How to develop a child's talent for scientific research. How to discover and develop talent in your child. Methods for identifying abilities and talent in a child

Pedagogical article

On the development of talent in preschool children

Smirnova Tatyana Vladimirovna,

teacher of the first qualification category

GBDOU kindergarten No. 39

Frunzensky district of St. Petersburg

Every child undoubtedly has talent. But the problem is that children's abilities are not always on the surface. Most talents are hidden and need to be developed. And to do this, you need to notice the child’s talent, help him choose the right direction, and provide support. Pedagogical observation is the main method of identifying children's talents.

Not so long ago it was believed that all children are equal both intellectually and emotionally. You just need to teach them to think, empathize, and solve complex logical problems. However, the experience of modern education shows that there are differences between children; children with more developed intelligence than their peers and with creative abilities stand out.

There is an opinion that talented children do not need the help of adults, special attention and guidance. However, due to their personal characteristics, such children are the most sensitive to assessment of their activities, behavior and thinking; they are more receptive to sensory stimuli. All this determines the relevance of this problem.

But, no matter how gifted the child is, he needs to be taught. It is important to teach perseverance, to teach to work, to make decisions independently. The child does not tolerate pressure, oppression, or shouting. From preschool age, a child should be involved in creative work and an environment for creativity should be created. And if you correctly develop a child’s inclinations, abilities will certainly appear. The main task in identifying talent is to create favorable conditions for self-expression and self-realization of children.

When solving pedagogical problems, it is important not only what the child does, but also why he does it, what makes him act, that is, motivation is necessary to demonstrate his abilities. It is the presence of giftedness, combined with motivation and hard work, that makes it possible to talk about talent. Without motivation, a gifted child may never demonstrate his or her abilities. Talent and giftedness are revealed only in activity. You cannot talk about a child’s giftedness, for example, in drawing, if he has not yet been taught this. Only through special training can it be determined whether a child has talent.

You cannot force a child to be creative or force him to think, but you can offer him different ways to achieve a goal and help him achieve it.

In order not to limit the children’s ability to express impressions of the world around them, a traditional set of visual means and materials is not enough. It is necessary to create conditions for creative self-expression, organize work with children using experimentation with various art materials, tools, and visual techniques. The unusual nature of non-traditional drawing techniques is that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. Experience shows that mastering non-traditional imaging techniques brings true joy to children. Children boldly take on art materials; they are not afraid of their diversity and independent choice. They take great pleasure in the process of doing it. There are so many unnecessary interesting things at home (toothbrush, combs, foam rubber, corks, spools of thread, candles, etc.). We went out for a walk, take a closer look, and see how many interesting things there are: sticks, cones, leaves, plant seeds. You can draw with whatever you want, and however you want, you can even come up with your own unusual technique. Children discover their unique abilities, they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving a goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their lives. It is better to instill in children that in creativity there is no right way, there is no wrong way, there is only your own path.

With the help of non-traditional drawing techniques, you can teach children to think outside the box and enhance creative activity. According to psychologist Olga Novikova, “drawing for a child is not art, but speech. Drawing makes it possible to express what, due to age restrictions, he cannot express in words.”

All teachers working with children must work in close cooperation with each other, taking into account that the child’s learning process occurs in an emotional and practical way. The plan is constructed in such a way that all types of children’s activities are also closely interconnected and in their unity awaken creative activity, stimulate the imagination, and the desire to engage in creative activities.

As V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: “The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”

Successful solution of problems in developing children's talents is facilitated by joint work with parents. It is necessary to interest and involve parents in this work: conduct individual conversations, consultations, open events, meetings. For example, open drawing events are a mandatory part of parent-teacher meetings. Parents see the dynamics in their children, how they show initiative in the creative process and always listen to advice on how to help their child develop their abilities at home. The closer the relationship between the teacher, parents and child, the more success the child has.

A variety of drawing methods gives children original ideas, develops imagination and creativity. Drawing is one of the most important means of cognition, as it is associated with the child’s independent practical and creative activity. They help to form a creative personality, teach them to think boldly and freely.

Each child is a separate world with its own rules of behavior, its own feelings. And the richer and more varied the child’s life experiences, the brighter and more extraordinary his imagination, the more likely it is that the intuitive craving for art will become more meaningful over time. Therefore, early identification, training and education of gifted and talented children is one of the main problems in improving the education system.

