How to remove gout on the leg with prayer. Spells and effective prayers for gout on the legs Spell for joint pain

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Conspiracy for gout

This should be done in the evening. Pour spring water or the one in which the silver was kept for an hour into a cup. The patient himself must take the cup in his hands and look into it. And he must say these words:

“On the mountain, where the mountain is, a farmstead was built. Not from gold and silver, not from stone and glass, from house planks, unhewn and long. The deceased workers did not sleep, they tore the boards from their coffins, built the farmstead, fenced the garden. There is no movement in the courtyard, neither alive nor dead, neither horse nor foot, nor devil, nor goblin. There are only convoys going there, carrying illnesses. Sickness-gout of the servant of God (name), climb onto the wagon train, ride in a carriage, bury yourself in the house, don’t let anything happen to you. Amen, amen, amen."

Then he must drink the water immediately, but always in three sips. Therefore, you don’t have to pour a full cup to make it more convenient. You need to speak and drink water for three days in a row. Otherwise there will be no point. And at this time there should be no one in the room near the patient.

Speak gout

On the mountain where lives there is a farmstead.

It's not glass, it's wood,

From coffin boards, from resin trees,

From the houses of the dead.

I’ll take it to that house and to the courtyard

Illness from the servant of God (name).

There will be illness, there it will live forever.

And as I said, so it will be.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

How to speak to a scratch

How to talk gout

How to spell gout Read the spell while stroking (the movements should be directed away from you) the sore spot. The conspiracy words are as follows: There is a black forest, in the forest there is a black hut, In the hut there is a coffin, In that coffin a dead man lies. They don’t bury him or have a funeral service, they don’t use nails

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Speak gout

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Speak gout

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Talk to the withers

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Conspiracy: Treatment of gout and rheumatism in the bathhouse

Gout and rheumatism are treated in the bathhouse on odd days. For treatment you will need a nettle broom. It should first be prepared by dipping it alternately in hot and cold water. They do this so as not to burn the patient during treatment.

A nettle broom can be used only when the patient’s body is well warmed up.

Place pine spruce branches on the floor and shelves of the bathhouse. Place a sheet on top of the spruce branches on the shelves where the patient will lie.

I will not remind you every time that the bathhouse must be sterilely clean during the ceremony - this is an indispensable condition.

Heat the stove with birch (and only birch!) firewood.

Prepare the following infusion in advance:

Rose hips – 2 cups

Wormwood dioica – 1 cup

St. John's wort – 1 cup

Birch buds – ½ cup

Black currant leaves – 2 cups

Chopped willow twigs and leaves - 1 cup

Mix all the ingredients, brew with boiling water, pour into a bucket and let it brew.

When treating gout and joint pain, you will have to work hard. In addition to reading prayers and spells, you will need to massage the patient. Don't be afraid, it's not difficult to make.

Monitor the temperature of the bath: the steam should be light, not hot.

So, the patient lies down on the shelves. Ask him to relax and not talk while reading prayers. Warn him that it may hurt a little, but then he will feel much better.

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Then cross yourself and offer a prayer to the Holy Cross:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Now the time has come for prayer for speedy healing, addressed to Saints Panteleimon, Cosmas and Damian.

Oh, great saints of Christ and miracle workers Panteleimon, Cosmas and Damian, hear us praying to you (names). You know our sorrows and illnesses, you hear the sighs of the many who flow to you. For this reason, we call you as our quick helper and warm prayer book: do not leave us with your intercession with God. We constantly err from the path of salvation, guide us, merciful teachers. We are weak in faith, strengthen us, Teacher of Faith. We have done a great deal of good deeds, enrich us, treasures of charity. We are constantly slandered by enemies, visible and invisible, and we are embittered; help us, helpless intercessors. Turn away the righteous anger moving towards us for our iniquities, through your intercession of the Throne of the Judge of God. You stand before Him in Heaven, holy righteous ones. Hear, we pray, you, great saints of Christ, calling you with faith, and with your prayers ask the Heavenly Father for all of us forgiveness of our sins and deliverance from troubles. You are helpers, intercessors and prayer books, and we send glory about you to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

After reading all the prayers, go to conspiracy. Every time after the words “Lord, bless!” Pat the patient with a nettle broom.

Not on four legs

And on two legs and two arms.

Not to grow on bones, but to bloom on nettles,

Don't whine from pain, but be healthy.

I close my words, I close my business.

Tame, Lord, what hurts.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After you have passed the broom from the shoulders to the feet (don’t touch the head!) seven times in a row, begin massaging the patient’s legs in a counterclockwise circular motion. Each finger is massaged, not very strongly and without interruption, the body is stroked and slightly shaken.

The shins, as well as the areas above and below the knee joint, are massaged with special diligence. You cannot massage the opposite side of the knee. Rub harder on the foot, sole, heel, and instep. The patient will tell you in advance where it hurts the most. Do not touch this place itself, but massage it properly around it. And one more thing: you should not touch pronounced venous lumps.

Do not forget to periodically splash the broth on the hot stones.

It is impossible for a patient to be told “Enjoy your bath!”

Conspiracies for the treatment of gout

Folk remedies

Cut out a hexagonal shape from blue paper. Draw the necessary symbols on it. For this, use black or purple ink, to which add ten pinches of salt. Tell the patient to wear this talisman for three days in his left shoe. Then burn the talisman and rub its ashes on the sore spots. This witchcraft treatment must be repeated four times a year - at the end of each season.

