An annoying fan - how to get rid of him? A lapel from a guy: how to make it and get rid of an annoying boyfriend How to get rid of an obsessive man

In addition to unhappy love and inattention to her person on the part of her loved one, a girl may also encounter obsessive fans. If a girl is smart, beautiful and interesting, then she has probably encountered the fact that a certain guy persistently courted her. She didn’t give him any hopes, didn’t say that she loved him, and he tries to win her attention in various ways. How to get rid of it?

The natural desire of someone who is being chased is to run away. The more the fan begins to impose himself on the girl, the more she wants to push him away. And what’s most unpleasant: the more she “sends” him, the more persistently he begins to court her. It seems that it is impossible to get rid of such a person. Actually this is not true. Of course, at first the process of rejecting a fan will be unbearable, but there is no other way out. If a girl doesn’t throw the guy away, he can stay by her side forever.

Why do you want to run away/reject your admirer so much? Only those young ladies who have not experienced self-love for a long time and have missed male attention will not understand such a girl. However, a fan has a minus - obsession. He simply does not give way to the girl to whom he is experiencing increased attention.

The women's site says that fans are much more dangerous than those men who do not pay attention to women. If indifferent men simply do not care about you, then the admirer may become your enemy, who will begin to harm you instead of courtship. Therefore, it is better to face unrequited love than obsessive love.

Why do you want to alienate a fan so much?

Why don't girls appreciate guys who are their fans? It's so cool that guys are madly in love with them. Such gentlemen are greeted every day from work or after school, given flowers, dropped off, spoken words of love, carried in their arms, etc. However, behind all this there is often a completely different personality. A guy may be a fan at first, but then he will take it out on the girl for all his hard work when she agrees to be with him.

Often people who are insecure about themselves become fans. Often their level of power is very limited. Often these are guys from authoritarian families, where the mother, father, or both parents greatly suppressed the children’s ability to express themselves. Their freedom and power were constantly limited. They have a manic desire to infringe in the same way on the rights and freedoms of those who are close to them, who will worship them or be subordinate to them.

It should be noted that the guy-fan is already infringing on the girl he is courting. Try asking a fan to leave you alone - what happens after that? In a few days he will show up again and with even greater persistence will court the lady of his heart.

He is already trying to control her life. If she suddenly starts dating someone, then the admirer will definitely want to deal with him “like a man.” If a girl suffers because of someone, then the admirer will definitely go to deal with the offender. If a girl wants to do something that a fan doesn’t like, he will definitely start to stop her.

The girl doesn’t belong to him yet, but he already considers her his property. By the way, this is exactly how a guy treats a girl he is manically courting as property. He not only limits her already, while they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, but he will begin to control her even more if she suddenly agrees to become his passion.

If the reader is already tired of such annoying attention, which she cannot get rid of peacefully, she probably has a question about how to do this. How to get rid of a fan, sooner or later a girl begins to think about it.

How to get rid of a fan?

A fan is often called a guy whom a girl does not want to date, but he continues to court her. The advantage of such a guy is that the girl will not feel lonely. She is pleased that at least someone is looking after her. However, the downside is that this guy doesn’t just want to communicate with her, but tries to get involved in all her affairs, control, manage and be her only one. If suddenly she wants to date another guy, then her admirer will first punch her new boyfriend in the face, and then he may still be offended by her. How to get rid of a fan?

Of course, calm conversations and persuasion to stop chasing a girl will not help. For some reason, the fan will not hear the requests of the girl who no longer wants to communicate and contact him. This is due to the fact that the guy adheres to two principles:

  1. A man must win the lady of his heart. And if a lady wants to stop his advances, it means he is not trying hard enough for her. In other words, the suitor is simply trying to win over his beloved. And any of her attempts to prevent this pushes him to even greater efforts.
  2. He must gain power at any cost. With her requests, the girl tries to get rid of the slavery into which her admirer is driving her. This is simply unacceptable for him! Therefore, he begins to conquer her with even greater persistence in order to finally achieve his goal - to get her love and begin to manage her life.

Ordinary requests and conversations will not help - this has already been tested by many girls. What to do to get rid of a fan?

