What should I do if I really want to? What to do if you want to occupy yourself with something, but you don’t know what and it doesn’t give you peace? Health problems

Many guys sometimes think that girls don’t want to have sex at all, it’s difficult to arouse them, and they have no desire to diversify their sex life. However, this opinion is 100% not true. Research shows that girls are much more likely than men to want to make love. And they, more than guys, strive to add variety to their intimate life. They just don't want to have sex with the first handsome guy they come across. They need romantic relationships, love. And not every girl will directly say that she wants sex. So what to do when you really want to make love with a guy?

This is one of the first questions I want to ask you. After all, if you are married, then there is nothing easier than fulfilling your desire. But if you and your husband haven’t had sex for a long time, you should think about why. And in this case, you should ask yourself not: what to do if you want sex?, but the next question: why has it not been there for so long? The reasons may be different:

You are in a quarrel

You don't excite your husband or vice versa

You get carried away with housework, TV or computer

I just didn't want to.

If your sex life is normal, then you won’t be asking yourself a similar question for long: what to do if you want sex, because soon you will have it with your loved one.

Where is the best place to make love?

If you are in the same room with your loved one, and you suddenly want to arrange love games, where and when is the best time to do this?

Firstly, you can hint to your lover that you want him. You shouldn’t say directly and openly: I want sex. Just start showing affection, stroking him, speaking tenderly. Most likely, a man will understand such hints.

You should also not put off pleasant sex until later if you want it right now and nothing interferes with it. If you are in the bedroom, make love in the bedroom, if you are in the hall and love this place, do not leave there. Try not to be distracted from the main thing - the process of having sex. The location doesn't matter much. Are you in the kitchen? So why not try it on the kitchen table? Diversify your intimate life.

If I constantly want sex, am I a pervert?

Thousands of women around the world ask themselves a similar question. Sometimes a girl wants to make love all day long, and so on for a whole week. But she is afraid to admit this to her beloved, because she thinks that he will consider her a pervert.

The website assures you that you are not a pervert if you constantly want sex. This desire can be caused by many reasons. And what to do in such a situation? What to do if you want sex? Should I go to the doctor? Treatment for perversion? Of course not. Just spend as much time as possible with your lover. Kiss him, hug him, love him as much as you can.

Perhaps you just fell in love with your significant other even more and want to be with him constantly. Maybe you are doing great at work, and the joy from this has spread to your family relationships. Yes, anything can happen. Don't be so quick to call yourself a pervert. So to the question: what to do if you want sex? Answer yourself right away: deal with it.

Are you single and don't have a decent guy?

And if you want sex, but you are unmarried and there is not even anyone who would fit this role, what should you do in this case?

A similar question is also asked by most women, especially older women who have been previously married. Suddenly I wanted love, affection, tenderness, but no one was around. Some begin to look for a married man who has a lot of experience in sex. Others seek to meet young guys who are full of strength and energy. But really, what to do if you want sex? Don’t run out into the street and call the first man you come across to your home.

In this case, it is not recommended to rush. If you are in a hurry to find a lover, nothing good will come of it. Soberly assess your chances of success and go ahead, don’t waste time. Find yourself the person you love and can marry. And then you will have the most wonderful, the best sex in the world.

Advice from friends is very useful in many situations, but not in this case. So when you ask yourself: what to do if you want sex? – know that you should contact your friends last. After all, they love you so much that they will want to fulfill your desire as quickly as possible, and introduce you, and light candles, etc.

Today we looked at such a pressing problem, and we hope that now you will not be confused in such a situation, and will know how to behave and what to do when you want to make love. The main thing is never to be upset if something doesn’t work out, because it will definitely work out next time.

It looks like you've gone a little astray since you opened an article with that title. You may be worried and panicking, but in vain: you are a happy person who has discovered the opportunity to choose. And we will help you set a guideline.

// Don't compare and be honest with yourself

Let's get one thing straight: you are not unique in being afraid and not knowing what to do with your life. We all want to be happy and make as few mistakes as possible, but we are afraid to take risks, so we compare ourselves with those we consider lucky.

