Biography of rapper Guf. Guf - albums and videos of the rapper, personal life with Katie Topuria and biography of Alexei Dolmatov. Son of Aiza Dolmatova

Aiza Dolmatova is a talented stylist, blogger and TV presenter. However, her popularity is largely due to her first marriage and the scandals that accompanied her divorce from rapper Guf. The whole truth about the shocking diva is in this story.

Aiza Dolmatova: biography of a beauty blogger

In 1984, Aiza Dolmatova-Anokhina (nee Vagapova) was born in Grozny into the family of an officer. The girl spent her childhood in Moscow. Here she received her secondary education: first she studied at a regular high school, and in 2000–2002. at health school No. 1941 in Moscow. She was involved in various clubs, was fond of many sports (including snowboarding), and disappeared into discos and youth parties.

Thanks to the persistence of her parents, Isa received a higher education. She studied at the prestigious Moscow State Linguistic University. In 2008, her resume included a note about obtaining a PR qualification.

Isa did not hide the fact that she had an influential father - an FSB general, but all her achievements were the result of her persistent efforts and efficiency.

Despite two diplomas, Isa’s first job was related to creativity. Even during her school years, she demonstrated good taste and created sketches of fashionable things. The girl realized her abilities by making designer jewelry. Today many people know her brand 2 Short.

Together with Victoria Gospodarik they opened a showroom. Today, Isa is less interested in this activity, although a relaunch of her website with her designer collection of clothing and jewelry is expected.

The second element in which a girl feels comfortable is social gatherings, shows, and the world of television. In this dimension she is brilliant and popular. Isa is a determined person by nature, cheerful and sociable, prone to adventure.

It was these character traits that caused difficulties in her personal life. In 2005, Aiza met with Alexei Dolmatov, better known as rapper Guf. At that time, he was a successful singer, lead singer of the Center group.

Guf and Isa started dating after a snowboarding tournament, where the girl gave instructions to Alexey, who had experienced several awkward and unpleasant falls. Impressed by the beauty and charm of this sweet girl, upon returning home Guf wrote the song Ice Baby, which he dedicated to Isa. From that moment their relationship began.

The short bouquet and candy period ended with a wedding. In 2010, a baby appeared in the family - Sami Dolmatov. The boy’s name was chosen with a secret meaning: in Chechen Sami means ‘close to God’.

The relationship between two creative people was not easy. The reason for this was not only Guf’s workload, but also his addiction to drugs. For the first seven months of marriage, Isa did not pay attention to changes in his behavior, until friends began to talk about the reasons for the absurdity of Alexei’s actions. A long and desperate struggle began. Isa lost it, despite her desire to cure her loved one.

In 2013, the couple separated. The girl admits that drugs are a disease that needs to be treated throughout her life. Today she feels resentment towards her ex-husband because of his infidelities, so she tries to limit the father’s communication with the child.

Many fans of the Center group blame Aiza for the collapse of the group, although the girl herself speaks warmly of the other two members - Slim and Ptah.

Isa tries to compensate for failures in her personal life with work. In 2013, “Nonformat Chart” starts with a new presenter, Aiza Dolmatova. In the same year, the girl made her film debut (the film “Gas Holder”); tries his hand as a voice actor for the cartoon “Olly and the Pirates’ Treasure”; demonstrated her singing talents by performing a duet with rapper Kravets. I even recorded a video for this creation.

There is also an extravagant moment in the work of Aiza Dolmatova - her page on the Internet, where she showed her talents as a model in the nude style. The flamboyant beauty does not hide the fact that she voluntarily posed nude, but nothing more.

October 2015 was significant for the young woman. The star married Dmitry Anokhin. They met in Bali. On her Instagram, Isa published a photo of her companion, but, intriguing her subscribers, she hid his face. However, fans figured out the chosen one. He turned out to be a non-public person - businessman and surfer Dmitry Anokhin.

Isa Anokhina is happy in her new relationship. The couple lives in Bali. In 2016, Isa interrupted her stay on the paradise islands to star in the TV show “Friday,” where she swapped places with a girl from the village. While she was enjoying the ocean, Aiza became a thrush in Orenburg.

In 2016, the star became a mother for the second time. She gave birth to a son, Elvis. From that moment on, Isa’s behavior became less shocking, but interest in her person did not fade away.

Aiza Dolmatova: parents

We will tell you separately about Aiza Dolmatova-Anokhina’s parents, since they play an important role in the girl’s life.