List of used literature:

1. Education and training program in kindergarten, edited by
M.A. Vasilyeva.

2. Yu.V. Ruzanova “Development of hand motor skills in non-traditional visual arts”
noi activity", St. Petersburg, 2009.

3. K.K.Utrobina, G.F.Utrobin “Fascinating drawing using the poking method
with children 3-7 years old,” M., 2005.

4. G. P. Esafyeva “Learning to Draw”, Yaroslavl, 2006.

5. O.A. Belobrykina “Little wizards or paths to creativity”,
Novosibirsk, 1993.

6. A.A. Fateeva “Drawing without a brush”, Yaroslavl, 2006.

Talents and abilities begin to appear in children at the age of two or three years, when the child develops an interest in the world around him. However, many parents begin to think about developing their child’s abilities only when he starts going to school. At what age should we start developing a child’s intellectual and creative potential? Psychologists call different periods - from one and a half to five years.

Stages of development of abilities in children

The ability to perform certain activities can be correlated with the age periods of a child’s development:

  • one to two years– the age when the child’s creative abilities and inclinations begin to manifest themselves. Some children love to dance and listen to music, others try to draw, and still others spend most of their time in outdoor games. Parents should take a closer look at their child’s interests and understand what they like to do most.
  • three to four years– this is the optimal age for regular activities with your baby. During this period, children are most receptive to new knowledge and are happy to engage in various types of creativity. At this age, activities such as drawing, modeling, music, and design are of great importance for everyone.
  • five to six years– time to move on to more complex tasks. The baby begins to prepare for an important event in his life: entering first grade. Since the interests and abilities of children are formed in the process of any activity, the child is recommended to attend hobby groups and sections. Anyone would advise parents not to stop their child’s initiative, even if they know that his hobby is temporary. The task of adults is not to suppress, but to develop and direct the child’s creative activity in every possible way.

Painting classes are aimed at developing creativity in children. Psychologist and art teacher Maria Klimakova talks about how to teach a child the basics of drawing.

  • seven to eight years– this is the period when the child begins to seriously engage in one type of activity. For example, he plays in a theater group, attends a music or art studio, or chooses “his” sport. For adults practicing, it is advisable to maintain his interest in the chosen activity. Remember, by encouraging and prohibiting, parents shape the child’s character.
  • 9-14 years– the most important period from the point of view of the child’s mental development. During adolescence, children develop deep, stable interests and develop independent creative thinking. During this period, parents should actively instill in their child practical discipline skills and teach them to take a responsible approach to their chosen activity.
  1. Encourage children's hobbies and interests in a variety of areas. If your child loves music, easily gets into the rhythm of a tune, or composes his own songs, take him to a music studio. If he prefers active games to books and other “smart” pastimes, go in for sports with him and so on.
  2. You should not force your point of view on your child. Parents often forget about this truism when trying to realize unfulfilled dreams and ambitions through their children. To prevent this from happening, adults will have to take into account the interests and desires of the child, and not their own.
  3. Give your child the opportunity to do what interests him. To do this, try to provide him with everything he needs (for example, pencils and paints if he draws, or sportswear, shoes and equipment if he plays sports) and allow him to plan his own activities as much as possible.
  4. You should not criticize children if their experience was not as successful as you expected. Praise and reward your child for his efforts to do something, not just for his natural talent or luck.
  5. Do not doubt your child and do not compare him with other children, even if they objectively do something better, otherwise your child may lose interest in the activity. Remember, your son or daughter, in case of any failure, expects support from you, not condemnation or criticism.
  6. Prepare your child for sports or creative activities by explaining to your child why he should listen to the opinion of the coach and what results he will get by attending certain classes.

  1. If a child refuses to engage in a previously chosen activity, do not scold him. Try to figure out whether this is ordinary laziness or whether he is attracted to another type of activity? Sometimes it is better to change several hobbies than to force your child to do something that does not interest him for years. By insisting on your own, you can discourage him from doing anything for a long time.
  2. Make sure your child attends classes regularly. Show interest in his hobbies, look for different ways to motivate your child to pursue his hobby - for example, read him biographies of famous people who have achieved success in the same field, or tell him about your own positive experience.

Everyone knows that the best form of learning for children is through play. I am a parent presents to your attention an educational game for preschoolers, aimed at the formation and development of attention and the ability to navigate in space.