Mix equal parts of dried chamomile flowers with black elderberry flowers and fill them with a small amount of water. After a few minutes, drain all the water, squeeze out the grass and, without allowing it to cool, put it in a bag sewn from rare fabric. Apply this bag to the sore spot and, to retain heat longer, tie a woolen cloth around it on top.

Wear jet in a copper bracelet or tie it on a thread to your sore leg.

Place a quarter pound of unsalted butter in an iron bowl and place it over the fire. When the oil boils, skim off the foam and add half a glass of pure alcohol to it. After this, light the potion and wait until the fire goes out by itself. Collect all the medicinal ointment obtained in this way and rub it into sore spots while reading the plot:

From east to west, from north to south,

from the river to the sea, from the path to the crossroads

an old grandfather walked for more than a hundred years,

carried with him three prickly needles,

three sharp knives, three padlocks.

To poke out the disease with needles,

cut off illness with knives,

Lock the aches and thinness with locks.

Give up, good luck to all the illness,

aches and pains from the servant of God such and such,

Otherwise I’ll invite that grandfather into our yard.

Collect clean river sand. Sift it on a fine sieve. Heat it on the stove. Pour this warm sand into a large bucket or tub so that it fills the bucket two to three inches from the bottom. Tell the patient to put his feet on this sand and fill the bucket until it is full with warm sand. Do this treatment every other day for a long time. Always be very careful not to heat the sand too much to avoid burning your feet.

You can do warm sand baths for your hands in the same way.

Apply steamed turnip to the sore spot.

Use decoctions of pine needles, cordate linden flowers, rosehip root, stony stone herb and sage herb for warm compresses.

Pour the warm decoction of black currant leaves into the barrel. Dip swollen hands or feet into it. When the water has cooled, replace it with warm broth. Continue this treatment for at least an hour. Afterwards, keep the sore areas warm. For this treatment, you can also use decoctions from the roots of stinging nettle, sage herb or chamomile flowers. Use half a pound of grass per three gallons of water.

Collect and dry the duckweed in the wind. Grind it into powder. Mix this powder with thick, but not candied honey and roll it into small pills. Give them to the patient two pieces three times a day.

Crush two heads of garlic and pour two glasses of vodka over them. Do this on the new moon and infuse the medicine until the full moon arrives, shaking it every day. The tincture should be taken three times a day, thirty-three drops per glass of water. Continue treatment for a month.

Pour May lilac flowers into the bottle up to the very neck. Fill them with vodka and let it brew for three lunar quarters. Then strain the vodka and give it three times a day, thirty-three drops per glass of water. Use the same tincture for rubbing and compresses. Instead of lilac, you can use rosehip roots, wild galangal roots, horse sorrel roots, aspen or barberry bark.

Treat gout with infusions and decoctions of bean leaves, lingonberry leaves, strawberry berries, St. John's wort, string herb, hop cones, black elderberry flowers, birch leaves and buds, lovage root, flax seeds. All these herbs should be collected on odd lunar days.

For this disease, rhubarb, sorrel and viburnum are contraindicated.

Individual training in magic

Revealing and developing your hidden abilities

Direct transmission of witchcraft and magical power

Gout is an ancient disease. The first mention of this disease was described in the 5th century BC. e. Hippocrates. This ancient Greek doctor gave the name of the disease, which is still used today.

The literal translation of the word “gout” from ancient Greek means “foot in a trap.” Previously, the rich were susceptible to this disease, but these days the number of people suffering from gout has increased significantly.

But is it possible to treat gout at home with folk remedies, using, for example, celandine? This question worries everyone who has encountered this disease. However, in order to understand how the disease can be cured, it is necessary to understand the nature of its occurrence.

Factors causing gout

Gout is a chronic disease, the main factors of which are considered to be genetic predisposition and poor diet. Quite often, this disease plagues obese people, diabetics and those who suffer from arterial hypertension and other pathologies.

Gout develops when there is an increased concentration of uric acid in the patient's blood. This process is called hyperuricemia. The kidneys are responsible for removing acid from the body's cells.

With a high content of uric acid, the urinary organs cannot fully perform their functions. Because of this, acid accumulates in the joints, kidneys, and under the skin in the form of sodium urates, that is, salts.

Often, urates are concentrated in the joints of the fingers of the upper and lower extremities. As a result, inflammation occurs in the arms and legs, causing severe pain.

Note! A large amount of lactic acid is found in alcoholic beverages and meat dishes, so the disease, as a rule, progresses in those people who drink alcohol and eat fatty meat dishes.

Moreover, gout can develop if a person’s diet contains low-quality fats, in the case of a passive lifestyle, heavy physical activity and taking certain medications.

There was also a case where the disease began to progress after taking diuretics for weight loss. The risk of developing gout increases for a person whose relatives had a similar disease.

It should be noted that the disease more often affects men. And the incidence of gout in women is minimal.


Gout is characterized by a wave-like course, so the disease is equated to systemic diseases that can affect only the joints, but also the kidneys. Against the background of the underlying disease, the patient may develop tubulointerstitial nephritis, glomerulonephritis, or urolithiasis.

Rarely, kidney failure can be a complication of gout. So, this pathology is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • In the area of ​​urate deposition, dense neoplasms (tophi) appear, which can hurt when pressed. They mainly affect the fingers, ears, elbows and may appear on the legs.
  • Causeless and unexpected onset of debilitating and severe pain in the thumb in the evening. The pain may not stop for several days.
  • The affected area swells and turns blue. At the same time, it is painful to move the affected finger.

Swelling and changes in skin color are important symptoms indicating the onset of an attack.

