatment, the hair is soft and pliable; all that remains is to comb and style it.

If the curls are severely discolored, then the volume of water in the solution should be increased to two liters, the proportion of citric acid does not change.

It’s not difficult to do a perm with “Lokon” at home; you just need to follow the instructions given above. All stages of the procedure must be performed sequentially.

Some ladies are interested in how to perm long hair at home using the “Curl” method. The procedure in this case is performed in exactly the same way as on strands of medium and short length. The only thing is that the curling options may be different. Here you can wind the curlers not along the entire length of the hair, but from the middle, or curl the hair only on the lower part.

How to do a perm at home without “Curl”?

You can do a perm at home without “Lokon” by purchasing ready-made kits for this event at a professional cosmetics store. The procedure includes the following steps:

  • Before curling, you should wash your hair without conditioner or conditioner.
  • Dry the strands slightly with a towel.
  • Curl your hair in curlers, starting from the back of your head.
  • Lubricate the skin around the head with Vaseline along the hairline.
  • Apply curling agent. If you need soft curls, leave for 10 minutes; for strong curls, it takes half an hour.
  • Put on a cap and wrap your hair with a towel.
  • Check the curl by untwisting several curls: if the result is satisfactory, then wash off the product, and if the strand is not curled enough, wait another 5-10 minutes.
  • Next, the hair is treated with a fixative. Leave for 10 minutes, remove the curlers and apply the remaining part of the fixative to the curls again. After 5 minutes, the hair is washed with water.
  • The curls are rinsed with water and vinegar.
  • A restorative agent is applied.

Before you perm yourself at home, you should carefully study the instructions for the finished kit. The curling agent is kept on average for 25 minutes on coarse hair, 20 minutes on medium hair and 15 minutes on fine hair.


Before you do a perm at home yourself, you need to take into account the skin’s tendency to allergies. In addition, the procedure is not performed on weakened and damaged strands or with alopecia. It is forbidden to do “chemistry” to women with bleached hair, as well as to blondes.

Perm is not carried out during the menstrual cycle and a few days after its end. It should not be done to pregnant or lactating women, or if a person is taking strong hormonal medications. Do not resort to the procedure for colds and infectious diseases.

Basic Rules

Perming strands at home requires special attention. When carrying out this procedure, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • If the curls were treated with a reducing agent, then the perm is done when they are completely cut off.
  • “Chemistry” is done only when the previous perm has completely disappeared from the hair.
  • Metal products should not be used during the procedure.
  • To avoid damaging the skin of the hands and the nail plate, the procedure is carried out using rubber gloves.
  • If the drug gets into your eyes, they should be rinsed immediately with water.
  • To speed up the formation of curls, you cannot use a hair dryer, as this will increase the degree of damage to the hair.
  • If there is damage to the skin of the head (abrasions, wounds), the procedure is not performed.

Compliance with the above rules will help you avoid unwanted consequences and achieve the desired result.

About caring procedures

Even a correctly performed procedure using the most gentle preparations can cause damage to the hair. Therefore, special attention should be paid to hair after “chemistry”:

  • actively use special restorative agents;
  • Do not use a hair dryer for several days after curling and comb your curls as little as possible;
  • do nourishing masks at least once a week and for at least 10 sessions;
  • Strands should be protected from exposure to ultraviolet rays;
  • You can dye your scalp only a couple of weeks after the “chemistry”;
  • To an aggressive method of gaining curls, you should prefer a more gentle one, for example, bio-perm.

A perm done at home looks no worse than a salon perm. The main thing is not to rush and follow the sequence of all actions.

Curling without curling irons or curlers

Next we will talk about how to do a perm at home without curlers and curling irons. These devices can successfully replace cotton rags. To do this, the unnecessary item is cut into strips, the width of which for large curls is about 8 cm, for small curls - 3 cm.

Paper papillots will also help save the situation. To do this, cut out narrow strips from polished paper, twist them into tubes, and secure the end with tape. The strands on them are arranged in a spiral from top to bottom. The tube is twisted into a ring and secured with a bobby pin or hairpin. This type of curling helps to get large and tight curls.

Braids can help replace curlers and curling irons. With their help you can give your hair the desired volume and waviness. Braids are braided on damp, clean strands. The more braids, the smaller the curls will be. Similar manipulations are done at night, and the hair should be slightly dried with a hairdryer before going to bed.

There are many more ways to curl without curling irons or curlers. They cause less damage to the hair, and the result is quite decent.

How to do a perm at home for short, medium and long hair was written above. From this we can conclude that the procedure does not cause any particular difficulties for women, and the effect is no different from the salon one.