  • Completely restrict his access to you. Stop answering his calls, messages, letters, etc. Stop giving him any information about yourself. Stop seeing and communicating with him. In other words, you must break up with him yourself, and this must be done radically.
  • Do not smile or communicate in a friendly manner. If you give your fan hope that you treat him well, he will take it as a good sign. You need to show him that you are not happy to see him. He causes you no suffering, no joy, no hatred, no love - you are completely indifferent to him.
  • Be rude, use obscenities and obscene language. If you were friendly towards him before, now show your negative side. Let it be a blow to him that you might treat him badly.
  • Don't be afraid of anything. In power, a slave must fear the one who controls him. Your admirer wants you to be afraid of him, which is why his actions are so obsessive and manic. You are afraid of him, you run, you hide. All this fuels his excitement when he begins to experience power over you and your actions. To stop this, just show that you are absolutely not afraid of him.

It should be understood that the saying “From love to hate is one step” applies specifically to a fan. He can quickly move from all-consuming love to overwhelming hatred. Be prepared for the fact that he may begin to take revenge on you. He will do everything possible that is in his power:

  • Will fight with guys you are dating and trying to start a relationship with.
  • Spread gossip about you.
  • Calling so that you are even more afraid of him.
  • Go to fortune tellers so that they tell you something unpleasant about you, and then he will convey their words to you.

In other words, the suitor will begin to take revenge in various ways. And if it comes to property damage, then you need to be prepared to contact the police. A fan can only be brought under control by those whom he himself fears. One of these people is the police.

You can turn to the person who caused all the suffering of your fan. Often this person is the mother, father, or both parents. You should meet with them and talk about how their son behaves, how funny he is, or what illegal acts he commits. Parents who have already learned to constantly limit the freedom of their child will listen to you; they will be happy to punish him again.

There are several more options on how to rid yourself of the attention of an annoying fan:

  1. If you have a guy who is physically stronger than your fan, then let him deal with him like a man. And at the same time, show that you encourage the actions of your chosen one.
  2. If the fan is adequate, then you can express everything to his face in plain text. Let it be a shock to him how you really feel about him, so that you become disgusting to him.
  3. The fact that the girl is getting married, has already gotten married and even gave birth to a child has a good effect on the admirer. He will no longer interfere with someone else’s family, unless their acquaintance occurred at a time when she was already married.

The fan’s most important secret is that in the girl he saw the ideal that he had dreamed of for so long. In other words, the girl seems to him to be the ideal wife for his happy family. He runs after her and cares for her only because he has always dreamed and imagined her. How can this help the girl?

Since she is the ideal of his happy family, then he should destroy it, that is, pretend to be someone else for a while. Stop doing what he admired so much about you, start showing the exact opposite qualities. If, for example, a guy likes that a girl doesn’t smoke, then he needs to smoke until he leaves her. If a fan hates girls of easy virtue, then start telling him how today you met one guy, and yesterday you slept with another, and the day before that you were in love with a third.

In other words, stop conforming to his ideal image, start showing qualities and doing things that he will be outraged by. Moreover, it will be very easy to understand what exactly your fan will not like: usually such people directly say what they admire in girls and what qualities they despise. If a girl being courted by a fan is tired of his attention, she only needs to become the kind of person he will despise her. The destruction of his ideal will make the guy abandon the girl he is courting.

The most interesting thing is that the admirer has never loved and will never love the girl he is courting. It seems to him that he loves, but in fact he wants to possess her both sexually and psychologically. He simply wants to make her his property, whose life he will begin to manage at his will. Moreover, when she really becomes his property, he will completely lose interest in her. It is even possible for a man to betray him, who once beautifully courted the one whose admirer he was.

How to finally get rid of a fan?

To finally get rid of a fan, you need to irrevocably throw him out of your life. This must be done decisively, completely cutting off any ties with him. The girl should stop communicating and seeing her admirer. And if she suddenly meets him, then don’t even greet him, so that this doesn’t become that first drop of hope that will be reborn in his heart.

We think that each of the fair sex at least once in her life wondered how to carefully get rid of the attention of an annoying gentleman. However, it is not always possible to do this competently and painlessly. In this article we will talk about how to ward off an obsessive fan, we will give several effective ways that will help you achieve results. We will also provide useful advice from psychologists on how to behave in the company of a boyfriend.