The Vagapov family moved to Moscow, where her father, an FSB general, served, but from time to time the girl and her mother visited Grozny. Here they were caught in the military actions of 1994. Isa recalls with horror the time when she and her mother had to hide in basements and look for food.

When they managed to get out of hell and return home, they were met by an almost gray-haired father. Within a few weeks, he turned gray from worry, because he was not sure that his family had survived the devastation of Grozny.

Aiza’s mother showed the best qualities in this situation. This is a collected and determined person. She organized people, entertained children, occupied them with study and creativity in order to distract them from war and death. Isa notes her mother’s strong will and steadfastness.

Father is a real officer. Always organized, purposeful and, when necessary, tough, General Vagapov raised his daughter in love and severity. Not all of her actions found and are supported by her parents.

In this regard, the situation with Sami after Aiza’s divorce from Alexei Dolmatov became indicative. The parents, to whom the girl temporarily entrusted the upbringing of her son, refused to give him to both his mother and his father. The motive is simple: none of them is capable of providing the child with normal living and development conditions.

For a certain period, Isa’s parents did not want to see her and believed that she was disgracing the family, since her husband accused her of indecent behavior. The girl herself named a different reason for their separation - Alexei’s countless connections with other women. However, Aiza also blames herself for the fact that her first marriage broke up, that she was unable to create a strong family, as required by Chechen traditions.

Over time, when Isa proved that she was a responsible mother, Sami was returned to her. Moreover, her parents bought her an apartment in one of the prestigious areas of Moscow. However, even now in her interviews the young woman regrets that she did not always please her parents and was not quiet and calm, as the rules and customs required.

Today Aiza Anokhina is a successful businesswoman, socialite, kind and responsible mother of two children.

Good luck in life and work, Isa!

“I like what I do, and I do what I can…” - words known to many Gufa fans, which perfectly characterize the activities of Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov (not Dalmatov, as some write), also known under the name Guf.

The current rap star was born, as he has mentioned more than once in his songs, in Moscow. This event happened in 1979. 23 September. Guf began to study in Moscow, but after moving with his parents to China, Alexey Dolmatov (Gufу) had to continue his studies there. As a result, it turned out that Alexey graduated from 2 universities: Chinese and Russian.

Guf began to get involved in rap from an early age. Guf wrote his first track (“Chinese Wall”) when he turned 19 years old. At the age of 21, Alexey Dolmatov appeared in the group “Rolex-X”, which he created together with his classmate Roman, known as Marlin. By the way, the name of the cereal consists of their names.

In 2002, Guf began creating his first album and, thanks to the song “Wedding,” he began collaborating with Slim. In 2004, Guf together with Princip founded the group “CENTR” (“Center”). Together they are writing an album called “Gift”, which really became a New Year’s gift to the closest people.

2006 was a fateful year for Alexey Dolmatov - his song “Gossip” was a huge success among ordinary people (a little later the group “Center” will perform this song at the corporate event of the newspaper “Life”, which will be attended by the celebrities mentioned in the song), the company Ren- Tv shot a video for the song “New Year’s” and, in addition, Guf recorded the future hit “My Game” with Basta. All these events made Guf famous. In April 2007, the album “City of Roads” was released, which brought Guf incredible popularity. And a little later, the album of the group “Center” “Swing” was released.

On August 6, 2008, Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov married Aiza Vagapova, who helped him get rid of drug addiction. A year later, Guf leaves the Center group, while fulfilling all obligations under the contract. Because of this event, the question “Why did the Center collapse?” began to torment many people, but no one gave a clear answer, although some assumptions can be made by listening to the diss (a track in which a rapper shows his disrespect for another rapper) by Guf “One Hundred Lines” and the response diss by Slima “Spice baby”. Although these will only be assumptions and a clear answer to “Why did the Center collapse?” we are unlikely to ever hear.

In 2010 Gufa had a son, who was named Sami. In the same year, Guf won the nomination for best artist of the year, this happened at the Russian Street Awards 2010.

An interesting fact from the life of Alexey Dolmatov:
In addition to rap, as it turns out, Guf is a football fan and supports the English football team Liverpool.

Name: Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov (pseonym Guf) Date of birth: September 23, 1979, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR

Alexey was born on September 23, 1979 in Moscow. Russian, Jewish and Tatar blood flows in his veins.