Gout is a very serious disease, so if you notice its signs, you should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will refer the patient for a biochemical blood test, which will determine the level of uric acid concentration.

Those patients who are diagnosed with gout need to have a blood test every 12 weeks. Carrying out systematic studies will allow you to control the amount of uric acid.

What to do in case of exacerbation of the disease?

Treatment of gout at home with folk remedies is a set of methods aimed at alleviating the painful condition when an exacerbation occurs. So, in the event of a gout attack, you need to:

  1. take a lying position;
  2. raise the sore leg and fix it in such a position so that the limb is in a calm state;
  3. apply a compress with agents that remove inflammation (dimexide, Vishnevsky ointment) to the sore joint;
  4. drink plenty of liquid (sour fresh juice, alkaline mineral water, oat decoction);
  5. take non-steroidal drugs that have an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect (indomethacin, diclofenac, nimesulide);
  6. adhere to a certain diet, such a diet should include vegetable decoctions, rare porridges, and jelly.

If attacks of gouty arthritis progress as a result of taking medications to prevent exacerbations, then the drugs must be taken according to the regimen established by the doctor. However, if prophylactic medications were not taken before the attack began, then it is better not to take them during the period of exacerbation.

In addition, medications whose main purpose is to reduce gout attacks should not be taken without permission. These medications should only be prescribed by a doctor; for these reasons, if an exacerbation occurs, you should not ignore the help of a doctor.

If all the above rules are taken into account, then the exacerbation will pass in 2 maximum 3 days. In the opposite situation, the patient will be bedridden for a long period of time.

Diet for gout

A special diet that the patient must adhere to regularly will help cure gout. It is necessary to remove from the diet foods that contribute to the production of uric acid - rich broths, fatty fish and meat, smoked meats, offal, canned food.

Also, people suffering from gouty arthritis are prohibited from eating figs, mushrooms, spinach, legumes, cauliflower, and raspberries. In addition, drinking alcohol, rich tea and coffee, chocolate, and cocoa is contraindicated. A diet for diabetes and gout is often included, since these ailments can be present in the patient at the same time.

To reduce the risk of exacerbations, the patient should reduce the consumption of lean poultry and fish to once every 3 days. You should also be careful when consuming pickles, baked goods and other flour products.

Fortunately, the list of foods that can and are beneficial for gout is quite extensive:

  • compotes;
  • potato;
  • dairy products (low-fat);
  • tomatoes;
  • jelly;
  • cucumbers;
  • fruit drink;
  • zucchini;
  • Bulgarian pepper;
  • fruits.

The recommended diet for gout includes eating rye bread, vegetable broths, durum wheat pasta, cereal dishes, eggs, and nuts. And those with a sweet tooth can sometimes treat themselves to creams, marmalade and marshmallows.

No less useful are alkaline mineral waters, fresh juices, and herbal decoctions. By the way, a person who is occasionally attacked by gout attacks should drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.

It should be noted that a balanced diet for gout is very important, as it is the basis of treatment. As a rule, following the diet helps reduce gout attacks. However, a long-term absence of exacerbations does not mean that gout will never appear again.

Note! If you do not follow the correct diet, the disease can reappear, so following a special diet should become a way of life.

Treatment of gout with folk remedies

For those who are interested in how to treat gout at home, you can use folk remedies, thanks to which the condition of the diseased joint will significantly improve.

Treatment of gout with iodine involves preparing a solution with the addition of aspirin. To prepare the medicinal mash, 2 tsp. iodine is mixed with 5 tablets. aspirin, and then you need to wait a little until the solution becomes discolored.

The iodine solution is poured into a glass container. To eliminate the symptoms of gout, you need to smear the affected areas on your legs with the resulting liquid every day before going to bed. After the application procedure, the joint must be wrapped.

After waking up, the solution is washed off with warm water. It is necessary to carry out such therapy until the tophi disappear.

Also, treatment of gout with folk remedies brings successful results if you use warm baths of soda and iodine. To prepare a bath in 1 liter of water you need to add 3 parts of iodine and 1 tbsp. l. soda

The upper or lower limbs should be placed in a soda-iodine bath for 15 minutes. It is important to control the temperature of the water, making sure it is warm. Thanks to this therapy, after 10 days the tophi will disappear.

However, even if treatment with folk remedies brings good results, you should not ignore a visit to the doctor.

After all, gouty arthritis is an insidious disease. The disease can cause complications, for example, disrupting the functioning of the genitourinary system.

Celandine is also often used in the treatment of gout with folk remedies. But during such treatment you need to adhere to a certain diet. Therefore, you should exclude from the daily menu:

  • beans;
  • bakery products;
  • sorrel;
  • reduce sugar consumption;
  • spinach;
  • alcohol;
  • radish;
  • spices;
  • animal fats;
  • smoked and fried meat.

An infusion containing celandine and lingonberries is an effective remedy that actively fights tophi. To prepare it you need 1 tsp. herbs and 1 tsp. pour 400 ml of boiling water over lingonberries, then infuse the broth for 40 minutes and filter. The medicine should be taken 1 tbsp. l. 4 times a day, and the duration of therapy takes about two weeks.

Celandine with cinquefoil tincture is another effective remedy that eliminates the symptoms of gout. To prepare the product 1 tbsp. l. Potentilla roots are poured with 100 ml of ethanol and left for 2 weeks in a cold and dark place.

Afterwards, the solution is filtered and 1 tsp is added to it. celandine juice, and then everything is infused for 4 days. The medicine containing celandine with cinquefoil is taken in half a teaspoon. three times a day before meals. Duration of therapy is up to 10 days.