Since childhood, for every holiday, mothers have curled girls’ locks, decorating their look. Therefore, women associate curls with fun and a festive mood. When you want to add variety to your life, change your image or improve your appearance, hair perm comes to the rescue. The variety of types of procedures expands the boundaries of choice, which we will look at today.

Hair perm - what is it?

For the purpose of transformation, women resort to various types of procedures, one of the most popular and also affordable is hair perm. The procedure fundamentally changes the structure of straight strands, transforming them into playful curls.

Wanting to please every client, cosmetic companies have created types of curls, which determine the thickness of the curls, the degree of curl and the duration of the effect. On average, the hairstyle retains its appearance for up to 6 months; during this period, the hair does not require the use of curling irons, curlers or other devices.

“Chemistry” came into fashion in the 20th century, when hairdressers used products that were merciless for the health of curls, but at the same time provided lasting results. Women went for the procedure, sacrificing the beauty of their hair. Today the situation has changed; curling mixtures do not damage the hair structure. Some manufacturers have created substances that, on the contrary, guarantee an improvement in the appearance of hair.

Ammonia and alkaline compounds are excluded from the composition of chemical agents. The effectiveness of the procedure is ensured by acids and other safe components, which are selected by the hairdresser based on the condition of the curls and wishes regarding the type of curls.

The active component, penetrating deep into the hair shaft, helps to weaken intercellular connections and destroy protein compounds. After this, the strand is ready to form curls. For this purpose, various devices are used that fix the hair in the desired condition. Once the form is removed, the curls acquire a long-lasting curly appearance.

Only a professional hairdresser who has experience working with chemical compositions for curling can ensure the effectiveness of the technique without damage. The specialist will help you assess the condition and type of hair, because not every woman is suitable for this procedure. An error in selecting the composition or algorithm for a curling session can result in a loss of attractive appearance and damage to the strands.

An experienced hairdresser will perform the procedure in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. He will adjust the duration of action of the preparations so as not to overexpose and burn the hair, but at the same time to ensure tight curls that will retain their shape for a long time. Immediately after dyeing or lightening, it is prohibited to perform the procedure, this is due to the presence of a chemical reaction that negatively affects the health and color of the curls.

To understand what is right for you, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of procedures that are offered on the cosmetic services market. And after that, consult with a professional and make a final decision.

Cosmetic companies do not stop there and annually release new technologies to design hairstyles, as well as meet the demands of women.

The technique is also used on medium-length hair. After treatment, curls look voluminous and attractive. To highlight the strands and make the look relaxed, women with vertical curls use products to create the effect of wet hair. It looks very aesthetically pleasing.

When using this type of procedure, the master holds the bobbins vertically, and the curl is wound onto the device in a spiral motion. For convenience, hairdressers prefer cone-shaped bobbins, inside of which there is a hole for distributing the strands. After inserting the curl into the bobbin, the hair takes on the required shape and is fixed. The devices are made of wood or plastic to choose from.

The composition for spiral chemistry is selected individually, based on the condition of the hair, the duration of the effect, and the wishes of the client. Curls that are permed by a professional using the right product are playful and dynamic.

Japanese hair curl

How many times have you heard that chemicals ruin hair, and that it cannot be used on depleted strands, today this is a thing of the past. According to Japanese hair curling technology, it is possible to change the structure of damaged curls, and sometimes it is even beneficial.

The composition, saturated with lipids and proteins, penetrates inside and heals the hair shaft. Neutral acidity level, keratin and betaine help eliminate dryness, brittleness, provide moisture and softness.

The Japanese technique guarantees the preservation of elastic, voluminous curls for up to six months. Suitable for hair of any length, density and thickness.

American perm

Women, watching Hollywood film stars, admire luxurious curls with voluminous curls that look lively and relaxed. A similar hairstyle is obtained using curlers from Olivia Garden. These devices do not leave creases.

American perm is performed using an available or suitable composition; a prerequisite is special curlers. After the procedure, large, natural curls with curls in different directions are formed on the head.

Carving curl

Thick hair of medium or short length can also be curled. For this purpose, hairdressers use the technique. It is performed using gentle compounds that do not harm the hair shaft, but only superficially change the structure. This allows you to increase the volume at the roots and refresh the appearance.

To carry out the procedure, the hairdresser selects curlers based on the type of appearance, face shape, and hair condition. Large bobbins will help add mystery and elegance, small bobbins will add playfulness, and spirals will add sophistication.

Gentle perm

Today, the “Gentle Perm” service appears in the price lists of beauty salons, which is carried out using products that do not harm the health of the hair. Safe chemistry gently affects the structure of curls, guaranteeing effectiveness and naturalness.