Ekaterina Kushnir

Each child may have not one, but several talents. I am a parent suggests understanding what talent your child has and how to develop it.



From the age of 1 you can start classes with a construction set. The best educational toy is a construction set! Construction set is my son's favorite game. It perfectly develops fine motor skills and imagination of the child. At first we had a cheap construction set, but it didn’t quite suit us. Later we got this new one from Chicco. The difference is obvious. This constructor is safe. It has no sharp edges or chemical smell. The set includes 40 blocks of various shapes, sizes and colors. The blocks are large and a child will not swallow them. With the help of this construction set, you and your child can build 5 vehicles in turn - a car, a steam locomotive, a helicopter and 2 types of airplane. The cars turn out to be large and you can play with them. The locomotive and the car have wheels and can be rolled on the floor. And after you build the locomotive, you can bring it to life. This can be done using a special application installed on your smartphone.

From the age of 1 you can start classes with a construction set. The best educational toy is a construction set! Construction set is my son's favorite game. It perfectly develops fine motor skills and imagination of the child. At first we had a cheap construction set, but it didn’t quite suit us. Later we got this new one from Chicco. The difference is obvious. This constructor is safe. It has no sharp edges or chemical smell. The set includes 40 blocks of various shapes, sizes and colors. The blocks are large and a child will not swallow them. With the help of this construction set, you and your child can build 5 vehicles in turn - a car, a steam locomotive, a helicopter and 2 types of airplane. The cars turn out to be large and you can play with them. The locomotive and the car have wheels and can be rolled on the floor. And after you build the locomotive, you can bring it to life. This can be done using a special application installed on your smartphone.

From the age of 1 you can start classes with a construction set. The best educational toy is a construction set! Construction set is my son's favorite game. It perfectly develops fine motor skills and imagination of the child. At first we had a cheap construction set, but it didn’t quite suit us. Later we got this new one from Chicco. The difference is obvious. This constructor is safe. It has no sharp edges or chemical smell. The set includes 40 blocks of various shapes, sizes and colors. The blocks are large and a child will not swallow them. With the help of this construction set, you and your child can build 5 vehicles in turn - a car, a steam locomotive, a helicopter and 2 types of airplane. The cars turn out to be large and you can play with them. The locomotive and the car have wheels and can be rolled on the floor. And after you build the locomotive, you can bring it to life. This can be done using a special application installed on your smartphone.

From the age of 1 you can start classes with a construction set. The best educational toy is a construction set! Construction set is my son's favorite game. It perfectly develops fine motor skills and imagination of the child. At first we had a cheap construction set, but it didn’t quite suit us. Later we got this new one from Chicco. The difference is obvious. This constructor is safe. It has no sharp edges or chemical smell. The set includes 40 blocks of various shapes, sizes and colors. The blocks are large and a child will not swallow them. With the help of this construction set, you and your child can build 5 vehicles in turn - a car, a steam locomotive, a helicopter and 2 types of airplane. The cars turn out to be large and you can play with them. The locomotive and the car have wheels and can be rolled on the floor. And after you build the locomotive, you can bring it to life. This can be done using a special application installed on your smartphone.

Children develop thanks to quality toys.
We bought a phone for our daughter when she was 6 months old. I was very pleased with the quality of the plastic, which is simply indestructible. At six months old, my daughter twisted him, bit him, threw him, but nothing happened to him. This toy is designed for children from 6 months to three years. The phone is Russian-English, speaks two languages, switches with a button from one side to the other, which is located on top near the antenna. On the front panel there are four buttons with numbers in the form of a bird, a dolphin, a dog and a frog; in the center there is an orange button on which a telephone is depicted; by pressing it, the child hears the sounds of a call and a voice that says: “Hello, who is this?” . Just above the buttons in the form of a semicircle there is a button with an image of a globe; when you press it, a song comes from the phone, and the globe itself begins to spin. All buttons flash with multi-colored lights that glow very beautifully in the dark. If the child does not play with the phone, he says: “Bye, bye.” To completely turn off the phone there is a switch on the back panel. The phone runs on two AAA batteries. My daughter plays with her phone all the time - it’s one of our favorite toys!!

Thank you, very interesting article, I will share the most interesting things for the first year of life - I believe that babies need to be developed from birth, so we got our first toy when the baby was a month old. For such an important role, we chose a Chicco butterfly-shaped teether. She has eyes and a kind smile. The baby is happy - he studies with her for a long time.