“But Sasha has decided on a career. She has a good job and in general...”

Perhaps in six months it will come out that Sasha hates her office space and has no idea how to arrange a life outside of it.

There is no need to look to other people for solutions to your problems. If you decide to go your own way and make your own choice, then be kind and inventive enough to make it, and not copy someone else’s path.

Don’t compare yourself to everyone around you to once again prove that everyone is doing well, I’m the only one so unhappy.

Let's be clear: do you pretend that you don't know what to do with your life or do you just like this state of being lost and unwilling to make decisions? Think about it. You can also ask yourself

// Get rid of material attachments and leave time for yourself

There are times when you get bogged down with too many things or desires to acquire them.

"I'm working to buy an iPhone"

We are exaggerating, but when a person who has not seen his mother for months and has long forgotten about sleep spends two salaries on a new phone, this is not entirely good.

It’s great that you have a financial incentive, but sincerely evaluate how right it is to work your ass off at a job you don’t like for the sake of branded clothing or expensive equipment.

Try to sometimes put aside all your gadgets and be alone with yourself: listen to yourself, your thoughts. Sometimes things get in the way of focusing on yourself.

//Mom, I'll sort it out

If relatives or friends pester you with questions about work or life plans, do not panic. Time is your own unit and only you can manage it.

Explain that you have time to find your life's work, your path. And that you need help and support, not instructions and pressure.

It's a cool time because you can choose whatever you want. Can you imagine how much space there is? There is no need to think that you are wasting time if you feel that you need it.

// Don't idealize

There are no perfect solutions in life and that's wonderful. They did not expect? We want to remind you that the most interesting steps are taken unexpectedly, even thoughtlessly, suddenly. Reason sometimes forces us to give up bold decisions.

This rule also applies to your life - relax and stop doing only the “right” things.

// Short-term amnesia as a way to discover something new

Take stock of the things in your life that you love. Think about what you love to do most, what inspires you? And the most important question:

What can make you forget about eating and sleeping?

Music? Movie? Working with colleagues? Communication with children? We can write this down on a piece of paper. Let's try:

# Work in a team

# Learn new technologies

# Paint

The list looks like great reasons to enroll in a design course. We always advise: if it’s difficult to make a decision, write, write down, visualize your desires on paper, this makes it easier to analyze the next steps.

// Change the usual course of events

A different route, a different breakfast, a run instead of an omelet in the morning, meeting friends for lunch, a different book—break the routine to discover something new to love. Insight can come if you take a different road or enter a new store.

// Take risks

Sometimes you can't decide whether to take advantage of a chance or not. So - yes, it’s worth it.

If a person had not clicked a stone against a stone or had not tasted the berries, our lives would have turned out differently. As soon as you use one opportunity, another one immediately appears.

That is why try to get another job, open your own business, participate in a volunteer program or go to work in Singapore

There is only one life - try it!

// Think less and do more yourself

Just do it. Allow yourself to make small decisions that feel good to you. Today it will be a latte instead of a cappuccino, and tomorrow you will become who you want to be, because most often this fear of decision-making is directly related to the fact that you are dissatisfied with yourself. So try to do things that give you small bursts of pride.

If you want to change your life, start by admitting that you have the right to make mistakes. One, two, several.

It is responsibility for the decisions made that will allow you to evaluate your strengths, and inaction and whipping up a depressive mood are unlikely to help.

// Think big

Think about who you want to remain in history: what will your grandchildren say about you, will they write about you in a textbook. You don't have to want it, but you can try.

Maybe you want to open a relief fund, create a vaccine, paint a great picture, come up with a story that will remain in the hearts of people? You really can do all this, just start right now and work with all your heart.

What to do if a man wants more sex? This question is often asked on the forum. And equally often both men and women. Let's try to figure it out!

Main reasons


Help me figure out one piquant question. The fact is that I can’t satisfy my man in any way. He wants to have sex 2-3 times a day, every day.

This is too much for me. 3-4 times a week is enough for me. We are both 24 years old. Our difference, besides gender, is that my intimate life began when I was 18... and I was his first (at 23 he lost his virginity). We started fighting because he wants and I can’t give him the amount of sex he demands. What should we do?