There are:

  • Amino acid. A therapeutic procedure containing amino acids and proteins, it nourishes the hair cuticle, restores damage, creating curls. Not suitable for long or thick hair. A soft action does not give a lasting result; the curls unwind under the weight of the hair.
  • Neutral. Gentle chemicals without harmful components in the composition, it is considered universal, suitable for any hair type. Helps create long-lasting curls for coarse or thick hair. The result lasts up to 6 months.
  • Acidic. The procedure using a composition where the active ingredient is thioglycolic acid guarantees 100% results for a period of 1 month. Curling is considered gentle, but is not suitable for thin, weakened strands.

Chemistry for long hair

Long hair is valued and considered a woman's adornment. Therefore, every girl strives to let her hair grow. Curls created by nature or a skilled hairdresser and a chemical composition help add luxury to your hairstyle.

The procedure will require skill, a kit for the session and an active mixture. Professionals who conduct sessions daily recommend first trying to wind bobbins or curlers without a mixture a couple of times for training purposes. This will help you not get confused and carry out the procedure clearly and smoothly. It is difficult to process hair from the back of the head on your own, so get the support of a friend, sister or mother.

Hair perm kit

Every woman who has been interested in the topic in one way or another knows about perm products. But only a few people know about additional little things at hand that will make things easier. The session kit includes:

  • curlers or bobbins selected according to the type of curl, made of wood;
  • the studs are large;
  • plastic clips to hold the strands on the hairpin;
  • plastic comb-comb with sparse teeth and a sharp tip;
  • plastic cap;
  • latex gloves;
  • protective cape;
  • glass container;
  • two foam sponges;
  • terry towel;
  • cotton strands.

Bobbins for chemistry

The composition of the active ingredient and the curlers or bobbins directly affect the outcome of the curl. Bobbins for chemistry are the basis of future curls, so the choice of this device is taken seriously.

When buying bobbins, do not skimp, choose durable wooden ones. Low-grade material often reacts with chemical mixtures and spoils the result.

Size also plays an important role, pay attention to medium or, if necessary, small curlers. However, check their effect so as not to get an “explosion” effect on your head. Spiral chemistry with classic large curls for long hair will require up to 40 pieces of bobbins, for medium curls up to 35 pieces, and for short curls 20-30 pieces will be enough. The calculation is based on the average density, but if your mop is voluminous, then increase the number of curlers.

Perm composition

Hair is selected even more carefully than curlers, because they play a major role in the initial state of the curls. Manufacturers give the following recommendations:

  • Damaged, dry, brittle strands are treated with neutral compounds. Bottles of safe mixtures are marked “BIO”; they do not contain harmful components. Helps curls stay on hair for up to 3 months.
  • For coarse, straight hair that is difficult to form curls, chemicals based on an acidic environment are used. It helps to achieve lasting results.
  • If you have a problem with sensitive scalp or thin hair, use alkaline chemicals. Remember that this is a gentle composition that does not give a long-lasting effect; curls last up to 3 months.
  • Allantoin chemistry has a neutral environment and is used on all hair types.
  • Amino acid agents for chemically changing the structure of strands serve as a restorative cocktail for damaged hair. Suitable for dry, lifeless curls. Does not work on dense, coarse hair.
  • Japanese solutions with proteins and lipids in their composition also guarantee health improvement due to the vitamin complex. Used on thin, porous curls. Harmless.

If you are lost among the variety of products for creating curls, then use the list of popular brands that produce curling solutions:

  • Estel Professional (Russia);
  • Lebel (Japan);
  • Olivia Garden (America);
  • GOLDWELL (Germany);
  • Schwarzkopf (Germany);
  • Matrix Opti Wave (America) and others.

Perm at home

Manufacturers, to ensure safety and obtain 100% results, recommend adhering to the following algorithm of actions when performing a perm at home:

  1. A day before the procedure, do a test for an allergic reaction. To do this, try the composition on strands in the occipital region, as well as on a section of the head in the same area. If there is no reaction within 24 hours, proceed to action.
  2. To ensure the safety of your curls and improve performance, treat your hair with a special protective solution. It will ensure uniform distribution of the active composition throughout the hair.
  3. From the back of the head, apply the selected product to the strands and fix it with curlers. The procedure is carried out without any hitches, at an accelerated pace.
  4. We protect the head with a cap on top and insulate it. Leave the solution on your hair for up to 40 minutes. The time is selected individually based on the condition of the hair. If you are performing the procedure for the first time, shorten the session by 5-10 minutes so as not to damage the structure of the curls.
  5. Without removing the curlers, the strands are treated with a neutralizer, which stops the effect of the chemicals. Let stand for another 30-40 minutes.
  6. After the time has passed, untwist one curl and check the result. If the curl meets the requirements, then the composition is ready to be washed off. Removal of the product is carried out under running water, directly through curlers for 5-10 minutes.
  7. After water procedures, a fixing composition is applied to the curled strands, wait up to 10 minutes. After this, remove the curlers and record the final result again.
  8. Finally, rinse your hair with an aqueous solution of vinegar (1 tablespoon of vinegar per 1 liter of boiled water), and nourish with a restorative mask.