15 ways to get rid of an annoying gentleman

If you are determined to achieve your goal, then you need to be prepared for anything. Sometimes men show excessive persistence, and perceive all refusals as a girl’s way of attracting attention. Numerous websites and forums are full of various recommendations on this matter. We have put together the most effective advice from psychologists on how to get rid of a fan. Let us immediately note that we present both fairly neat options for getting rid of a fan, as well as radical measures that should be resorted to only in the most emergency situations.

Straight Talk

It is no coincidence that we present this method among the first. It is perhaps the simplest and most harmless way to get rid of a gentleman. There are situations when a man sincerely does not understand that all his advances only cause you a feeling of irritation. Remember that he deserves respect. Find the right moment, gather your courage and talk to your admirer. Remember that you need to be extremely frank, and you should also be very careful about your choice of words so as not to accidentally offend a man. Your voice should be calm and confident. Explain that you cannot reciprocate. If you do everything correctly, then the man should understand you and stop annoying you with his attention.

to get rid of an annoying admirer, you need to immediately seriously tell him that you are really not interested in him


Another option is to completely ignore the man. Blacklist his number, delete him from all social networks, and don’t say hello when you meet him. In short, let the fan know that you don’t want to have anything to do with him. However, here you need to be as tough as possible. Try not to make any compromises. Remember that any indulgence will be tantamount to your defeat.


It's no secret that representatives of the stronger half of humanity do not like it when a woman persistently demands something. Men value unpretentiousness. These are the women they prefer above all. If you want to get rid of your admirer once and for all, then show him greed and selfishness. These qualities scare a man away. Try to demand at least something from him at every meeting. Believe me, he will not tolerate such attitude towards him.


Turning into an evil fury is a great way to get rid of a man once and for all. If you are not in the habit of throwing scandals, then you will have to work on this issue. Try to throw hysterics as often as possible when communicating with your boyfriend: scream, cry, especially emotional ones may even break dishes and other small objects. Do all this at regular intervals. To achieve maximum effect, we advise you to create scandals in public, if possible. However, we advise you not to overdo it, otherwise you risk being branded as hysterical.


This model of behavior should be aimed at striking a man’s pride. If you decide to get rid of him, then start criticizing absolutely everything you can: his prospects, actions, decisions. This way you can awaken a feeling of insecurity in him. And a man will not tolerate this even from the woman he loves.


We all know that men really don’t like to hear refusals from the woman they love. Even if he is in love with you, your constant “no” will definitely hurt his pride. Try to refuse a man everything, even if it seems stupid. No one will tolerate systematic refusals, especially if they are also unfounded. With this simple behavior you can get rid of your annoying boyfriend.


If you decide to get rid of a fan in this way, then it all depends on your imagination and imagination. Come up with any lie, even if it doesn’t seem very plausible. And then ask one of your friends to play along with you. Let it be a casually thrown phrase, with the help of which your boyfriend will understand that you are lying to him. To achieve the desired result, the entire scheme should be repeated several times.

Constant excuses

If you want to carefully make it clear to a man that his attention to your person does not awaken tender feelings in you, then we advise you to come up with various reasons every time why you cannot spend time with him. If a man has understanding and sensitivity, then he will understand that under all the excuses there is a neat refusal.

Don't accept gifts

We all know that every woman has a weakness for gifts and surprises. However, in this situation, you should not accept any gifts from your gentleman. No matter how much you want it. Remember that otherwise a man may perceive your behavior as a signal that he has something to count on and hope for. You need it? We think not, so try not to accept any help or gifts from him.

Don't accept values ​​and interests

People who have an interest in any area of ​​life find a common language and gain mutual understanding at incredible speed. The same is true with priorities and life values. Your task is to prevent this from happening. Remember everything that the man told you about himself, try to remember all the small details of his biography. And after that, try to criticize his life position and worldview as much as possible. Allow yourself a couple of unflattering comments about his hobbies. No man can tolerate such an attitude.