A couple of visitors tried to turn the conversation into the framework of “if you have a mouth and hands, you can easily help.”

I answered as follows. Not enough information, sorry, you understand. At a minimum, you need to report how much satisfaction you and he have with frequent and infrequent sexual activity, the duration of the act, foreplay and post-coital caresses, behavior shortly after the date... and so on.

Plus, indicators such as sexual constitution (need depends on it), its compliance ("biological" and social)), for example... And so on, including the activity of clarifying relationships, after which For some, new excitement may appear, while for others, on the contrary, all desire seems to be cut off..

I was waiting for clarification. And suddenly “advice” appears from - typical of the totality of myths! Due to the importance, I answer “line by line”. Oh oh oh! So much “bad advice” in one answer!

And I have exactly the same problem, only on the contrary, I want more sex than my husband.

So it’s not the same anymore! Because the reasons for “wanting or not wanting” in men and women may be the same, but they can also be very different!

And for many years now there is no treatment.

May be. But let’s not extend the problems of one couple to the problems of another. OK?

It’s just that your sexual constitution is not compatible, that’s all.

Having no information, I did not assume such a thing.

Especially if you take into account the phenomenon described below - when guys want more sex. than their peers, but at 50 years old the opposite happens.

More often, something else happens - something you need to work with, and not console yourself with “in 20 years everything will be tolerated and you will fall in love...” But your case is not hopeless, because with age a woman’s sexuality increases, while a man’s sexuality decreases, and I think with over the years it will balance out, but if you wanted it more than him, then it would be worse.

Horseradish is not always sweeter than radish.

In general, a woman, even if she has no desire to satisfy a man, can simply apply more lubricant so that it doesn’t become dry due to lack of arousal and wait for 10-15 minutes until the man cums.

Oh oh oh! This is where I started to groan. actually.

Instead of love play and interaction, they suggest perceiving yourself as a “tool for a man”... Lubrication won’t hurt, but such a perception can really get in the way! If you don’t want to feed my colleagues in the future, you don’t have to follow this, okay?

You can even fake an orgasm at this time; men really like it.

Oh! It's not even funny...

Simulating an orgasm is a sure way to anorgasmia and all the problems associated with it.. Playing something is interesting only for one thing - someday, during a scandal, throw in his face “And I didn’t finish with you at all, I was only simulating, not like with Vasya - it’s always good with him!”...

Otherwise, the simulation has a lot of problems. And men like it... only if they buy sexual services, and do not believe that they love sincerely...

In another case, a man can easily and seriously take offense. He perceives it as a slap in the face.

And if you always limit him in sex, then sooner or later he will either leave you and marry someone else, or have a mistress, or may become an alcoholic.

What if you simulate - no? They don't quit out of lack of simulation. If such a reason exists, there are other, true reasons. Or there were no deep feelings, or communication, or anything else...

But in any case, suffering from a lack of sex, he will never be happy.

Why should he suffer? There are many options, including alternative types, which were hinted at above, and switching, and so on - suggesting the gradual development of the girl’s needs.

And simulation - and the fears associated with it (fear of exposure, first of all) - guarantees that this need will be reduced to zero...

You will have to endure for 10-15 minutes 2-3 times a day.

Nope. Psychology is a strange thing. You can’t perceive a chocolate bar either as poop or as sweetness... Tolerate it or enjoy it.

The rest of the time everything will be fine, but if you torture him by not giving him sex, then he will have to endure and suffer around the clock! Here, most likely, the dissatisfaction of the author of these “advices” simply burst through... It may well be justified - but this does not make it any less harmful. Also because it “puts guilt” on the girl...

For example, if a man doesn’t want sex, but his wife asks, then he could give it to the woman so that she doesn’t get upset even if he doesn’t want it, but in such a situation he simply won’t stand up more than he can stand up.

Why might a healthy, non-old man not want sex? Are you very tired or nervous? This is one, temporary phenomenon... But rather, one can assume psychological or physical problems that prevent him from both wanting and being able...