After the curl-drying procedure, professionals recommend resorting to natural drying without combing, this will help reduce the negative impact of the procedure.

Hair restoration after perm

Manipulations with changes in the structure of the strands, no matter how safe they may seem, affect the condition of the hair. A natural question arises to maintain the beauty and health of curls.

  • use purchased nutritional and restorative products;
  • use natural, oil-based homemade masks;
  • comb your hair less often;
  • replace the massage comb with a wide-toothed comb;
  • wash your hair with mild, sulfate-free shampoos;
  • do not wrap your hair in a towel, just use it to remove excess moisture;
  • Trim the ends periodically to get a neat cut.

Price for perm hair and where to do it

To understand how much a perm costs, check out the table:

Type of procedure Price
Long hair Medium curls Short haircut
Vertical up to 5,000 rubles up to 3,000 rubles up to 2,500 rubles
Japanese up to 7,000 rubles up to 5,000 rubles up to 3,000 rubles
American up to 3,000 rubles up to 2,000 rubles up to 1,500 rubles
Carving up to 3,000 rubles up to 2,000 rubles up to 1,500 rubles
Gentle up to 6,000 rubles up to 4,000 rubles up to 3,000 rubles

Using our website, you can choose a beauty salon offering perm services.

Video on how to apply chemicals to hair

Perm significantly changes the structure of curls, so this step is approached thoroughly. To understand what this procedure is, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information from the video tutorial.

Everything in the fashion world is relative and obeys Murphy's law. The majority of owners of curly hair strive to straighten it, but happy women with straight hair are constantly trying to make it curlier and fuller with the help of curling.

Professional hair curling irons.

Hair straightening iron

Types of curling

There is no need to list the types of hair curling for a long time. There are only two main ways:

Hair does not like the intervention of temperature or chemicals, so many consider temporary perm the most acceptable option. Moreover, curling your hair at home is the most budget-friendly and gentle way to become the owner of beautiful curls.

Perm is much more difficult and more dangerous for the condition of your hair, so there are restrictions on its use. It is not recommended to resort to chemistry in the following situations:

Taking hormonal drugs;
Recently dyed hair.

Let's take a closer look at the chemical method of curling hair. There are several types of it:

Type of curl
What kind of hair is it suitable for?

Acid base
Curls curled by this method retain their shape for a long time, but the preparations greatly affect their structure.
Suitable for any type

Alkaline base
In this case, the hair is less susceptible to the effects of the composition, the curl lasts a maximum of three months
Only suitable for certain hair types

Amino acid perm
During the curling process, amino acids penetrate into the hair and accelerate its recovery.
Suitable for all types

Neutral way
Very gentle on hair
Suitable for all hair types, regardless of their condition

Acid base + thioglucolic acid
Preserves hair structure due to the absence of swelling effect. This kind of curl doesn't last long
Not suitable for straight, smooth hair

There are also different types of chemical perm:

Perm type

An excellent option for long hair. A light wave is forming

"On a pigtail"
Also suitable for hair at shoulder level and below. The hair is braided into tight braids and the ends are twisted into bobbins.

"On curl paper"
Curling your hair this way creates large curls that look natural and airy.

"On a stiletto heel"
Suitable for medium length hair. The strands are wound onto a non-metallic hairpin

Double curling method for long and medium length hair. It consists in the fact that half of the twisted strand is curled with vertical curls, and the other half with horizontal curls

Curling "with curl"
This method differs in that first a strand is wound onto the bobbin in the usual way, but from about the middle another strand is “twisted”. Curls of different diameters are obtained

Performed only on the root part of the strand. Used for regrowth or creating volume at the roots

The head is covered with a special polyethylene cap with holes, the strands are pulled through them and wound in the usual way with the application of a chemical composition. This method is considered the most gentle

Useful tips

Do not wash or style your hair with high-temperature tools for two to three days after perming, otherwise the curl may weaken.
Wash your hair exclusively with special products with medicinal properties. They will nourish the hair, moisturize it and the scalp.
Make it a habit to regularly go to a hairdresser and have your split ends cut off. After the procedure, do not forget to apply a special cream to them.