In the late 80s, Alexei Dolmatov’s family moved to China, where the boy graduated from high school and entered university. After several years of studying at a higher educational institution, the future artist decided to return to his homeland, where at first he lived with his grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna, to whom, by the way, he later dedicated several tracks, and she even personally took part in the recording of one of them.

The beginning of a creative journey

In Moscow, Alexey decided to get a second higher education, entered an economics university and began recording his first rap compositions.

Since 2000, the artist has been performing as part of the Rolexx group; by the way, this is the pseudonym Alexey will use until 2005. At that time, all his works were designated by the pseudonym Guf aka Rolexx.

Presumably, at that time the musician began to have serious problems with drugs, due to which his musical career moved forward with long interruptions. Later in his interviews, Guf hinted that he knew firsthand what drug withdrawal was. But by 2002, the musician pulled himself together and began working on a music album. In the same year, Guf recorded the song “Wedding” together with rapper, beatmaker and member of the Smoke Screen group Slim. This song marks the beginning of a long-term collaboration between the musicians.

Centr Group

The Centr group appeared in 2004 - Guf created it with his friend and colleague Nikolai Princip. The first album was called “Gifts” and consisted of only 13 discs, which the rappers gave to friends as a New Year's gift.

In 2006, the popularity of the Centr group began to really take off - the song “Gossip” was released, which received wide rotation on radio stations and broadcast on music channels. The time of duets and collaborations begins - joint tracks with Slim and Ptah, Rostov rapper Basta, the group Smokey Mo and others. Success comes to Alexey and he later begins performing under the pseudonym Guf.

Solo career

Guf’s debut solo album, “City of Roads,” was released back in 2007.

In August 2009, Guf left the Centr group and created his own label - ZM Nation.

From September to December, solo albums of all former members of the Centr group are released. Guf’s solo album “At Home” was released on December 1, 2009.

After the collapse of the Centr group, Guf continued to perform with Basta, they even released a joint album “Basta/Guf” in 2010.

In 2010, perhaps Guf’s most famous composition “Ice Baby” was released and instantly gained popularity. Like the rapper’s other songs, it carried a personal meaning: Guf jokingly called his then-wife Aiza “ice baby.” The musician, by the way, generally likes to give cute nicknames to close people: the rapper Sami nicknamed his son Gufik, and called his grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna, already mentioned above, Original Ba XX.

In 2014, the song “Winter” appears on the album of the group “Caspian Cargo” with guest verses by Guf and Slim. As reported, the track was mixed with the consent of both ex-members of the Centr group, but subsequently the artists no longer worked together.

Personal life

In 2008, the musician married his longtime girlfriend Aiza Vagapova. In 2010, the couple had a son, Sami. In 2013, the first rumors appeared about problems in the couple’s relationship, and in 2014 the young people divorced.

After this, Guf was credited with having affairs with other girls, in particular with Katie Topuria, the lead singer of A-Studio, but these relationships were never officially confirmed.

Aiza Dolmatova is currently a very popular blogger on Instagram; in 2017, the girl gave birth to a son, Elvis, from her new boyfriend.

It is also worth mentioning that the rapper’s name is often mentioned in connection with drug scandals. Many times the musician was accused of using drugs, and Guf, in turn, accused his wife Aiza of using drugs. It is also known that the artist spent his 36th birthday in the Krasnoyarsk pre-trial detention center, where he also ended up due to the use of illegal drugs.

Alexey Dolmatov spent his childhood in Zamoskvorechye, which he will often mention in his work. When the boy was three years old, his parents divorced. But soon the mother of the future rapper married for the second time, and his stepfather became a real father for the little rebel. Grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna was involved in raising her only grandson, to whom several tracks are also dedicated.

Eccentric major

Parents' frequent business trips and lack of control became the reason for Alexey's poor academic performance. Added to this were numerous truancies and drug use. At the age of 12, the Dolmatov family left for China, where the boy went to a specialized school. Having received a certificate, the characterful guy entered a prestigious university, where he studied foreign languages.

In 1995, grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna flew to China to visit her beloved grandson. The woman brought cassettes of popular hip-hop artists as gifts. Having listened to a ton of music, Alexey began writing his own songs, dreaming of a career as a musician. In parallel with his new hobby, Dolmatov started creating a business, but due to a trip to Moscow, his plans changed dramatically.

Having returned to Russia for several months, Alexey got into a party where he tried heroin. Soon the guy became heavily addicted to drugs.