Bad habits

Let's say right away that this behavior should be used only in the most extreme cases. No man is attracted to women who openly and brazenly demonstrate to everyone their addiction to alcohol and cigarettes. If you find yourself alone in a restaurant, start ordering alcohol. It is advisable that these are strong drinks. For the sake of a great goal, you can be patient once. Rest assured, the man will quickly lose interest in you.

Presence of an opponent

Fortunately, there are still enough men for whom the presence of a girl with a boyfriend or husband is a stop sign. Why not take advantage of this? Say that you have a young man with whom you are planning to marry. After this, most men will not bother you with their excessive presence in your life. However, you should be very careful. If this lie is discovered, then your admirer's actions may resume with renewed vigor.


We would like to note right away that the method is very effective. Try, as if by chance, to drop the phrase that you are going shopping. Naturally, he will offer his help. And then everything depends on your courage and imagination. Spend a lot of time in the fitting room of every store. Then, having made your choice, say that you don’t have enough money to buy, but you really want all 25 selected wardrobe items. Try to choose the most expensive things. It will be great if you can demonstrate your extravagance. Hint that you are constantly spending money, forgetting about household needs. Every man wants to see a zealous housewife and an economical wife next to him. We are sure that one shopping trip will discourage your fan from any desire to continue communicating with you.

Find your replacement

Surely, among your friends there are women who have not yet met their chosen one. Try introducing your obsessive boyfriend to a couple of girlfriends. Perhaps he will turn his attention to one of them. Naturally, this is worth doing only if the man is worthy, but for certain reasons you cannot enter into a relationship with him.


Yes, don’t be surprised, it’s a wedding that can scare a gentleman. Say that you have long dreamed of going to the registry office in a white dress. Emphasize that you want to become a wife as soon as possible. Mention that after a hasty marriage you want to have children. You can lie that one of your friends works in the registry office and is ready to organize a celebration in the coming weeks. Most likely, after such a conversation you will not see the man again.

if a man who shows interest in a woman does not like her, then she should tell him about it directly, not accept gifts and invitations, and not flirt

How to turn a guy off when trying to meet someone?

In this situation, you should not respond with a joke. A man may take this behavior as light flirting, but not as an attempt to gently refuse. If you do not want to get acquainted, then you need to clearly and dryly answer the young man that you have a boyfriend or that you are simply not in the mood for communication. Therefore, we do not recommend giggling and laughing it off. In addition, we do not recommend being rude or rude. Firstly, with such behavior you will demonstrate your bad upbringing. Secondly, rudeness can cause retaliatory aggression. Remember that in front of you is a completely unfamiliar person who can behave in any way.

How to get rid of a pen pal?

There may be two scenarios for the development of events, depending on whether you really communicated or not. In the second case, everything is very simple. Just try not to respond to his messages. Most often, in such a situation, a man will understand that he does not arouse your interest and will stop bothering you. In the first option, everything is a little more complicated. There are situations when an old friend suddenly begins to show you all kinds of attention in writing and attack you through all social networks. And you, in turn, are absolutely not in the mood for a romantic relationship with him. Then a logical question arises: how to get rid of a guy on VK, Odnoklassniki or Facebook? You can try to solve the problem using one of the following methods.

  • Don't be the first to start a conversation. If a person is in love with you, then he will perceive this as a sign of interest on your part.
  • All messages must be answered in monosyllables, without asking questions. Try to keep all communication to a minimum.
  • If a man has declared his love, then try to write to him in the most correct form that you do not have tender feelings for him. This must be done very carefully so as not to offend or hurt pride.
  • Try to become in his eyes the kind of girl he would never fall in love with. Mention a few unpleasant facts about yourself in the conversation.
  • If all else fails, then try to become even more annoying than him. At first glance, the method seems very dubious. However, men also do not like annoying women.
  • If a man constantly invites you somewhere, always find a reason not to go. A couple of refusals and he'll stop trying.

In this article, we talked about ways in which you can get rid of an obsessive gentleman. In addition, we have formulated a number of recommendations that will help you achieve results. Remember that you need to be extremely careful in your words and actions so as not to offend a man.