Besides these long-existing methods, there is another one that is considered much more pleasant and useful. This method is . The product does not contain chemical components, so after using it the hair remains healthy and does not lose its shine. And the process itself is absolutely no different from ordinary “chemistry”. Since 1999, when bioperming was invented, more and more women have resorted to this method. You can read more about this type of curling.
other methods
In addition to the listed methods of curling with bobbins and curlers, temporary and long-term, there are a couple of other methods. They are much simpler, so fashionistas use them for almost every independent styling.

– one of the most common types of styling for a modern woman. It is even used to give a neat look to your naturally curly hair. The curling iron allows you to quickly and easily curl luxurious curls.
Today, tongs have simply become a “must-have” for any fashionista. In addition to their direct purpose (), they can be used to create curls of any shape and size.

Perm is a procedure for creating curls and waves as a result of the destruction of keratin in the hair structure by aggressive chemicals, and then fixing the curl with a special fixative. Today there are different types of hair perms.

But the health of the curls suffers. Therefore, in order for the hairstyle to last as long as possible, it is important to select the appropriate type of composition and properly care for it. Read more about this in this article.

Read in this article

Modern types of hair perm

All people have different types of hair. Some have thin and soft strands, others have hard and heavy ones. Therefore, over time, hairdressers came up with different compositions for perm. Moreover, each of them can create special curls. There are the following types of hair perm.


To carry out this method of winding, thioglycolic and mercaptoacetic acid are used. They penetrate deeply into the shaft, thus changing its structure and making it pliable for curling. With the help of acid chemistry, the effect can last for several months.

But it has serious shortcomings. During the procedure, the smell is very strong, and the curls are quite tough. But acid perm does not damage them so much.

With amino acids

Curl hair using amino acids and proteins. As a result, the curls are not damaged; on the contrary, they are treated and improve their appearance. Curls look natural. But you should not do such chemical treatment on heavy and long hair, as the curls quickly unwind.

Curls with amino acids and proteins


The perm mixture consists of ammonium and glycolic acid. She is quite aggressive and dangerous. This method is performed using soft tampons soaked in a chemical composition. The strands are curled and held for 20 to 40 minutes, depending on the length and stiffness of the curls.

Alkaline perm has many disadvantages, the main ones being fragility and dullness of the hair. Even the follicles become fragile. With improper care, severe hair loss can begin, so it is done in extreme cases.


In this case, substances with a low pH are used, an indicator of 7.4, which allows minimal damage to the hair. Allantoin is used as an additional component, which softens the stratum corneum and accelerates regeneration. The rod does not swell much, so the strands do not receive much stress. Therefore, hair improves its appearance faster, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized. The effect of the procedure is lasting, and the curls are well-groomed.

Chemical biowave

This type is considered the safest. The composition does not contain any aggressive or harmful substances, such as hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, only glycolic acid and cysteamine. Both components are related to the human body. The fixative and reducer also contain vitamins, keratins, sea minerals, and sometimes oils.

Watch the video about biochemical perm:

It turns out that the hair changes its shape without being damaged. Curls look well-groomed and natural, lasting up to six months. And I’ve had curly hair for almost a year. By the way, for such chemistry, curlers and curlers of different sizes and diameters are used.

Silk wave

The curling product contains silk proteins. This type is considered the most modern, which further improves the condition of the hair. Most often it is used for bleached ones. Plus, the composition is enriched with collagen and raffinose, that is, carbohydrates that retain moisture and strengthen the curl shaft. It is best to use this method on thin hair of short or medium length so that it does not straighten under its own weight.


Types of hair perm include another new method called curling. It is placed in a special category, since it contains no aggressive substances. This is more of a long-term hair styling. The drug contains vitamins and kartinine. You can twist your hair into small curls, create vertical curls or casual beach strands.

The effect lasts for a maximum of a couple of months, and when it wears off, the curls slowly straighten themselves, leaving no traces of processing. Accordingly, this styling method is not suitable for coarse, long and thick hair. They quickly straighten themselves under their own weight. But for oily hair, this is a real godsend, as it dries out and gets dirty less.

Japanese method

This is an alkali-free curling method that uses cysteine, matrix and betaine. All these substances are found in keratinized hair particles. Cysteine ​​is a special amino acid with sulfur, which is a strong antioxidant. Betaine moisturizes, softens and strengthens hair. The matrix promotes follicle growth, making curls smooth and shiny.

After the procedure, you can get large curls. The curls last no more than 3 - 4 weeks.