When we grew up a little, we were given transformable walkers Chicco 123, designed for children from 6 months. up to 3 years. There is such a wonderful gaming panel, with light and sound, various buttons and inserts. Now we are 2 years old and we are already using the 3rd stage - a quad bike! This is the first time I’ve come across such a universal toy that doesn’t get boring!

And I’ll also tell you a little about the cosmetics we use, also from the Chicco brand - I began to notice that my one-year-old had plaque on his teeth and bought this paste, it turned out to be very tasty, like candy - the little one opens his mouth with pleasure)) We really liked it! It copes with its task with a bang!
Maybe someone will find our advice useful, otherwise sometimes you buy something for your baby, but it turns out to be completely unnecessary))

Every parent wants their child to be able to realize himself in this life, find a job he likes, and become a successful person. Many make every effort for this, developing the child from infancy, taking him to clubs, finding the best teachers and tutors. For this approach to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to identify the child’s abilities as early as possible and purposefully develop them. To do this, mothers and fathers should know what tendencies children have and at what age they are determined. This is what we will talk about today.

Abilities, inclinations and inclinations

Each child from birth has certain characteristics of the body and nervous system. One has an excellent ear for music, another has a very flexible and light body, the third has been distinguished from infancy by non-standard thinking. Such genetic prerequisites are called inclinations.

Children intuitively feel in which activities they can achieve high results most easily. They master this area with enthusiasm and give it a clear preference. This selectivity in choosing activities is called “inclination.” They can usually be noticed at the age of 4-5 years.

Based on the inclinations and inclinations, with proper training and upbringing of the child, abilities are formed. They help a person easily achieve success in a particular professional activity. However, if the baby was born in unfavorable conditions, his talents may never manifest themselves. It is important to notice and support the abilities of preschool children in a timely manner. It is unlikely that Mozart would have achieved such outstanding results if there was not a single musical instrument in his house.

The makings of an artist

Children's creative abilities manifest themselves earlier than others. Future artists from 3-5 years old:

  • spend a long time and enjoy drawing, modeling, and appliqué;
  • convey the characteristic features of an object or character through the material used;
  • do not need templates, discover new techniques and techniques without prompting;
  • they notice the beauty around them, admire the rainbow, sparkling snow, and enjoy looking at paintings in museums;
  • they make applied crafts that can decorate the interior of a room or be used to create a stylish look (beads, bracelets).

It is important to involve such children in joint creativity and organize home exhibitions. Be sure to visit the Museum of Fine Arts and show your child reproductions of famous paintings. Pay his attention to how the artist achieved the desired effect with the help of certain colors or strokes.

Musical gift

Sometimes its manifestations can be noticed in a one-year-old baby. Future composers and performers:

  • react emotionally to music, move to the beat;
  • recognize a song by its first notes;
  • easily reproduce the melody they hear;
  • they compose simple songs themselves;
  • love to play with musical instruments.

If your child exhibits these qualities, introduce him to classical music. Go to a concert, opera, or watch a children's ballet together. Buy musical toys. When your baby grows up, install music creation programs on your computer. And, of course, take your child to music school.

Artistic data

Many great actors in early childhood enjoyed reading poetry while perched on a stool. This path is close to your baby if he:

  • loves speaking in front of an audience;
  • very emotional;
  • gestures expressively;
  • imitates favorite characters, parodies their movements, behavior, voice;
  • when talking about something, he tries to evoke a certain reaction in the listener.

Creative abilities manifest themselves clearly in only 10-15% of cases. Perhaps your child is trying himself in different areas. The parents' task is to take care of the young spectator's acquaintance with classical music, modeling and drawing classes, staging home performances, visiting the theater - all this should be present in the complex.

Literary ability

A writer requires not only good imagination, a sense of language, a creative mind, but also life experience. Therefore, literary talent manifests itself quite late. This can happen during adolescence or adulthood. However, some prerequisites can be seen already in preschoolers. These include:

  • love of books;
  • the ability to retell the plot in an engaging and logical manner;
  • large vocabulary;
  • interest in writing your own stories and poems;
  • rich fantasy.

Encourage your child to try to come up with a fairy tale on his own, read interesting books together, play games with words and rhymes. Even if the child does not become a great poet, these lessons will play their role in Russian language lessons.