Contents of the article:

Sometimes a woman needs to get rid of a man. This can be both a conscious and unconscious need: in some cases, a man simply “drinks the juices” and needs to get rid of it. Let's consider these cases. You may also be interested in the article “Types of disharmonious families” if the relationship has already progressed beyond ordinary flirting.

Getting rid of an obsessive man

He just interferes with life, and it’s a shame to leave

Sometimes relationships become obsolete. At the same time, the question “how to quickly get rid of a man” remains open, because it seems like a habit, it seems to be a good one. And I don’t want to be left alone. If there are many things that irritate you in such a relationship, then it is simply necessary to get rid of such relationships. How to leave a man? Here are rough instructions:

  • 1. Talk. You need to talk to a man and find out what is hindering the relationship, what is wrong and how to resolve this issue. It is quite possible that you just need to renew your relationship and live separately.
  • 2. Decisive action. The strategy called “how to get rid of a man” requires decisive action.

A modern woman should be decisive and make compromises only in objective cases. Don't you love a man? Does he annoy you? Does living together bring you one destructive thing? Such a relationship will not lead to anything good. Therefore, after the conversation, it is necessary to act decisively.

If a man is a manipulator

It will be more difficult here. How to get rid of a manipulative man is an art, however, there is nothing incomprehensible. You need to get rid of such a man in any case - a relationship with him will not bring anything good. Therefore, to the question “how to get rid of a man forever,” if he is a manipulator, we answer as follows:

  • 1. Again, conversation. He needs to explain that there will be no further relationship.
  • 2. Do not react to manipulation under any circumstances: You have made a decision and you must follow it. Manipulators usually know their weak points well and actively put pressure on them, remember romantic, pleasant moments in relationships, etc. Don't react! This is manipulation. If a man does not offer specific actions to restore the relationship, it is a relationship with a manipulator. Such men like to first “whine” and remember “all the good things”, and then move on to insults. Clear signs of manipulation.
  • 3. Nothing gets rid of a manipulator like a relationship with another man. They may even be visible. Charm the man you like most - and use this card when a ghost from the past appears. If you cannot or do not want to start a relationship for the sake of flirting, ask one of your friends or acquaintances to play along with you.

Let him call, give flowers, appear with him supposedly by chance under the gaze of your man. This will sober him up from manipulation - he will see that you have a new relationship. But this should be done exclusively after talking about breaking up - there is no need to do it before.

Intrusive men

Many women are interested in the question of how to get rid of an obsessive man. There are cases when a man is too intrusive - and this is annoying. The procedure here is approximately as follows:

  • 1. Try to explain to him, not rudely, that he is too intrusive and this is disturbing. Maybe he doesn't even notice it himself. Just don’t forget about women’s tricks in the form of flirting, so that everything looks as soft as possible.
  • 2. Show the man that you can be busy with another man. This is where the advice from the previous paragraph comes in handy - they work very well and sober up many men.

If a man does not understand, he needs to be grounded with a clear position, even if it seems rude. He must understand that you are a self-sufficient woman and intrusiveness is definitely unnecessary here.

Former man

Sometimes exes appear in our lives. So much effort has been spent on forgetting and leaving boring relationships in the past - and now again this question pops up on the horizon. How to get rid of an ex-man if he annoyingly reminds you of himself?

Firstly, it would be nice to know why he needed you? Does he want to restore the relationship? Does he have a mercantile interest? Or maybe he just wants to maintain good friendly relations. This also happens.

Secondly, if your ex-man is a story that has ended for you physically and mentally, he needs to tell him about it. Clear, intelligible and understandable. Most likely, he will understand. If he doesn’t understand, sometimes it’s enough to show him that you have a relationship. This works great for many people.

On a note

Sometimes a man who you really want to get rid of may threaten or try to use force. In this case, he needs to show that you have excellent self-control: it is advisable to have a friend or acquaintance “on hand” who can protect you. In any case, the police have not been canceled either. After the first statement, 80% of men come to their senses.