And these problems need to be treated, and not suffered, as is supposed... In short - think and decide.

Do you want to live the way you like, and not the way you “should”? We'll tell you what you'll need for this.

Many of us have been taught since childhood to accept with gratitude all the quirks of fate, whatever they may be. It’s as if the algorithm of our actions was laid down by someone from above. In other words, everything that happens in life is already predetermined. Against this background, calls to start doing what you want look like a challenge to the entire world around you. As if we are unable to change anything in our own lives. But we are not robots, we can!

People are not programmed to live in a certain way. We follow all “programs” voluntarily, even if we don’t like them.

Why is it not customary to live the way you want?

Reasoning about how to live the way you want runs into an insurmountable obstacle. First of all, on our own. Indeed, how to do what you want if you are instantly considered selfish.

  • But an egoist is a person who is extremely fixated on his thoughts and feelings. Usually it seems to him that the whole world has turned against him. An egoist is one whose sense of resentment towards the world around him is exaggerated.
  • And the one who lives by his own rules is a person who is self-confident, positive and self-sufficient, good-natured towards others.

Sometimes our internal brake is memories from childhood.

How to live the way you want, if the obligation to exist according to the rules of society is instilled with mother’s milk.

Many adults (with the best intentions) raise children to prohibit their own desires.

“You CAN’T do what you want because now you HAVE to do something else.” The child begins to feel that his own simple ideas and plans are harmful, dangerous, and shameful. Growing up, he hides his true desires, suppresses them, so as not to be judged by his superiors, his life partner, friends, or just passers-by.

It is extremely difficult for those people who grew up in a family where there were often scandals to start living in a new way.

Swearing, assault, insults to parents - these things contribute to the fact that the child will grow up to be a real neurotic. Fearful, anxious, feeling insignificant. How to do what you want if you don’t believe in yourself? If the people closest to you have made your self-esteem extremely low since birth?

Those citizens who do not know what they want from life are also afraid of changes for the better.

For example, advice under the slogan “live as you please” is perceived by many as something seditious, rebellious, even obscene. It seems that most people have some base things in their dreams (drug use, promiscuous relationships, crimes, nasty acts towards others). How to live the way you want if the very thought of changing behavior is scary?

Why you should start living by your own rules

Perhaps, out of a sense of duty, you do a bunch of things that are not only unprofitable for you, but also have a detrimental effect on your thoughts, feelings, and health.

  • For example, you communicate with a harmful, gossipy neighbor because she works at the school where your child studies.
  • Or you go to a job you don’t like, but it pays well. Because you were placed there through an acquaintance.
  • Think about it, have you (at least once) had the desire to buck up in a good way and start living the way you like, and not the way you need to?

Why is it better to start living your own way?

If you were to list the benefits that you will get when you start doing what you love, they would be something like this:

  • You will be able to form your own social circle.

    Mostly from people you like. This does not mean that you will no longer meet bad people on your life's path, but they will not be important to you. Because you are the master of your life. And if there is no place in your heart for boors, scoundrels and scoundrels, then, if you wish, your communication with them will be minimal.

  • You will stop blaming everyone around you for your sorrows.

    Because fate is in your hands. And you live according to your plan. Think about it: suddenly you got a job that brings not so much profit as satisfaction. You feel that it is pleasant for you to wake up in the morning, get ready and rush to your favorite job, where you are considered, respected and appreciated. Where you can realize yourself. You may again not buy some new thing because of the low salary, but your nerves will remain in order. This is much more pleasant than going to work as if it were hard labor, lashing out at your loved ones when you get home.

  • You will begin to live in harmony with your conscience.

    Of course, if the plans do not involve any illegal actions such as stealing someone else’s property or causing other harm to others. You will do as you need. And not as someone advises (or demands). Remember how you felt when you had to step on your own throat? If you seriously plan to do what you like, then you will no longer have to commit actions against your own conscience.

  • You will live an interesting life.