Other options for winding strands

Modern types of hair perm include not only the type of preparation, but also the method of curling the strands. Because the final result depends on how the strand is attached to the bobbin. The master chooses a method depending on the condition of the hair, its type, and the shape of the face. Winding techniques are:

  • The American method involves placing the curlers perpendicular to the central parting. The result is very natural and suits people with large facial features.
  • Anti-chemistry is used for curly hair or to remove excess hair after chemical treatment. The curls are constantly combed while the drug is in effect.
  • Using the wellaformer, you can create natural curls in the style of beach waves. To do this, use a special bag into which the curls are inserted.
  • Vertical method more often used for long hair. Special spiral curlers are suitable for this. In this case, the bobbin is located parallel to the strand of hair, and it is wound from the roots to the ends. However, as it grows out, the transition from straight to curly is very abrupt.

Vertical winding method
  • Horizontal method is used most often. The bobbins are placed perpendicular to the roots. The strand is wound from tip to base.
  • The double method of curling hair is used for long hair. Small diameter bobbins are used at the roots.

Horizontal winding method
  • Only at the ends are cascade or thin sparse curls curled on the haircut. This way the effect lasts longer and looks more natural.
  • Root is intended for correcting overgrown curls or on short hair to add volume to the hairstyle.
  • Trapezoidal is used to create curly strands near the face without touching the crown. The result is a retro style hairstyle.

Which curl is suitable depending on the length

When choosing the type of preparation and winding technique, it is important to take into account the initial length, type and condition. Perm hair for different types of curls will give excellent results.

For short hair

The strands should be as healthy as possible, since damaged ends will fluff and spoil the look. But on the other hand, no special styling is required, just tousle your hair with your hands and cover it with foam or varnish.

It is important to remember that after chemotherapy the length decreases even more. Hair can jump by almost 5 - 6 cm. Therefore, the hairstyle can become even shorter than the original haircut. Types of perms for short hair can be as follows:

  • acidic if the strands are hard and thick;
  • alkaline for the naughty;
  • neutral for all hair types;
  • biowave, as it is less traumatic for short curls;
  • horizontal;
  • basal.

For medium curls

This length is the simplest and most versatile. Large and light waves are suitable for it. They create a romantic and natural look. The following types of perm are suitable for medium hair:

  • acidic and with amino acids;
  • alkaline;
  • silk;
  • American way;
  • vellaformer;
  • trapezoidal.

For long hair

This type of hair is the most difficult to perm. Even if they are not rigid and heavy, they still begin to straighten much faster under their own weight. The types in this case come down to the method of curling with curlers. Last the longest:

  • American spirals;
  • double wrap;
  • curled ends if the strands are thin and light;
  • vertical, creating a wet effect.

Curls for fine hair

This type is both good and bad for chemical styling. The curls easily curl into curls, but also quickly lose their shape. Professionals for fine hair often use the following modern types of perm:

  • alkaline;
  • neutral;
  • silk and biowave;
  • curling only the ends.

Expert opinion

Tatyana Somoilova

Cosmetology expert

To add volume to your hair, you can apply root chemicals. It’s better to avoid acidic ones, since the curls stretch at the roots during curling, so the curls don’t hold on.

Large curls

This hairstyle is the most versatile. It can be made for various occasions and events, both for work and for celebrations. In addition, large curls suit almost everyone. They make the image feminine, light and moderately sexy. Suitable for large curls:

  • Acidic or alkaline, which allows you to create elastic curls.
  • Silk and biochemistry are gentle on the hair, but the curls are soft and fade quickly.

To get smooth waves, in this case, curlers or large curlers are used. Small and spiral-shaped bobbins are not used.

But before going to the master you should know that:

  • If your hair is thin and dry, then after the procedure it will become tangled and break even more. You will have to acquire a whole arsenal of care products.
  • The unpleasant chemical smell persists for more than a week. You can get rid of it if you add drops of essential oils, lavender, and lemon juice when rinsing.
  • When styling with a hairdryer, you need to turn on only cold air for the first time.
  • To prevent hair loss, you should drink vitamin complexes before and after the procedure.
  • It's better not to touch the bangs.
  • All types of hair perm preparations are harmful.
  • After skin restoration, dandruff may appear.
  • After a while, the ends of your hair will begin to split heavily.

It is also important to remember that a perm requires correction because the roots grow straight. This may look unsightly and sloppy, especially if the curls were tight and bouncy.

Watch the video about whether to get a perm:

How to do a perm at home

Finding an experienced specialist can be difficult, and the prices for the procedure are steep. Therefore, some girls prefer to do chemistry at home. This is possible, you just need to consider the following points:

  • You should choose proven and high-quality products. These include products from Estel Professional, Schwarzkopf, Matrix, Paul Mitchell, GOLDWELL.
  • Bobbins and curlers must be of the highest quality so that they do not react with chemicals. It is also important to consider their number and diameter. For short hair you need small and medium about 40 pieces, for medium length - about 30, and for long hair - 20 - 30. The longer the hair, the larger the diameter is suitable.
  • You need to keep the drug for exactly as long as indicated in the instructions.