Returning to China, the enterprising young man began selling illegal drugs in a student dormitory. But soon Dolmatov was suspected of drug trafficking and he had to flee the country.

In 1998, Alexey finally returned to Russia and decided to start life from scratch. Soon he entered the institute, choosing the Faculty of Economics. In Moscow, Dolmatov organized the group “Rolexx”, the name of which consists of two names: Roma and Lesha. To match his stage image, the aspiring rapper took the pseudonym Guf.

In 2000, Guf was arrested at the Kievsky railway station in Moscow, and an impressive amount of marijuana was seized. To ensure that his son was kept in good conditions, his father bought him an elite camera for $20,000. Five months later, the rapper was released under an amnesty. By this time, the Rolexx project had collapsed and Alexey once again began a new life.

Guf spoke in some detail about his drug addiction in an interview with Yuri Dud in the spring of 2017.

Third attempt - successful reboot

In 2004, Guf, together with his friend Nikolai Nikulin, better known as rapper Princip, created the project “CENTR”. Over the course of several months of fruitful work, the guys managed to record the demo record “Gift” and release 13 cassettes. At the same time, Guf recorded several tracks with longtime acquaintance Slim, including the compositions “Leader” and “Wedding,” which became hits.

In December 2004, Slim and Ptah joined the CENTR group. The updated lineup recorded the soundtrack to the comedy “Heat.” Despite the success and popularity of the project, Guf continued to work on his solo career. The rapper actively collaborated with Vasily Vakulenko (Basta) and rapper Smokey Mo. IN

In 2007, Guf released the album “City of Roads,” which received a positive review from the famous publication “Rolling Stone.”

In mid-2009, a split occurred in the CENTR group and an emotional Guf left the project, loudly slamming the doors. Alexey created his own label, which was called “ZM Nation”. By the end of 2009, Dolmatov recorded a new solo album, and received prestigious awards for it. According to the portal "" Guf won in such categories as: "Best Performer of the Year", "Best Record", and "Best Video".

Interesting notes:

In 2010, Dolmatov presented his joint album “Basta/Guf” with Vasily Vakulenko. In support of the new record, the rappers went on tour. Alexey’s next award was the title “Best Artist of the Year” according to Russian Street Awords. In 2011, Guf’s piggy bank was replenished with another prestigious prize - a Muz-TV statuette in the “Best Hip-Hop Project” category.

Falling popularity, a huge army of fans, and regular tours reminded Guf of his addiction to drugs.

In the period from 2012-2015, the rapper began to appear at parties less and less, and canceled all concerts and tours.

The reason for this was long-term treatment for drug addiction in one of the Israeli clinics. After completing a rehabilitation course, Alexey began writing a new album with the simple title “Everything.” Despite efforts, the record did not become popular. In 2017, Guf once again decided to start a new life.

The rapper made peace with his longtime friend and stage colleague Slim. Soon the guys presented the joint album “GuSli”, which was greeted warmly by fans and highly praised the work.

In 2018, Dolmatov established relations with Ptah, but soon the conflict escalated and the rappers met in the Versus Battle ring. Guf looked much more convincing then. The rapper won and even received an impressive fee for participating in Versus.

Also in 2018, it became known that rapper Guf was beaten and robbed instead of his own performance in the capital’s club.

The rapper has two broken ribs and a concussion. The artist filed a lawsuit against the attacker, but details of the development of the story were not reported.

Scandalous union

The first, and so far, only official wife of the odious rapper was the no less eccentric girl Aiza Vagapova. The young couple maintained friendly relations for a long time, which over time developed into a romance.

Bright personalities threw mud at each other, showering each other with reproaches and humiliations. Anyone registered on social networks could watch this. Scandals and diss songs regularly appear to this day. More details


Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov. Born on September 23, 1979 in Moscow. Russian rapper performing under the pseudonym Guf. Member of the group Centr.

Father - Sergei Mikhailovich Dolmatov.

Sister - Olga Dolmatova.

Alexey's father left the family when he was 3 years old. His mother remarried, Alexey considers his stepfather to be his own father, he raised him as his own son.