Read also:

Orthodox calendar

Sunday, January 5, 2020(December 23, old style)
29th Sunday after Pentecost
The week before Christmas, Holy Father.
Martyrs of Crete: Theodula, Satorninus, Euporus, Gelasius, Eunicianus, Zoticus, Pompius, Agathopus, Basilides and Evarestes (III)
Saints' Day:
St. Nifonta, ep. Cyprus (IV). St. Paul, bishop Neo-Caesarean (IV). St. Theoktista, Archbishop. Novgorod (1310).
Day of Remembrance of Confessors and New Martyrs of the Russian Church:
Sschmch. Vasily Spassky presbyter and martyr. Makaria Mironov and Jonah Smirnov (1938).
Christmas (Filippov) fast.
Marriages are not celebrated during the Nativity (Filippov) Fast.
Readings of the day
Gospel and Apostle:
In the morning: - John 20:1-10 In lit.: -Holiday: Ap.: Hebrews 11:9-10,17-23,32-40 Ev.: Matthew 1:1-25
In the morning: - Ps.9-16; Ps.17-23


Many women dream of male attention, but in practice its excess often results in problems and troubles. Then the question arises: how to get rid of an annoying fan, so as not to offend him, and save your nerves? If words don't help, use simple psychological techniques.

How to get rid of an annoying man

Many girls, in an attempt to get rid of an annoying man, begin to behave defiantly and aggressively, but do not get the expected result. It's all about male psychology: young men often perceive such behavior and rudeness as a challenge. The instinct of a hunter and a winner forces them to pay attention even more actively. To avoid getting into this situation, use little tricks.

  1. Try to find out in the process of communication what irritates the annoying gentleman most, what shortcomings in the girl irritate and repel him. You need to find out everything unobtrusively so that the guy doesn’t suspect something is wrong, then start behaving in a way that will be unpleasant for him. Soon the suitor himself will run away from you, complaining about his blindness and sudden insight.
  2. Avoid any physical contact, pretend to be completely independent. Do not accept the hand offered when exiting a vehicle, do not allow someone to pay for you, etc. Show him that you need his help. This will be unpleasant for any man and will curb his ardor.
  3. Pretend that you don't understand his hints. This will only excite a mature adult man, but it will scare away a young man.

How to turn off an obsessive admirer

When psychological tricks and conversations do not help, you will have to deal with rudeness. To discourage an unwanted gentleman, there is no need to swear and mock him. You need to analyze your communication and gradually change it.

  1. Tell us about your fiancé (even if he doesn’t exist) and that you are planning to tie the knot. Most men prefer not to encroach on women who a priori belong to others.
  2. A good “stop” sign is a wedding ring: even if you haven’t visited the registry office yet, you can put any thin gold ring on the ring finger of your right hand. This makes it clear to men that the lady is busy.
  3. If you met on the Internet, you can simply stop responding to messages or blacklist the subscriber. There remains a risk that the strong interest in your person will not fade away and an unfamiliar suitor will try to write from a different page. In this case, you won’t be able to get rid of the obsessive fan quickly.

How to ward off an annoying boyfriend

Modern men, especially married ones, try not to associate their lives with wasteful and capricious women. You can quickly ward off an annoying boyfriend by demonstrating intrusiveness and demandingness. Ask him to pay for you in a cafe, demand expensive gifts, irritate him with your bad habits. Does not help? Then start getting acquainted with him and flirt with other guys. Do everything that he might not like. If this method of how to get rid of an obsessive man did not help, think: maybe he really loves you, and this is fate?

Girls face the problem of men's obsession. Intrusiveness is not always pleasant. It turns out that it is quite simple to ward off an unwanted admirer, but in each situation you need to act in a special way.

There are rules for getting rid of an unwanted suitor.

If you follow them, you will quickly solve the problem:

  1. Uncompromising is the main thing. You cannot make concessions and give in to persuasion. Be firm and stick to your chosen position.
  2. Eliminate pity. Many fans are starting to put pressure on this feeling. Some individuals blackmail with their own lives (threatening suicide). Remember: people who are capable of killing themselves never say such things out loud.
  3. Feeling guilty is bad, otherwise this feeling will force you to submit to persuasion.
  4. You cannot accept gifts - flowers, gifts and other trinkets.
  5. Don't involve it in your life. Many people try to take advantage of an annoying fan for their own purposes. Remember, if he helps you, then you will not be able to get rid of him.
  6. When communicating, focus attention on your loved one (if you are not there, feel free to invent something). Wear a wedding ring or talk about your future wedding.
  7. Make the conversation more specific. Eliminate misunderstandings and omissions. Otherwise, the fan will think that you are embarrassed to express your feelings.
  8. Avoid coquetry, flirting and smiling.
  9. Try to avoid meetings.
  10. Talk directly, explaining your lack of desire to communicate.