Celandine, infused together with St. John's wort, is another effective remedy that effectively fights the chronic form of gouty arthritis. To prepare the tincture, pour 450 ml of boiling water into 1 tbsp. l. celandine and St. John's wort.

The herbs are infused for 2 hours, after which they are filtered. The medicine should be taken in 3 tbsp. l. three times a day half an hour before meals. The course of therapy ranges from 10 to 12 days.

Celandine infused with alcohol can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently according to the recipe indicated above. The product is taken 3-5 drops during the day for a week. After which you need to take a break for 1 week and repeat the therapy.

In case of severe pain, celandine infused with alcohol is used as compresses. You can also anoint the affected area with the tincture, which will reduce the process of inflammation in the joint.

Celandine is actively used for preparing compresses in combination with yellow capsule. To make a healing compress 1 tbsp. l. celandine and 1 tbsp. l. The egg capsules are filled with 300 ml of boiling water. Then everything is infused for 60 minutes, and then filtered. Gauze soaked in the infusion is applied to the affected joint to relieve pain.

To prepare another compress to relieve pain, you need to take rosehip roots (1 tbsp.) and celandine (1 tbsp.). Then everything should be poured with 600 ml of water and heated in a water bath for 120 minutes.

When the broth has cooled, you need to strain it. Afterwards, gauze cloth is immersed in the product, and then applied to the inflamed area.

To prepare a therapeutic bath, you should take celandine (1 tbsp.) and larch (2 tbsp.). The plants are poured with 600 ml of boiling water and infused for 120 minutes, and then everything is filtered and the infusion is added to the bath. The duration of such a procedure should take no more than 20 minutes.

Celandine (1 tbsp) and chamomile (1 tbsp) can also be added to a healing bath with sea salt (250 g). It is recommended to do this procedure every day for 7 days to get rid of swelling on the legs or arms.

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Conspiracy for gout

Conspiracy for gout

Speak gout

In Rus' it was believed that gout could be cured with this curse. You need to fold your middle and index fingers on your right hand and, touching the sore spot with them, read in a whisper:
“On the mountain where grief lives, there is a farmstead. It is not glass, it is wooden, from coffin boards, from resin trees, from the houses of the deceased. I will take the illness from the slave (name) to that house and to the courtyard. There will be illness, there she will live forever, and as I said, so it will be. Amen, amen, amen."
Place in the right pocket the bone of a calf that was slaughtered in the same year that the person is waiting for help. Speak:
“Just as this calf was, and now it is not in the yard, nor in the pasture, nor in the stable, so I will not have gout. Just as it is true that I have a bone in my right pocket, it is also true that I will recover. Amen".

Spell gout, spell for gout.

On the mountain where the mountain lives there is a farmstead.
It's not glass, it's wood,
From coffin boards, from resin trees,
From the houses of the dead.
I’ll take it to that house and to the courtyard
Illness from the servant of God (name).
There will be illness, there it will live forever.
And as I said, so it will be.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Conspiracy for gout

Conspiracies and prayers for gout. Esoterics - Tarot cards, Dream Interpretation, Amulets, Playing Tarot and much more.

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Plot for gout: treatment without drugs

There is a conspiracy to get rid of gout, with the help of which our ancestors were treated. This method is less expensive and the effect is one hundred percent.

A conspiracy against gout requires the preparation of potions and decoctions. And this is an additional bonus during treatment. Still, herbs always benefit the entire body, and not just a certain part of the body.

Gout is a disease associated with salty deposits in the joints and bones due to poor kidney function. Deposits accumulate in different parts of the body due to poor diet, causing pain. Thus, with progressive gout, you will not be able to move normally. In such a situation, therapeutic measures only relieve symptoms, but require regular repetition of procedures. In addition, the amount spent on such pain relief is simply off the charts and not everyone can afford to undergo regular therapy and massage. That’s why we have to return to traditional medicine and use drugs and spells.

Elderberry plot against gout

To use this conspiracy against gout, you don’t have to go in search of leaves and flowers. Everything can be bought at the market from herbalists. If you have the desire and a place with a growing tree, then collecting the necessary ingredients yourself is very simple. This is also beneficial in terms of procurement for six months in advance. The elderberry plot against gout has two versions of the decoction: the first uses leaves, and the second uses flowers. In both cases, 1 tbsp is used. a spoonful of crushed ingredients for the decoction. Everything is poured with hot water (200 ml) and boiled for 10-15 minutes. During this time, you need to read the text of the spell 7 times and at the same time stir clockwise. To get results much faster, healers recommend starting treatment on the waning moon. The decoction is drunk 3-4 times a day, half a glass. After a seven-day reception, visit church on any Sunday and take communion. It is advisable to order a thanksgiving prayer service. 7 days break and continue treatment.

“I will ask the Lord, I will beg the guardian angels, I want to ask the Mother of God on my knees. Healing and forgiveness, health and free movement. So that the bones do not hurt, the joints do not crack, the head does not spin, and health returns. The servant of God (name) suffers from illness, wants to walk, sit, sleep, lie down without pain. I will leave you, holy saints, ask for me, send me health. Amen".

Conspiracy using a knife

You should not carry out such a ritual on your own. It is better to read a plot for gout using a knife to a relative or stranger. In addition to a knife, you will need plain water, holy water, and a church candle. The legs are lowered with the feet into a basin with warm water, which we pour in with holy water. The one who performs the ritual must read “Our Father” before starting and ask for help in treatment. Knife in right hand. The patient holds the candle. At the end of the ritual, the healer must cross the back of the head with a candle three times. Carry out daily until pain disappears (approximately 7-14 days). In many ways, knife treatment for gout depends on the stage of the disease. The older the disease, the more sessions are necessary, but up to 13 times.