It is important for parents to pay special attention to the development of creative abilities. It is during this period that they can be taught to think originally and express themselves freely through different types of activities. During school years, learning and life in society comes to the fore.

Sports inclinations

Famous dancers, gymnasts, swimmers and figure skaters took their first steps towards their careers at the age of 4-5 years. You should think about choosing a sports section if your baby:

  • very mobile;
  • has good coordination, flexibility, strength, agility, endurance;
  • is not afraid to fall or get a bruise while conquering another structure on the playground;
  • loves to play sports and participate in competitions;
  • is able to show enviable persistence when learning to skate or jump rope.

Technical aptitude

You can notice them in older preschool age. Such children:

  • prefer to play with cars and construction sets;
  • assemble new models from available parts;
  • They often draw transport and equipment;
  • trying to “fix” something on their own;
  • love to help their father with repair work;
  • disassemble toys and devices to understand how they are made.

Developing abilities in children sometimes requires sacrifice. This is exactly the case. To protect home appliances from a young researcher, buy a children's workshop, donate a broken phone and enroll your child in a technical club from the 1st grade.

Mathematical talents

A child’s obvious inclinations towards one science or another become obvious in middle or high school. Psychologists warn against labeling children too early and dividing them into “humanities” and “techies.” However, evidence of a child's mathematical ability may include:

  • interest in calculations and measurements;
  • easy perception and memorization of signs and symbols;
  • solving problems and examples that are difficult for his age;
  • the ability to navigate by the clock and calendar even before school;
  • love of logic and ingenuity tasks, puzzles;
  • the ability to compare objects and classify them according to various criteria.

It is worth instilling in mathematics regardless of his inclinations. At school this subject is considered one of the main ones. Games that develop logic, abstract thinking, and also introduce numbers and geometric shapes will help prepare your child for mastering formulas and theorems. You can find many books on sale with interesting tasks of this type.

Intellectual abilities

Inclinations towards history, physics, biology or chemistry usually appear in adolescence. The following evidence indicates a child’s possible talent for science:

  • curiosity;
  • excellent memory;
  • interest in learning;
  • observation;
  • the ability to concentrate on intellectual pursuits for a long time;
  • attempts to conduct their own experiments, experiments;
  • love of reading encyclopedias;
  • passion for puzzles, riddles that challenge intelligence and logic.

The child’s abilities are just beginning to form, so it is important to guide their development along the right path. A future scientist requires not only deep knowledge in a certain field, but also the ability to creatively work with information, formulate problematic problems, and independently find their solution.

To be active, invite your child to solve interesting tasks that require careful analysis of the situation and flexibility of thinking. Play games that develop voluntary attention, teach you to make predictions, and come up with effective strategies.

Makings of a leader

A child's organizational abilities become evident during middle school age. Before this, we can talk about them conditionally, since children are still learning to communicate, interact with the team, and make friends. A true leader is not one who wants to be first and command everyone. This is a person who is ready to take responsibility for other people, inspire them and lead them.

You can talk about the presence of leadership inclinations in a child if he:

  • independent;
  • quickly adapts to an unfamiliar situation;
  • communicates confidently with strangers, both children and adults;
  • is popular with peers;
  • likes to lead others;
  • can captivate friends with your favorite game;
  • knows how to persuade without using his fists;
  • is interested in the feelings and motives of behavior of the people around him.

Parents of such children should give them the opportunity to make their own decisions and choices. A leader must understand from childhood what a mistake is fraught with and how it can be corrected. Assign your child responsible tasks and praise him for his initiative. In a conflict situation, look for a compromise together. Be sure to instill the right moral values ​​in your son or daughter. After all, he will have to become an example for others.

We are looking for talents

Developing abilities in preschool children is not an easy task. Children are often interested in a little bit of everything. It is important that mom and dad share any of the baby’s activities, drawing, singing, solving riddles or running after a ball with him. This instills in the little man self-confidence and a desire to experiment.

At this age, the development of creative abilities in children comes first. The ability to create something new and think outside the box will definitely be useful in the future for both an artist, a scientist, and a company manager.

A child’s abilities, if treated with respect, will be the key to his successful future. There are no children without talents. It is important for parents to abandon their stereotypes and accept their child for who he is. Then he will open up and be able to grow up to be a happy person.