    What exactly will be interesting is your task to determine. Let's say you have long wanted to learn how to dance well. But they were in no hurry to sign up for training courses, so that their colleagues would not laugh (“What kind of dancing do you like, healthy aunt?”). Or you wanted to start traveling. But every vacation was spent in the garden beds, so that numerous relatives would not consider it unscrupulous (“what kind of trips are you, look, your aunt needs to help plant forty buckets of potatoes”).

    Perhaps your interests and hobbies will be initially met with hostility by your close people (and not only by them, but also by neighbors, distant relatives, and acquaintances). But this life is yours, so only you can write the script of your destiny.

How to start living the way you like: 6 steps

  • First of all, you should not be afraid.

    Stop constantly looking back, remembering your mistakes and failures. Stop considering yourself a failure - the best advice for those who want to start doing what they like. There is no need to consider yourself unworthy of a happy life. Don't be afraid if someone judges or doesn't understand. You have one life. And your opinion is the most important thing in it.

  • Stop doing things that bring negativity into your life.

    It’s clear that you won’t be able to completely avoid some unpleasant actions, like going to a job you don’t like (if only because you haven’t found a new one yet, and the loan still needs to be repaid). It is clear that only in a fairy tale can everything change in a second. But you can get rid of unpleasant duties now. From this day on, you can stop listening to your colleague’s stream of gossip. You don’t have to go to visit if you are not interested there. You can refuse a glass of wine if you don't want to drink.

  • Don't be silent if they want to force you to do something unpleasant.

    This is also good advice on how to do what you want. If you don’t want, for example, to dedicate your day off to an outing in nature, tell your friends about it. Don’t be fooled by persuasion, insults, or threats. A day off is your personal time. Therefore, if you want to lie down with a book on the sofa, lie down. And tell your friends briefly: “I won’t go to nature, I have other plans.” That's all, you don't even have to make excuses, citing ill health or supposedly visiting relatives.

  • Think and decide what you need, what you want, and what you can refuse.

    You can make a handwritten plan or a mental one. Don’t try to immediately embrace the immensity (become a millionaire, buy a house by the lake and a luxury foreign car, find a super-husband, give birth to 15 children). Start with the little things:
    – “I want to become slimmer”;
    – “It would be nice to make friends or change your social circle”;
    – “I don’t want to waste any more time communicating with such and such a person,” and so on.

  • When you decide what you want most, start working.

    If your plans are serious, do not put off changes. For example, you want to make new interesting friends. But they won’t come to your house themselves, right? Start visiting crowded places on weekends, sign up for a gym, smile at a passerby, go to a class reunion, chat on online forums with pleasant interlocutors. Take steps towards change. How to do what you want? Start moving towards your goal, of course.

    Can’t overcome yourself and talk to a stranger? But no one promised that it would be easy. This is the essence of change - to reveal your fears and get rid of them. No one will do this for you. Besides, what difference does it make to you if your plans don’t come true the first time? After all, you live the way you like. So enjoy the process!

  • Focus on yourself.

    There is no need to consider yourself an egoist. Eternal thoughts like “what if people think” only get in the way. Let people plan their destinies. And you will plan yours. Believe me, if you want, you can condemn even an ideal person. So is it worth adjusting to anyone?

No wonder they say that we only live once. So answer yourself honestly, what is the point of living the way someone else came up with, turning yourself into a robot moving along the same trajectory, and giving up the things you want to do?

Agree that in the life of every woman there are moments when you really want sex. I want it to the point of pain, to dizziness, to cramps in the lower abdomen. And how unpleasant it is if at such a moment there is no man nearby who can satisfy this passion. There can be a great many reasons for this: someone’s husband is on a business trip, someone had a quarrel with their significant other, but someone was simply unlucky and she has not yet met the one and only one. For us women, unlike many men, give spiritual intimacy along with physical pleasures, otherwise everything loses its meaning.

And how difficult it can sometimes be to control your body, to force it to calm down and stop tormenting you with your desires. What to do? Some will say that you can find a short-term hobby on the side in order to relieve stress and restore balance of spirit. But for many girls and women such advice is unacceptable; they are attracted by the morality instilled in us from childhood: either love and sex, or nothing. Well, or at least love, trust in your partner. What to do if this is not the case?