Parents often went on business trips abroad for work, in particular to China. In this regard, in childhood, Dolmatov was raised by his grandmother, Tamara Konstantinovna. She took care of him until he was 12 years old and essentially became his second mother. Alexey has repeatedly said that his grandmother (now deceased - died of cardiac arrest in the fall of 2013) was the closest person to him. He remembered her love and care for the rest of his life and even reflected it in his work. In particular, the rapper’s songs “Gossip” and “Original Ba” are dedicated to his grandmother. Moreover, Tamara Konstantinovna took part in the recording of several of his songs. She became known as Original Ba XX.

Although the grandmother tried to look after her grandson, she could not do without the influence of the street. Already at the age of seven, Alexey tried marijuana for the first time. And this later affected his entire life.

I've been interested in rap since the fourth grade. He was into MC Hammer back then.

At the age of 12, because the grandmother could no longer cope with her grandson, who often skipped school, his parents took him to China. There he entered a local school and studied Chinese along the way. Russian students who studied there acted as tutors.

Guf graduated well from school in China and there he entered the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Shenyang. At the same time, I was left alone in China - my parents returned to Moscow.

In China he began to compose his first songs. Perhaps he would have remained in the Middle Kingdom, but drugs again interfered with his plans. He himself said: “I had serious plans and goals: to stay in China, to do business... But drugs completely deprived me of this opportunity, paralyzing and subjugating me.” By the way, at that moment his work was inextricably linked with drugs. At the same time, at some point he became interested in hard drugs - he tried heroin. The addiction intensified and he began taking it intravenously. “We injected ourselves, and I passed out. I came to my senses and saw: a pale friend was sitting, saying: “I barely pumped you out, you were in a coma for two hours, look at you, you’re all blue.” And at this time in the next room, Suspecting nothing, my grandmother watched TV. I can’t imagine what would have happened to her if I had died then,” Alexey recalled.

In China, he contacted drug dealers who supplied him with cannabis for sale. Guf said that his hostel was never empty - clients always came for a dose. Over time, the university management began to take a closer look at Gufu. And when the police finally became interested in him, Gufu had to literally flee China in 1998, where he spent 7 years.

Returning to Russia, Guf entered the university at the Faculty of Economics.

Guf's father and sister - Sergei Dolmatov and Olga Dolmatova

In 2000, in Moscow, near the Kyiv train station, Alexey Dolmatov was detained by the police - they found a glass of grass on him. He spent 3 months in Butyrka in a common cell with 70 prisoners, after which he was transferred to a VIP cell with a game console and a TV. His father had to spend about 20 thousand dollars to free him. After spending 5 months in a pre-trial detention center, Guf was released under an amnesty.

In 2000, he took up hip-hop professionally as part of a group Rolexx, the name of which comes from the names of the project participants: Roma and Lyosha. It was after participating in the Rolexx group that Alexey became known as Guf. But he used the group's name as his main pseudonym until 2005. Alexey is listed as Guf aka Rolexx on the back of the packaging of the CD with the album “Turtle Races” by the group “Negative Impact”, released in 2005. In 2006, on subsequent albums, for which the rapper wrote guest verses or took part in skits, including “Floors” and “Basta 2”, Dolmatov was already designated as Guf.

Guf wrote his first track called “Chinese Wall” at the age of 19. It was first heard on Radio 2000. However, this was followed by a forced creative break due to drugs.

Guf - Chinese Wall

Since 2002, Guf has been working on his debut album. In the same year, his collaboration with Slim, who at that time was a member of the Smoke Screen group, began with the song “Wedding”.

Then in 2004, Guf, together with Nikolai Princip, created a group Center. They released their first demo album called "Gift". The circulation was only 13 copies, which were presented to the closest friends for the New Year.

In 2006, Ren-TV filmed a video for the popular composition “New Year’s” for the documentary “Drug Users” (Russian: Drug Users) from the series “Project Reflection”, in which Slim and Ptah participate. Guf records a duet with Rostov rapper Basta - a song called “My Game”. A video clip was also shot for the song “Traffic”, recorded with the participation of Smokey Mo and which was included in the second album of the Centr group called “Air is Normal”.

In April 2007, the album “City of Roads” was released. In addition, the artist begins active concert activities. On October 25, the album “Swing” by the group Centr, of which he is a member, is released.

In the fall of 2008, the Centr group, together with Basta, won the Hip-Hop category at the RMA awards of MTV Russia.

In 2009, he dubbed one of the characters in the American cartoon “9” - a one-eyed doll named “Fifth”. In the original, the hero was voiced by actor John C. Reilly.

In August 2009, Guf left the Centr group after a quarrel with Slim and Ptah.