While reading the plot, carefully draw crosses on the foot, ankle and knee with a knife so as not to cut it. The text is read three times on each leg. Seventh time reading the plot during baptism of the head:

“I’ll cut out the burning sore with a knife of crosses. The knife is sharp, and the disease is caustic and persistent. The knife heals, but the cross helps. My legs don’t hurt, my joints don’t break, and the knife edge takes out the salt. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen (3 times)."

Prayers for gout

There is also a series of prayers that are read during the treatment of gout. They are combined with folk and traditional medicine. They will enhance the effectiveness of all procedures. If you visit a massage therapist to develop joints, then prayers can be read during the massage movements. To do this, it is better to memorize them. They are said at least three times during the day, but the number of sessions is monitored. The number must not be even and must not correspond to the number 13.

Conspiracy for gout

  • 16.02.2012
  • Portal TarotTaro
  • comments: 0

Since ancient times, it was believed that gout was only a disease of men, but now scientists have concluded that this disease most often affects active and mobile people. Gout can affect joints, both on the legs and arms, and thus causes many problems for people who have experienced all its “delights”. Today, medicine, as we know, can do anything, but sometimes we just have to turn to folk methods, and especially to believe in magical conspiracies and spells. The same applies to the disease gout, for which there are many proven prayers and conspiracies. By the way, you should not think that this is paranoia and it is impossible to help the disease with some words. After all, the main thing in treatment is faith in it, in recovery. So, one of the most popular conspiracies, which is read in a whisper, has been known since the times of Rus'. Then it was even believed that this slander would help completely get rid of this trouble. To do this, you need to fold your index and middle fingers on your right hand, and then touch the sore spot, making movements with a cross, and say the following words: “On the mountain where the courtyard stands, grief lives. It is not glass, but wooden, made from coffin boards, from the houses of the dead, from resin fir trees. I will take the illness from the servant of God (name) to that house and to the courtyard. There will be diseases there, they will live there forever, and as it is said, so it will come true. Amen, amen, amen." By the way, this conspiracy can once and for all cure even the most advanced gout, which has been causing inconvenience for many years. There is also another effective conspiracy. It needs to be read while stroking the sore spot away from you.

“There is a black forest, in it there is a black hut, and in the hut there is a coffin, a dead man lies in that coffin. They don’t bury him or have a funeral service, and they don’t hammer him with nails. I will approach that coffin and bow to the deceased. Take away the disease from me, deliver me from illness. I’ll go to church, and I’ll sing you there, I’ll light candles for the repose of your soul, I’ll leave my illnesses with you. A white leaf for me, a black forest for you. Amen".

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity. Do not forget to rate the article if you liked it:

For gout and rheumatism.

Conspiracies for the treatment of gout

Folk remedies

Cut out a hexagonal shape from blue paper. Draw the necessary symbols on it. For this, use black or purple ink, to which add ten pinches of salt. Tell the patient to wear this talisman for three days in his left shoe. Then burn the talisman and rub its ashes on the sore spots. This witchcraft treatment must be repeated four times a year - at the end of each season.

Mix equal parts of dried chamomile flowers with black elderberry flowers and fill them with a small amount of water. After a few minutes, drain all the water, squeeze out the grass and, without allowing it to cool, put it in a bag sewn from rare fabric. Apply this bag to the sore spot and, to retain heat longer, tie a woolen cloth around it on top.

Wear jet in a copper bracelet or tie it on a thread to your sore leg.

Place a quarter pound of unsalted butter in an iron bowl and place it over the fire. When the oil boils, skim off the foam and add half a glass of pure alcohol to it. After this, light the potion and wait until the fire goes out by itself. Collect all the medicinal ointment obtained in this way and rub it into sore spots while reading the plot:

From east to west, from north to south,

from the river to the sea, from the path to the crossroads

an old grandfather walked for more than a hundred years,

carried with him three prickly needles,

three sharp knives, three padlocks.

To poke out the disease with needles,

cut off illness with knives,

Lock the aches and thinness with locks.

Give up, good luck to all the illness,

aches and pains from the servant of God such and such,

Otherwise I’ll invite that grandfather into our yard.

Collect clean river sand. Sift it on a fine sieve. Heat it on the stove. Pour this warm sand into a large bucket or tub so that it fills the bucket two to three inches from the bottom. Tell the patient to put his feet on this sand and fill the bucket until it is full with warm sand. Do this treatment every other day for a long time. Always be very careful not to heat the sand too much to avoid burning your feet.

You can do warm sand baths for your hands in the same way.

Apply steamed turnip to the sore spot.

Use decoctions of pine needles, cordate linden flowers, rosehip root, stony stone herb and sage herb for warm compresses.

Pour the warm decoction of black currant leaves into the barrel. Dip swollen hands or feet into it. When the water has cooled, replace it with warm broth. Continue this treatment for at least an hour. Afterwards, keep the sore areas warm. For this treatment, you can also use decoctions from the roots of stinging nettle, sage herb or chamomile flowers. Use half a pound of grass per three gallons of water.

Collect and dry the duckweed in the wind. Grind it into powder. Mix this powder with thick, but not candied honey and roll it into small pills. Give them to the patient two pieces three times a day.