The sequence of home perm is as follows:

  • The composition is applied to the strands and distributed evenly. While the hair is wet, curl the curlers quickly.
  • After the drug's effect has expired (without rinsing off!), apply a neutralizer and leave for the prescribed period, as indicated in the instructions.
  • After removing the curlers, you should not comb your hair. You may need to wash off the composition.
  • You cannot dye your hair, dry it, or style it for several days.

Restoration and treatment of curls after the procedure

In order for your hair to maintain a healthy appearance and keep its shape for as long as possible, it is important to properly care for it afterwards. To do this you need:

  • Apply honey masks to your curls and treat the ends with aloe juice.
  • Burdock and castor oils work well, as well as special products from professional care lines.
  • Regularly do restorative salon procedures, especially if the chemistry is constant.
  • You cannot dye your hair after the procedure. Henna is especially harmful. It is better to do this before perm.

High-quality curling adds volume and shape. The hairstyle is already half done, so morning styling becomes much easier. You can create playful and mischievous curls, romantic curls and sexy waves. It is also easy to disguise various imperfections in the shape and size of the head.

Many different procedures are used to transform hair. Nowadays there are different types of perms with which you can get the desired hairstyle. For this purpose, preparations are used that are gentle on hair compared to their predecessors. Different curlers and bobbins are used, differing in material and shape. More information about perm is described in the article.

Chemical composition

Modern means for all types of perm do not include:

  • ammonia;
  • glycol;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

Their active ingredients are of a different nature. They only stretch the biological connections of the hair structure, making it more flexible and elastic. As a result, a curl appears. The product may include protein and lanolins, which are considered caring substances.

Why are classic compositions used?

Although they are harmful, classic compositions are still used when biowaves are powerless. This is observed if the curls:

  • Asian species;
  • thin and liquid;
  • difficult to curl;
  • fatty.

In these situations, it is necessary to perform a classic perm or a hard type of bioperm. The newest methods are not suitable if silicone shampoos and masks are used. Typically, Syoss and Pantene products contain water-insoluble silicones that accumulate in the hair and scalp.


This is one of the popular and long-lasting types of perm.

Its features include:

  1. The results last for six months.
  2. The active substance is glyceryl monothioglycolate, which has an acidity of 6.9-7.2.
  3. The hair scales do not open; the product gets inside the curls thanks to the osmotic method.
  4. During the procedure, exposure to high temperature occurs.
  5. The product used for the procedure does not cause swelling of the curls.
  6. This method should not be chosen for brittle hair or sensitive skin.

An acidic type of perm is ideal for long hair. According to reviews from women, many prefer to perform this type of treatment. The result is a stylish hairstyle suitable for different occasions.


This type of perm is considered less durable compared to the previous type. Its features include:

  1. Acidity is in the range of 8-9.5.
  2. The result lasts for 3 months.
  3. Can be used for unruly hair if acid perm has an unstable effect.
  4. The curl will be steeper and more elastic.
  5. No temperature exposure required.
  6. The method should not be used for hard and heavy curls.
  7. There is no need to pull the strands too hard when curling.

Using thioglycolic acid

This type of hair perm is gentle due to a number of factors. This:

  1. Slight swelling of hair.
  2. Perform on colored curls.
  3. The result lasts for a month.


To get beautiful curls, you can use a neutral procedure.

Its features include the following nuances:

  1. Acidity - 7.4.
  2. The product balances the water-repellent effect of curls.
  3. The hair hardly swells.
  4. The result is a lasting curl.

Amino acid

Photos and names of types of perm allow you to understand the principle of the procedure. Whatever type of processing is used, it must be carried out according to the instructions. The amino acid procedure is gentle. Its features include:

  1. The components that affect hair are proteins and amino acids.
  2. It has a gentle effect and a minimum of harmful effects.
  3. Not suitable for coarse and heavy medium and long hair.

This type of perm is ideal for short strands. A photo of the result allows you to confirm this. In salons, this type of treatment is considered quite popular.

With silk proteins

The original choice would be this type of hair perm. Large curls allow you to perfectly emphasize your individual style. Modern processing methods have a gentle effect on the structure of the strands.

The method is in demand due to the following features:

  1. Silk proteins are essential components for hair.
  2. The curls look much better after this.
  3. The procedure has a gentle effect, but because of this there will be low durability.

This is the ideal type of perm for medium-length hair, as it makes the method look impressive. The result is an original hairstyle. Such curls are always in fashion.