Don't be afraid of your desires

The first thing you need to do is to realize that your sexual desire is not a shameful whim, but a real need of the body. This is how we are designed: our reproductive function makes itself felt at times, and sometimes at the wrong time. Well, besides, no one has yet canceled the benefits of sex for women’s health! This includes rejuvenation of the body, absence of headaches, relief of premenstrual syndrome, and reduction in the likelihood of stroke. You can continue for a very, very long time.

Therefore, if you want sex, it means you are a normal, healthy woman with your own completely human needs. And to be afraid and ashamed of them means going against your nature. If you are one of those women who were born in a period when “there was no sex in the Soviet Union,” then you must understand that times have changed and no one looks at the needs of women with eyes wide open in surprise. So understand that your desires are neither promiscuity nor vulgarity, and begin to find a solution to how to help yourself to your loved one. The main thing is not to suffer and suffer, reproaching yourself for immodest desires, but to do something for yourself, not to stand still.

It is not at all necessary to rush headlong into the street in order to catch the first suitable man for carnal pleasures. To do so means to put your health at risk - both moral and physical. If you really want sex, but don’t dare to do frivolous things, then we will try to make a list of things that will help solve your problem just for you.

Option one: very fast

For starters, you can try self-satisfaction. According to statistics, most women have never experienced a vaginal orgasm in their lives, but they get just crazy release during a clitoral orgasm. Why don't you join these lucky women who regularly receive such pleasure? You are not going to advertise your activities - and many women like to do this secretly. And it doesn’t matter that there won’t be a man nearby who kindly and tenderly touches this intimate place - you can easily invent it yourself.

Just relax and try to reconstruct in your head the most unrealistic sexual fantasy that you have ever had. Or imagine the most ardent, most magnificent lover in the world. This could very well be someone you know, or a superstar from a popular television series. It doesn’t matter who it is, because no one will ever know about your secret thoughts, right? Therefore, feel free to settle down in a place convenient for you and start having fun. If you do this regularly, frequent headaches and aggressive moods that prevent you from living a peaceful life will disappear.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to do this with your fingers. If you belong to that category of women who, when self-satisfying, need the appearance of a partner’s presence, then try doing this in the bathroom or shower using a stream of water. You will be able to increase or decrease the pressure at will, being in the full feeling that it is not your fingers that are working miracles, but an attentive and gentle man.

Option two: requires some preparation

In this case, all preparation comes down to finally going to a sex shop and choosing a suitable “toy” for yourself. When meeting a man, we can never know for sure what shape and size his dignity is. Often, during the first sex, an awkward situation arises when our expectations are far from reality. This won't happen in a sex shop. The sex industry, aimed at creating various accessories for pleasure, works, as they say, “conscientiously”: one can only be amazed at the choice of dildos of all sizes, colors and textures.

Moreover, the dildo is far from the only item presented in any self-respecting sex shop. You can be amazed at the quantity and variety of goods for a long time, because sometimes at first glance you won’t understand why this or that thing is needed. But if they are on sale, it means that someone really needs such an item - it probably helps a huge number of women or men overcome their loneliness.

For many women, ordinary masturbation is not able to satisfy that brutal hunger when they really want sex. They need penetration inside - deep, real. What to do, this is the nature of the female body! And if for some reason things didn’t work out with men, then they should put aside false shame and go on an excursion to the nearest sex shop. There will probably be something there that will help you cope with desire and get through difficult times.

If you are too shy, then approach the consultant only when there are no other clients in the salon. You don't have to explain anything to the seller, or pretend that you went there by accident. Friendly consultants will show, explain, and even let you touch everything without any questions. The sellers themselves have long been accustomed to the specifics of their work and will never judge you for showing interest. No one will mistake you for a destitute loner who has “fallen to such disgrace.” After all, there are a lot of married couples who buy sex toys almost in bulk just to spice up their sex life. Who knows, maybe you are one of them?