Crush two heads of garlic and pour two glasses of vodka over them. Do this on the new moon and infuse the medicine until the full moon arrives, shaking it every day. The tincture should be taken three times a day, thirty-three drops per glass of water. Continue treatment for a month.

Pour May lilac flowers into the bottle up to the very neck. Fill them with vodka and let it brew for three lunar quarters. Then strain the vodka and give it three times a day, thirty-three drops per glass of water. Use the same tincture for rubbing and compresses. Instead of lilac, you can use rosehip roots, wild galangal roots, horse sorrel roots, aspen or barberry bark.

Treat gout with infusions and decoctions of bean leaves, lingonberry leaves, strawberry berries, St. John's wort, string herb, hop cones, black elderberry flowers, birch leaves and buds, lovage root, flax seeds. All these herbs should be collected on odd lunar days.

For this disease, rhubarb, sorrel and viburnum are contraindicated.

Individual training in magic

Revealing and developing your hidden abilities

Direct transmission of witchcraft and magical power

Conspiracy: Treatment of gout and rheumatism in the bathhouse

Gout and rheumatism are treated in the bathhouse on odd days. For treatment you will need a nettle broom. It should first be prepared by dipping it alternately in hot and cold water. They do this so as not to burn the patient during treatment.

A nettle broom can be used only when the patient’s body is well warmed up.

Place pine spruce branches on the floor and shelves of the bathhouse. Place a sheet on top of the spruce branches on the shelves where the patient will lie.

I will not remind you every time that the bathhouse must be sterilely clean during the ceremony - this is an indispensable condition.

Heat the stove with birch (and only birch!) firewood.

Prepare the following infusion in advance:

Rose hips – 2 cups

Wormwood dioica – 1 cup

St. John's wort – 1 cup

Birch buds – ½ cup

Black currant leaves – 2 cups

Chopped willow twigs and leaves - 1 cup

Mix all the ingredients, brew with boiling water, pour into a bucket and let it brew.

When treating gout and joint pain, you will have to work hard. In addition to reading prayers and spells, you will need to massage the patient. Don't be afraid, it's not difficult to make.

Monitor the temperature of the bath: the steam should be light, not hot.

So, the patient lies down on the shelves. Ask him to relax and not talk while reading prayers. Warn him that it may hurt a little, but then he will feel much better.

Our Father, Who art in Heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in Heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Then cross yourself and offer a prayer to the Holy Cross:

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; just as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and who say in joy: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by force on you of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

Now the time has come for prayer for speedy healing, addressed to Saints Panteleimon, Cosmas and Damian.

Oh, great saints of Christ and miracle workers Panteleimon, Cosmas and Damian, hear us praying to you (names). You know our sorrows and illnesses, you hear the sighs of the many who flow to you. For this reason, we call you as our quick helper and warm prayer book: do not leave us with your intercession with God. We constantly err from the path of salvation, guide us, merciful teachers. We are weak in faith, strengthen us, Teacher of Faith. We have done a great deal of good deeds, enrich us, treasures of charity. We are constantly slandered by enemies, visible and invisible, and we are embittered; help us, helpless intercessors. Turn away the righteous anger moving towards us for our iniquities, through your intercession of the Throne of the Judge of God. You stand before Him in Heaven, holy righteous ones. Hear, we pray, you, great saints of Christ, calling you with faith, and with your prayers ask the Heavenly Father for all of us forgiveness of our sins and deliverance from troubles. You are helpers, intercessors and prayer books, and we send glory about you to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

After reading all the prayers, go to conspiracy. Every time after the words “Lord, bless!” Pat the patient with a nettle broom.

Not on four legs

And on two legs and two arms.

Not to grow on bones, but to bloom on nettles,

Don't whine from pain, but be healthy.

I close my words, I close my business.

Tame, Lord, what hurts.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After you have passed the broom from the shoulders to the feet (don’t touch the head!) seven times in a row, begin massaging the patient’s legs in a counterclockwise circular motion. Each finger is massaged, not very strongly and without interruption, the body is stroked and slightly shaken.

The shins, as well as the areas above and below the knee joint, are massaged with special diligence. You cannot massage the opposite side of the knee. Rub harder on the foot, sole, heel, and instep. The patient will tell you in advance where it hurts the most. Do not touch this place itself, but massage it properly around it. And one more thing: you should not touch pronounced venous lumps.

Do not forget to periodically splash the broth on the hot stones.

It is impossible for a patient to be told “Enjoy your bath!”

A conspiracy against gout requires the preparation of potions and decoctions. And this is an additional bonus during treatment. Still, herbs always benefit the entire body, and not just a certain part of the body.

Elderberry plot against gout

Gout is a disease associated with salt deposits in the joints and bones due to poor kidney function. Deposits accumulate in different parts of the body due to poor diet, causing pain. Thus, with progressive gout, you will not be able to move normally. In such a situation, therapeutic measures only relieve symptoms, but require regular repetition of procedures. In addition, the amount spent on such pain relief is simply off the charts and not everyone can afford to undergo regular therapy and massage.

That’s why we have to return to traditional medicine, and

To use this waning moon spell and get rid of gout, it is not at all necessary to go in search of leaves and flowers. Everything can be bought at the market from herbalists. If you have the desire and a place with a growing tree, then collecting the necessary ingredients yourself is very simple. This is also beneficial in terms of procurement for six months in advance.