Cheating techniques

Each master has his own methods of curling curls, no matter what types of hair perm are used. Photos of the processing results show an excellent effect. Cheating techniques are as follows:

  1. Circular. First, they wrap from the top of the head, then move along the head in a spiral.
  2. Partial. There is a wrapping of one area, for example, bangs or ends.
  3. Chess. This is the classic method used most often.
  4. Ordinary equipment. Also considered a classic.
  5. Vertical. The rows of bobbins are arranged in ranks.

In addition to the classic plastic or wooden bobbins, many options are used. The most popular is curling on bicycle shapers. The originality of execution in this case is in harmony with the wonderful result.

Features of the procedure

The more hair, the longer the curling procedure will be.

Perm is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. The strands are wound onto bobbins.
  2. Then you need to apply the curling compound. It is kept for no more than 25 minutes.
  3. Then you need to wash off the composition without removing the curlers.
  4. Apply a fixative to the strands for 10 minutes.
  5. It is necessary to remove the curlers.
  6. The hair is treated with a stabilizer that stops chemical processes.
  7. Other treatments that have similar functions may be performed.

What do you need to know?

Women who perm regularly should consider that:

  1. Between procedures there should be at least six months. Hair needs rest.
  2. The result lasts for 3-6 months.
  3. After the first wash, when the procedure has already been completed, the curls may unwind somewhat.
  4. The volume at the roots disappears after a couple of months due to the growth of curls.
  5. The quality of the procedure depends on the structure of the strands. If it is dense, then the curls hold perfectly. Curls are preserved even better on colored hair.
  6. To wash, use a product designed for curly hair.
  7. Styling should be done using a diffuser, which produces a clear curl.
  8. Shampoo should not be used on smooth hair.


Whatever type of perm is chosen, the procedure should not be performed if:

  • stress;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • hormonal therapy;
  • treatment with antibiotics;
  • critical days;
  • severe hair loss;
  • allergies to curling products;
  • dyeing curls with henna;
  • highlighting and strong lightening with cheap coloring compounds.

Before perming, you need to do a proper haircut, preferably a cascade shape. The curls need to be dyed completely, but you don’t have to use dye. Chemistry should be performed 5-10 days after staining. If the curls are weak, then salon treatment is performed first.


To get beautiful curls, you need to know the disadvantages of the procedure:

  1. After treatment, the hair is dried. Thin strands will be difficult to comb, they get tangled. First you need to take care of quality care.
  2. After curling, an unpleasant odor remains. Weathering occurs after 1-2 weeks.
  3. Wet hair looks ugly at first. Restoration must be performed using masks.
  4. Usually the scalp suffers, and there may be dandruff.
  5. It is necessary to constantly style your hair, otherwise instead of a luxurious hairstyle you will have an ugly head of hair.
  6. Any type of perm is harmful.


But perm also has its advantages:

  1. You get original curls of any size, and they look stylish.
  2. Hair becomes voluminous.
  3. Curls are much easier to style.
  4. Modern formulations are soft; with proper care, the results will last a long time.

Care and recovery

After perm it is necessary to properly care for your hair. This can be done using professional or folk remedies. The first is considered the most effective, but also costly. At home, trichologists advise:

  1. Perform masks with honey and aloe juice.
  2. Use oils, for example, burdock, peach, castor, almond, palm.
  3. Use special shampoo. Products created for brittle, colored, damaged curls are also suitable.
  4. You can use products with silk proteins, collagen, panthenol, keratin.
  5. It is advisable to use products from the same manufacturer, as they complement each other and give excellent results.
  6. After washing, you need to rinse with an infusion of bread, a decoction of chamomile, nettle, and hops.
  7. The diet should include fish.
  8. You should regularly trim your ends and use sprays, serums, mousses and oils that protect against split ends.
  9. The comb should have sparse teeth.
  10. Hair should be protected from the sun's rays by wearing hats and applying products with a UV filter.

Often, hairdressers suggest performing hair restoration before curling. This will improve their condition. If there is such an opportunity, then you should take advantage of it.

Saving the result

  1. After the procedure, you cannot wash your hair, use hot air for drying, or use curlers for 2 days.
  2. You should not wear tight hairstyles. It's better to walk with your hair down.
  3. After washing, your hair should not be twisted; you just need to pat it dry with a towel.
  4. When combing, you need to immediately form curls.
  5. Before going to bed, you need to dry your hair.

To ensure that curls always look beautiful, you should style them correctly. For this, a diffuser and special cosmetics are used. Most women are sure that perming will completely ruin their hair, but this is not entirely true. It is important to contact a professional who can perform the procedure efficiently. And with proper care, the level of harm to curls is reduced.

Thus, perm allows you to transform your hair by creating an original hairstyle. The choice of processing must be made by the master so that the method fits perfectly.