If you simply cannot imagine a situation where you can talk with a stranger about such intimate things, then there is a way out for you: order a dildo or any other “toy” on the Internet. Thanks to numerous services on the Internet, this is easy and simple. Sitting at your computer in the evening, you can quite calmly see absolutely all the products that are available in the online store. And if necessary, even ask a question that interests you, to which they will definitely answer and advise, providing all the information you need. Such sites guarantee complete confidentiality, so no one will ever know what you received in a parcel in the mail (including the postmen themselves).

No matter how ridiculous it may seem to you to do “this” not with a man, but with a rubber device, but if you really want sex, then you should use this option. By the way, the era of rubber dildos is long gone; now they are made from materials that feel indistinguishable from the originals. By spitting on your natural modesty and shyness, you may well get real pleasure that you haven’t experienced for a long time.

Did you know that during orgasm, a woman’s body releases special substances that are responsible for her charm? This is a completely accurate, scientific fact that does not require proof. You will not only feel better, but you will finally put an end to the protracted depression that constantly torments you: there will be a sparkle in your eyes, a good mood - and who knows, maybe at this very moment the man of your dreams will pay attention to you?

Option three: long-term

The third option is to force you to take care of your personal life. Otherwise, you will get tired of satisfying yourself in all possible and impossible ways and you will simply take a vow of chastity. First, you will start chopping wood, like Celentano in the famous film, then work from morning to night - just to forget that you really want sex.

In fact, many people say that if you devote yourself entirely to some task, the passions in the body will subside and be forgotten over time. Some people fall into creativity, others into business. But this method can only help those who have a temporary respite in their relationship with a partner and just need to wait out a difficult time. But what about those who don’t have any bright spots and don’t see a man in the next hundred years? And they urgently need to learn how to build relationships with the opposite sex.

First of all, you need to tidy up your appearance. Until now, women were “met by their clothes,” and nothing has changed yet. Then he will appreciate and understand your gentle, subtle spiritual organization. At the first stage, you should interest him as an attractive person with whom he wants to spend time and who is not ashamed to introduce to friends.

If for some reason you do not have the ability to transform yourself, find a professional stylist, makeup artist, or hairdresser. Carefully study fashion magazines - there are a lot of tips for those who do not know how to choose a wardrobe and dress beautifully. Perhaps you are already accustomed to yourself the way you are, and you absolutely do not want to change anything about yourself. But try asking your very close and dear people who only want the best for you: is your appearance really attractive and isn’t it time to change something about your appearance? After all, often women, exhausted by home life and daily worries, simply stop paying attention to themselves. Moreover, if there is no one nearby for whom you want to be beautiful and sexy.

Of course, your transformation will require certain financial expenses, but if the question has arisen and you want intimacy with a normal man, then do not spare money on yourself, your beloved. Otherwise, the following situation may happen: you are an old and lonely, quite wealthy lady who has both money and time to spend it. But, unfortunately, time will be lost. So mobilize your finances and change your appearance for the better so that not a single man worth your attention passes by.

The second point in your search for the ideal man: sit at home less and be in public more often. Of course, you can find your soulmate on the Internet, but it’s painfully rare for such unions to be successful and lasting. Walk in parks, go to meetings with friends, visit restaurants - in a word, go wherever HE can meet. If you want to change your life for the better and stop constantly worrying about what to do with your moaning, sex-begging body, then don’t wait for the weather by the sea and start acting yourself.

Of course, you can say that your friends, who have wonderful husbands nearby, did nothing of this, and happiness itself came into their hands. But this is not always the case; sometimes you need to take the initiative. And who knows what your friends decided to do in order to pick up a suitable man - usually, such information is kept in deep secret.

If you spend a lot of time at work, and in your old company there are still the same familiar faces, most of whom have been happily married for a long time, do not hesitate to change your surroundings. Maybe not completely, but find a new circle of friends. It’s quite unpleasant to listen to your friends’ enthusiastic stories about their intimate lives when you yourself really want sex.

Thanks to new acquaintances, well-groomed appearance and the ability to communicate, you will finally meet a man who will not only solve your physiological problems when you really want sex, but will also become a true support and support. Isn’t this the happiness of a woman?

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