Elderberry hex against gout has two versions of the decoction: the first uses leaves, and the second uses flowers. In both cases, 1 tbsp is used. a spoonful of crushed ingredients for the decoction. Everything is poured with hot water (200 ml) and boiled for 10-15 minutes. During this time, you need to read the plot 7 times and at the same time stir clockwise:

“I will ask the Lord, I will beg the guardian angels, I want to ask the Mother of God on my knees. Healing and forgiveness, health and free movement. So that the bones do not hurt, the joints do not crack, the head does not spin, and health returns. The servant of God (name) suffers from illness, wants to walk, sit, sleep, lie down without pain. I will leave you, holy saints, ask for me, send me health. Amen".

The decoction is drunk 3-4 times a day, half a glass. After a seven-day reception, visit church on any Sunday and take communion. It is advisable to order a thanksgiving prayer service. 7 days break and continue treatment.

Spell for gout on a knife

To cope with gout, you can use magic words, a knife, holy water and a candle. The patient’s legs are lowered with their feet into a basin with warm water, then add a little holy water. Now the person conducting the ritual must read “Our Father” and ask for help in treatment.

The conductor takes the knife in his right hand and the burning candle in his left hand. Next, we begin to read the hex, and carefully draw a cross on the foot, ankle and knee without touching the body. The spell is cast three times on each leg. At the end of the ritual, the healer must cross the back of the head with a candle three times, and read the spell for the seventh time:

“I’ll cut out the burning sore with a knife of crosses. The knife is sharp, and the disease is caustic and persistent. The knife heals, but the cross helps. My legs don’t hurt, my joints don’t break, and the knife edge takes out the salt. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen (3 times)."

Carry out the ritual daily until the pain disappears (approximately 7-14 days). In many ways, knife treatment for gout depends on the stage of the disease.

The older the disease, the more sessions need to be performed, but no more than 13 times.

Prayer for gout

There is also a series of prayers that are read during the treatment of gout. They are combined with folk and traditional medicine. They will enhance the effectiveness of all procedures. If you visit a massage therapist to develop joints, then prayers can be read during the massage movements. To do this, it is better to memorize them. They are said at least three times during the day, but the number of sessions is monitored.

The number must not be even and must not correspond to the number 13.

It is worth starting and ending with the traditional prayer “Our Father”. Then a prayer to the Honorable Cross is read. The next one is to Diamine, Panteleimon. If there were Nicholas in your family, then you can use any of the prayers to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. After reading, be sure to wash yourself with holy water. In the evening, when taking a bath, add a little holy water. He is treated in this way every day. But the main condition is to believe in the power of God and his ability to heal.

Dear readers! In your hands is a new, most complete collection of spells to date by the hereditary Siberian healer Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova. Heeding numerous requests from readers, Natalya Ivanovna included in this book the most powerful spells and amulets, the power of which has been tested by generations of Russian healers and thousands of people. For those who are overcome by illness and adversity, whose soul aches for the happiness and well-being of their children, who cares about the health of loved ones, this book will definitely help, it will become hope, support, and salvation. Protect yourself from damage and the evil eye, protect your property from theft and fire, attract prosperity and good luck, gain wealth and achieve success in life, find a loving and faithful life partner, maintain harmony and peace in the family - all this and much, much more something else will be within your power. Turn to magical recipes carried through centuries, warm your soul with a sincere word of prayer, and peace of mind, prosperity, joy and love will become your constant companions.

For gout

Place in your right pocket a bone from a calf that was slaughtered in the year the patient is being treated. At the same time, speak.

Just as this calf was, and now it is not in the yard, nor in the pasture, nor in the stable, so I will not have gout. Just as it is true that the bone is in my right pocket, it is also true that I will recover. Amen.

Hay, taken from three different piles, brewed in a basin, added there dried tops, carrots, and half a glass dry mustard. They lower their feet into the basin and warm them, covering them with a blanket on top. This is very good for gout.

Speak gout

This slander can cure severe gout. Place your middle and index fingers on your right hand and, touching the place that torments the patient with this cross, read in a whisper:

On the mountain where grief lives, there is a farmstead. It is not glass, it is wooden, from coffin boards, from resin trees, from the houses of the deceased. I will take the disease from the servant of God (name) to that house, and to the courtyard. There will be illness there, she will live there forever, and as I said, so it will be. Amen. Amen. Amen.

They read, stroking the sore spot with their hand away from themselves:

There is a black forest, in the forest there is a black hut, in the hut there is a coffin, in that coffin there is a dead man. They don’t bury him or have a funeral service, they don’t hammer him with nails. I’ll go up to that coffin and bow to the deceased. Take away my illness, my ailments, free me from hardship. I’ll go to church, sing your prayers, light candles for your repose, and remember your illnesses with you. White light for me, black forest for you. Amen.

Tie an aspen sliver crosswise to the sole of your foot and tie it with a red cloth. After reading the plot, do not get out of bed until the morning. The next day you will forget about the pain in your legs. Read like this:

Judas climbed up the aspen tree, and there was an aspen cross on my leg. The cross has four fingers, but my feet have no disease. Amen.

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book 7000 spells of a Siberian healer (N. I. Stepanova, 2013) provided by our book partner -

Getting rid of pain and complications is the main task of fighting gout.

Centuries-old medical and healing practice has made it possible to develop a whole tactic with which you can treat gout in all its manifestations and forms.

Typically, gout affects only one joint. The disease often affects the thumbs of the lower extremities, and a little less often the wrists, knees, elbows and shins. The onset of the disease is characterized by the development of gouty arthritis.


The disease is accompanied by severe and sharp pain that appears before dawn and late at night. In this case, the joint swells, the local body temperature rises, and the skin around the joint becomes shiny and red. As a rule, during this period the body temperature increases to 39 degrees, and the inflamed leg or arm becomes inactive.