In life

Life situations are different; in your circle of acquaintances there may be a person who has become overly annoying. You can meet in a cafe, transport, university, on the street. The situation is aggravated by the close proximity to such a fan, you have to meet often. What can you do if the guy starts stalking you? Initially, it is important and necessary to follow the basic rules.

But the following maneuvers are also used:

  1. In a conversation, you can allow the expression of interest in his person, but this must be done correctly. For example, ask about your financial situation, life position, and career. For any positive answer, express your dissatisfaction. Tell him that his position is absolutely not suitable for you. This situation leads the fan to disgust.
  2. If the admirer is not aggressive, then you can be rude, insult and humiliate. Self-respecting representatives of humanity will not tolerate such an attitude.
  3. If someone gives you flowers, throw them into the trash bin without regret in the presence of the guy.
  4. Invite your girlfriends and friends. The girlfriend should flirt with him, and he, like a true “gentleman,” will reciprocate. For your part, you will explain to the fan that he did not pass the test. Go for walks with friends more often so that you don’t have the opportunity to communicate alone.
  5. If you make frequent phone calls, picking up the phone is contraindicated; the solution is a “black” list. And don't promise to call back.
  6. Try, looking into his eyes, to firmly explain that he does not belong to your type.

At work

  1. In the workplace, things get out of control because you are forced to communicate. It is recommended to conduct the conversation exclusively about work matters, maintaining an official tone.
  2. Don't agree to have lunch together.
  3. Do not accept compliments, do not show that you are pleased with them. Say directly that you don’t want to listen to them or make a dissatisfied grimace.
  4. If the admirer is a subordinate, do not call him into your office, but give instructions through a third party. If you are a boss, then turn your attention to other employees. Surely you know about the boss’s secret fans. There are superiors above the boss, to whom you should turn for help.

In the Internet

It’s easy to get rid of a fan on the Internet:

  1. Block.
  2. If rudeness occurs, you can contact the site administration.
  3. Don't meet strangers: one person creates different nicknames.

How to rid yourself of a married admirer?

  1. If a married man with children is harassing you, tell them you don't love them. And you are simply sick of his child.
  2. Ask the man to introduce you to his rightful woman. He won't like it.
  3. Calmly but firmly explain that you should never date someone who is married.
  4. Threaten to tell his wife about the obsession.

How to get rid of an aggressive fan who makes threats?

The most terrible situation is when the gentleman is overly aggressive and threatening. Not every person is able to cope with it alone. Therefore, in such situations, it is advisable to involve other people: stronger than the fan, friends, parents and even the police. Be sure to notify the local police officer. Make an audio recording of the threats and provide the information to law enforcement. If an aggressive fan only knows contact information, then the best solution is to change them.

Using magic - a conspiracy from an annoying admirer

A simple and effective spell pronounced on salt. Pour 1.5 tbsp. l. salt in your palm, light a candle bought in church and read the prayer:

“The salt is crumbly and white. I was nice to the servant of God (say his name), but I became not nice. As the fire goes out, the eyes do not burn, the heart does not flare up. Amen".

Salt is poured into the shoes and pockets of the fan.

With a hug or a firm handshake. You definitely need to make eye contact. Say three times:

“As if my hands are burned with needles, my heart will prick, and the servant of God (name) will turn away from me. Amen".

Bay leaf - to help

If you make a wish to get rid of an annoying admirer and place a bay leaf in an open fire, then 10 days after burning it, your wish will come true!

What do girls write on forums?

On the forums there are requests from girls with the question: how to get rid of an annoying annoying admirer. At the same time, people give each other completely contradictory advice.

The main point: do not run away from the problem, but discuss it with the fan directly. Often many recommendations turn out to be ineffective. However, every situation is individual, which means it is necessary to act based on the specifics.

How to get rid of a fan or boyfriend? -

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