Winner of the Russian Street Awards 2010 in the category Artist of the Year.

On November 10, 2010, Guf’s joint album with Basta, entitled “Basta/Guf,” was released. On July 21, 2011, a big concert of Basta and Guf took place at the Green Theater.

On September 9, 2011, the Federal Drug Control Service announced the detention of Guf. Guf's tests revealed traces of marijuana and he was released.

On November 1, 2012, Guf’s third solo album “Sam and...” was released, which was posted for free download on the Internet.

On October 24, 2013, Guf released a song and video clip called “Sad,” where he explains the reason for the collapse of the Centr group: “We had a very strong group, they didn’t mow down anyone. / It turned out that the whole of Russia was rocked. / But its existence suddenly ceased: I imagined myself as a soloist, became vain and mercantile.”

On March 4, 2014, the premiere of the song “Industry” took place, in which the rapper speaks on the topic of rap battles, including mentioning the organizer and host of Versus Battle.

In 2015, a new solo album “More” was released.

Guf - Bai

In 2016, he reconciles with Slim and Ptah, the Centr group releases the album “System”, after which it breaks up again.

In August 2016, the artist was sent back to Russia directly from the Odessa airport. Guf tried to perform in Odessa, despite the ban from the SBU. The rapper became persona non grata in Ukraine in March 2016 due to his performance in Crimea.

In 2017, Guf and Slim released the album GuSli and GuSli II.

On February 6, 2018, a rap battle took place between Guf and Ptah at the Versus Battle site. The judges included rapper Nigativ, DJ 108 (“Baltic Clan”) and Basta. Guf won.

In October 2018, rapper Guf was beaten in a Moscow nightclub. He wrote a statement to the police, but refused hospitalization. Guf performed at a birthday party at the Bunker-42 restaurant. The father of the birthday boy did not like that the program ended very quickly. Later it became known that in the Moscow club. The artist’s too short performance did not please the oligarch’s 13-year-old stepson. After the speech, the guards took Guf to the basement of the establishment, where they beat him.

Height of Guf (Alexey Dolmatov): 182 centimeters.

Personal life of Guf (Alexey Dolmatov):

First wife - (in her first marriage - Dolmatova, in her maiden name - Vagapova), designer, fashion designer, presenter. We got married on August 6, 2008.

In August 2013, Isa left the rapper, and in March 2014 they officially divorced. Isa stated that she wanted to deprive the singer of parental rights over their common son. However, she did not do this and Guf continues to see the boy.

Guf, who is older than Sami. Rapper Ptah (David Nuriev) spoke about this during a rap battle. Dolmatov confirmed the veracity of Ptah’s words, but did not go into details.

Immediately after breaking up with Aiza Anokhina, Guf began a short affair with party girl Alena Chelsea.

Then Guf flew to Thailand with his new girlfriend, model Lesya Fak. Soon joint selfies and declarations of love appeared on their Instagram. But the relationship quickly ended.

Then rapper Guf began an affair with Golden Girls stripper model Liliya Taradymenko.

In 2017, rumors appeared about the relationship between Guf and the singer, lead singer of the group A "Studio, who was then officially married to Lev Geykhman. At first they were spotted together on vacation in Thailand.

The couple constantly stirred up the public's interest by posting photos together. Later it became known about the divorce of Topuria and Geykhman.

Guf's discography:

2007 - “City of Roads”
2007 - “Swing” (as part of the Centr group)
2008 - “Ether is normal” (as part of the Centr group)
2009 - “At Home”
2010 - “Basta/Guf” (together with Basta)
2012 - “Myself and...”
2014 - “4:20” (with Rigos)
2015 - “More”
2016 - “System” (as part of the Centr group)
2017 - GuSli (together with Slim)
2017 - GuSli II (together with Slim)

Video clips of Guf:

2006 - “New Year’s”
2009 - “For Her”
2010 - “Ice Baby”
2010 - “100 lines”
2010 - “It was a long time ago”
2011 - “It Takes Place”
2011 - “200 lines”
2011 - “On the Floor”
2012 - “Today - tomorrow”
2012 - “Guf died” (student Basta)
2015 - “Mowgli”
2015 - “Bai”

Filmography of Guf:

2009 - “Hip-hop in Russia: from the 1st person”
2014 - “Gas holder”
2016 - “Russian Hip Hop Beef”
2016 - “CAO”
2017 - Egor Shilov

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