In the morning the pain decreases, however, at night it returns. These signs of the disease are characteristic of the initial stage of gout. They last for several days, and then the unpleasant symptoms subside for a long time.

At the initial stage of development of the pathology, pain symptoms can occur even without the necessary treatment, so many patients do not pay attention to them, continuing to lead their usual lifestyle. However, gout is an insidious disease, so it returns with more intense attacks of pain.

Gradually, as the pathology progresses, gout attacks become more frequent, affecting new joints. In the absence of effective treatment, over time, a process of bone destructuring occurs, and characteristic bumps (tophi) form under the skin. These formations are dense, have a yellowish color, they are filled with an accumulation of uric acid crystals, concentrated in the area of ​​​​the diseased joints.

Occasionally, tophi with gout open on their own and a small amount of content comes out, after which fistulas remain. This phenomenon is considered a characteristic symptom of chronic gout.

In addition, in 20% of cases, at this stage of the disease, stones form in the kidneys, which increases blood pressure and causes renal colic.

A rare complication of gout is damage to the heart muscle.

Fighting gout

To get rid of the disease forever, when treating it, it is important to use an integrated approach, including drug therapy and preventive measures to help prevent the occurrence of new attacks.

So, to eliminate pain, the doctor prescribes anti-inflammatory non-steroidal painkillers. But it is worth noting that people with gout should not take aspirin or medications containing this substance. Since it changes the concentration of uric acid, which can cause the patient’s condition to worsen significantly.

  1. For acute attacks of gout, a drug such as Colchicine has proven itself well. In addition, it is recommended to be taken for preventive purposes when the disease is in remission.
  2. When it is not possible to get rid of gout with the help of NSAIDs and Colchicine, the doctor prescribes corticosteroid drugs.
  3. And in order to reduce the synthesis of uric acid, Allopurinol is taken. This drug is prescribed to prevent recurrent attacks and in combination with drugs that remove uric acid from the body and improve kidney function.

One of the main reasons for the formation of gout is excess weight. Therefore, in order to successfully fight gout, the patient must follow a special diet in which he will consume a minimum amount of fat.

However, a low-calorie diet is contraindicated in this case, because it leads to increased synthesis of uric acid, which causes new attacks of gout.

Moreover, the fight against gout involves giving up alcoholic beverages, namely beer, which contains many purines. But in general, alcohol significantly reduces the excretion of uric acid from the body.

When treating gout, it is very important to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. To this end, you need to avoid foods that contain a lot of purines. At the same time, there is a special table of foods that are useful for gout, because they improve the process of removing uric acid.

But before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor because medications should be prescribed on an individual basis, taking into account the presence of other pathologies.

Treatment with iodine

This method of treatment is based on the anti-inflammatory properties of iodine. When this trace element enters the body, it penetrates into the diseased joint and reduces the inflammatory process. This method is especially popular; it is one of the proven traditional medicines.

In addition, with the help of iodine you can quickly, effectively and safely get rid of gout. So, to make the medicine you need to take 10 aspirin tablets (pre-crushed) and 10 ml of iodine.

All ingredients must be mixed until completely discolored and dissolved. It is advisable to carry out the treatment procedure before bedtime.

The diseased joint is generously lubricated with the resulting medicine and then insulated. In general, the condition of gout will improve significantly in a short time.

However, rheumatologists believe that such a recipe cannot cure the disease forever and its use is effective only at the initial stage of development of the pathology, although treating gout at home with folk remedies does not exclude such a recipe.

And doctors call the appearance of a therapeutic effect the placebo effect (activation and self-hypnosis of one’s own body’s reserves). But the veracity of this statement can only be confirmed or refuted if you try this treatment method yourself.

Treatment of gouty arthritis of the hands

Gout on the hands is a disease that accounts for 5% of all pathologies affecting the hands and fingers of the upper extremities. Often inflammation develops on the thumbs, but sometimes the remaining fingers of one or both hands are affected.

The disease is characterized by a paroxysmal course, similar to gout of the legs. The main principle of treatment for gouty arthritis is diet therapy, which involves eating foods with low levels of purines.

Gout in the hand causes severe and excruciating pain. In this case, the joints swell, become shiny and red, and the local temperature increases. Sometimes attacks of the disease have mild symptoms, however, painful sensations can haunt the patient for a long time (up to 10 days).

Before starting treatment for hand gout, a diagnosis should be made. The examination is necessary to exclude the presence of other diseases affecting the upper extremities (psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rhizarthrosis).

Treatment of gouty arthritis should be comprehensive. Therapy is aimed at:

  • reduction and removal of uric acid from the body;
  • treatment of chronic polyarthritis;
  • localization of acute attacks of the disease;
  • prevention of complications.

In addition, the doctor prescribes urodepressants and uricosurics. However, when taking such drugs, you should follow a certain drinking regime. So, a person with gout needs to drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day.

In addition, to get rid of gout in the hands, radioactive substances are often prescribed. Therefore, radium emanations and radon baths have a good effect.

This therapy allows for a short period of time to significantly reduce the concentration of uric acid in the blood. At the same time, a similar effect appears when treated with hydrogen sulfide baths and thermal procedures.

However, such procedures must be carried out only during remission, and during attacks such treatment is contraindicated.

In addition, a very effective method of treating gouty arthritis is drug therapy, including taking phytotherapeutic drugs and using proven recipes offered by traditional medicine. But it is better to choose a treatment method individually; the main thing is, before self-medicating, consult a doctor who will approve or question the chosen therapeutic method.