Every child is talented in their own way! And we, as parents, must support the child in his initial stages of creativity and imagination!

These Top 6 tips will help you not to suppress your child’s talent.

1. The most important thing is to support all the child’s endeavors.

The most pleasant and important thing for a child is the support of his parents. How nice it is when they are proud of your victories, albeit small, but so significant for a child. The child should not be afraid of making a mistake, but he should also be sure that if he fails, his parents will still love and support him. If you didn’t notice your child’s curiosity yesterday, then it’s time to do it today! After all, the whole world is new to kids. Therefore, our task, the task of parents, is to make sure that the child has correctly set goals, objectives and beliefs.

2. Freedom of choice.

You should not force sections, clubs or any courses on your child. After all, the baby has his own interests and desires. Let him choose what he wants. He makes mistakes and changes his sections, clubs, courses. After all, success is a series of personal mistakes and victories.

3. Collective creativity is good.

Let it be in the form of a game or in the form of some kind of school project. After all, in teamwork you can look at a problem from different angles. The more ideas, the more options for successful completion of the project.

4. Teach your child history and types of art

The baby must understand for himself what he likes and what he doesn’t. Your child has his own personal views and opinions. He may love drawing, although you, for example, loved racing motorcycles. Creativity is the peace of progress. The main thing is to let the child experience everything that can develop his desire for spiritual enrichment and development. Remember, creativity is the key to your child’s success, his personal and professional growth.

5. Being bored is not harmful.

At the moment when a child is bored, he looks for something that can entertain him, amuse him and captivate him. When the baby is in perpetual motion with a busy schedule, moments of relaxation in the form of breaks can inspire him and give him a reason to think about what he is missing.

6. Don't stop your child from creating in his own creative chaos.

There are children who simply do not need order; they see ways to solve problems in the chaotic arrangement of things. For them, disorder is a challenge to society. Don't cage your baby. Let him fly, but remember that at home he will be accepted and always welcome.

We all know the words that children are the flowers of life. It is difficult to imagine a more accurate metaphor for the mental, physical and creative potential of a teenager between the ages of 2 and 7. From a very early time in the first years of life, it is necessary to set parents the task of how to develop the child’s talent without interruption from family, friends, self-knowledge and excessive stress on the psyche, without indulging the cunning little one in the whims and desire to explore a new huge world entirely and at once, and discover its potential.

Determining talent in children

When we say that it is important to try everything in life, for children this means practical experience in various fields of activity to understand their specific abilities. Where some behave like fish in the water, others sink like a stone. For this reason, they show miracles in drawing or signs of genius in the exact sciences and music.

Watch your child in his free time, encourage his interest in activities as much as possible, be it cooking or acting, sports or vocals. Children's talent, like the East, is a very delicate matter. If you feel a lack of experience in this matter, consulting a child psychologist will help you quickly find direction. He will tell you where and how to move, and focus the child’s attention to reveal his talents.

Talent can be found and developed literally out of nothing when its tiny inclinations are traced. Many parents begin the journey of studying their children’s abilities with gymnastics as a natural extension of the child’s sports interest and physical development. You can help a boy and discover his talent to stand up for himself in the future if you invite him to regularly attend wrestling, karate, and other lessons. Not for the sake of talent and recognition - rather for the sake of self-defense.

How to develop talent in a child: stages of formation

The development of abilities in any person can be traced depending on age. Here is an example of folding talent traits into a full-fledged drawing for children from 2 to 6 years old:

Children 1-2 years oldThe appearance of the first signs of the development of the baby’s abilities. Dancing, music, painting or sports - all this will begin to manifest itself in one way or another. Take a closer look and understand what is of particular importance to the child at this time.
Children 3-4 years oldFirst attempts to systematize classes. At this age, children take on everything new with special interest and it will be easy for parents to captivate their child with various activities. For the full development of the baby, increased attention should be paid to painting, pottery, engineering, music school and robotics.
Children 5-6 years oldThe next stage is to increase and complicate the assigned tasks and the studied material. First grade is just around the corner, and it's worth preparing for this momentous moment. You can ask your child in advance if he would like to pay special attention to any creative part of his life. For first-graders, signing up for extra classes or special schools (music, art) is normal.

Since a child’s interests and abilities can only be formed in the process of some activity, children are recommended to attend hobby groups and sections. For example,

Hair care